48.March to Casterso
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The soldiers march upon the road. Each step-in unison and complete harmony. The results have been outstanding. The only thing that could possibly improve upon the situation would be to train all commanders similarly. 

Uniformity. Without order chaos would reign supreme. 

I suddenly think of the parliamentary system of the past. The nation grew so divided that issues were never solved, advancements were not made. Arria became a backwater country, not the shining light that it should be. 

Glory be to Arria. 

Many philosophers have written these words and the meaning is simple. Arria is destined for greatness and anything that could hinder it on its path to glory should be removed. By any means necessary. 

I like the idea but I have to question if it is true. 

It was simply used as a phrase against the parliament, who was seen as the root cause of Arria’s downfall from the status as the greatest nation. We lagged behind Felworth in technology by large amount. 

Now it seems that the wheel is turning once more and we are in the same position. “This is a headache.” I lower my eyes while sighing. The sun may shine brightly up in the sky but my mood is the complete opposite. 

“Are you thinking about something?” 

“Yes, just reviewing the information from Cerva.” While cannons have been around for some time now they are mostly used on boats. Otherwise they are simply too heavy to move around to be useful. 

An important part of an army is the ability to move around. 

“The cannons... A most disturbing thought if I am honest. But it won’t matter, we will still win.” Victory is the least of my concerns. Even if I win I will have to handle the aftermath. I will have to figure out how to deal with the changing of times. New inventions, new weapons. 

“What was the Allonian’s last known position.” 

“They were north-east of Alle.” Luca answers my question. That is some old information. We will probably hear more recent news as we go farther east. Most likely they will head south as it will be hard to cross all the rivers without using bridges. 

While burning a bridge wouldn’t necessarily be a bad idea it might not be necessary. They haven’t tried to take any cities and thus it would be safe to assume they won’t be able to secure any safe passage over the river. 

Especially because they don’t know the geography well. 

“We will continue with our march to Casterso.” Upon reaching the city we will decide what to do next. Locating the Allonian army will be of top priority. Probably won’t be too hard since they have to live off of the land in order to survive. 

“I feel uneasy.” 

“Why is that?” 

“Perhaps it is because I have never left the palace... but it might be more than that. I have a bad feeling about this campaign. I feel as if it will end in disaster.” I can’t help but think that he is right in that assessment. I also am uneasy about this. 

While I have done war games before I haven’t ever been on a real battlefield before. I do not know how I will react to one when I am forced to experience it but I think I will do fine. I am the descendant of Lucifer. It is in my blood. 

“I guess you have always stayed there. Are you excited?” 

“Excited? For what? I could be spending time with lady Casttica, not marching with a bunch of soldiers.” I do not point out the fact that he is riding a horse and thus he isn’t doing all that much work in comparison. I do, however, understand his point about rather being elsewhere. 

My child may be born while I am away. In fact, I may never see my child. 

“Excited for when we return.” 

“I am also eager to go the Casterso...” I look at him. I didn’t know that he thought of his birth parents all that much.  Perhaps he wants to meet them or at least learn about them. I am sure that I could look throughout the royal guard archives for the answer. 

I should look into this upon returning. I will give him the option on what he wants to do. He has been there for me my entire life. Never asking for anything in return. There are so few people that a ruler can trust that isolation and loneliness are a way of life. 

“It is growing dark, shall we begin to pitch tents and rest for tomorrow?” Luca is not wrong. While I could continue going for a little bit longer I shouldn’t tire out the soldiers before meeting the enemy. 

I want them completely rested and well fed as a hungry soldier is a bad soldier. 

A/N: I can't wait for Michael and William to meet on the battlefield. It will be interesting how well the two do against each other. Who do you guys think will win?