Chapter 19: Wild Cat, Accepting a Lil’ Bro with Its Troops?
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Wild Cat, Accepting a Lil' Bro with Its Troops?


Wild Cat only comes for a short moment, but these guys have already bowed down toward him.

'Let me think how things end up like this...'

Firstly, when he was entered that mole-hole-like door in Black Rock, he unfathomable mystery thrown directly to the center of Black Rock hall.

Secondly, when he was trying to use his spirit energy to stabilize himself for a safe landing, he unfathomable mystery releases his Immortal aura with it.

Thirdly, when he impolitely landed between two cats battle and not only disturb them, but also pressed with his immortal aura, then again... For the unfathomable mystery, they started calling him [Immortal Cat] after landing gracefully.

Then there is another thing that makes him have a headache. Their leader, a Tiger-like cat saying something that made the entire hall, surprised like "I wanna be your".


Who could tell him, why did this happen in the first place?

'Besides... I am not that bored to be with a male cat, okay?! Even if he is a female, it is still a female cat. Ah... I forgot that I am not human anymore.'

He shook his head and murmured, "Even I am not human anymore... My essence is still human, how could I accept a cat female as... em, forget it!"

While the entire hall has thrown into confusion. The culprit who made these scenes was stuttering as she tried to say something again.

"I... I mean, I, I wanna be your... [Kouhai]!" said her, wriggled in shyness.


All her comrades were stunned.

'Is this still our General?' thought them.

"Hah... If it's Kouhai, then it might be okay...." he answers in a bewildered manner.

But he regretted it in another second after saying something so casually like that.

"Mnyaa~!" Tiger-like cat cheers brightly. "Yeay! I become... Immortal Cat's younger sister, hurray!" she joyfully jumped here and there.

He thought this tiger-like cat only want to be his subordinate. Who knows she really wanted to be his 'younger sister', right?

*sigh* Whatever. Let's put that aside. Besides, I need to know the general situation here, or else I take control of these troops of cat.

"Ehm! That aside, can anyone of you tell me... What happened here?" shout him.

Wild Cat looks around, observing them from left to right side. One by one, they began to lower their heads.

Their heart filled with shame when thinking back about their foolish actions are being seen by their Idol, Immortal Cat himself.

"Immortal Big Bro, um, Big Bro Immortal Cat..." on his side, tiger-like bashfully called.

As he looked at how her awkwardly calling him. Wild Cat could only say, "Hm? Just call me Big Bro Wild Cat, you needn't add Immortal here and there each time calling me."

Instead nodded herself, Tiger-like cat put up quite strong resistance as she shook and said in a revered manner.

"Even though, you acknowledge me as your [Kouhai], um... Your younger sister..." her last sentence voice nearly as low as mosquito tone, then firmly continued, "I couldn't call you without respect as you are our Venerable Idol, Immortal Cat that descends from Above Heaven. We could never act disrespect toward you."

'Ugh! Even if you said so... I am neither your Venerable Idol nor any Immortal Cat. I just a Wild Cat that accidentally fell in this hall when pass by to buy a soy sauce.' Thought him. But, deep in his heart, he is neither ashamed nor guilty for taking a role as their Venerable Idol.

Well, as someone who has been reborn for a few times already, his mentality was immune to the majority of shameless actions. Except, he is still a bit ashamed when looking at the naked skin of the woman he has an interest in.

However, he never liked being called Venerable nor Immortal when he was neither old nor true immortal. So, he unconsciously gave off his Immortal aura and said in a severe tone, "If you all thought so... Then, listen to my words. Just call me Big Bro Wild Cat or anything except Venerable or Immortal from now on."

Tiger-like cat wanted to refute, but feeling anger coming from his tone, she gulps down her words again.

Wild Cat squints his eyes while saying, "What is your answer?"

"Yes, Sir."

All audience answered at once.

'It sounds more comfortable to hear than Old Venerable or Old Immortal. How could they call me, a fresh youngster, same as Old Man? Also, I don't understand why Old Man always wanted to be called as Venerable here and there...'

He nodded in satisfaction.

"So, what are you trying to talk over with me?"

The tiger-like cat looked at her comrades' earnest pleading gaze, she knows their hope. Immortal—em, Big Bro Wild Cat was their only hope for the salvation of their entire race.

"I want—no, I mean... We want Big Bro Wild Cat to lead us under you. We would do whatever you told us to do..."

Wild Cat frowns his eyes when he heard it.

Sensing his chance, she continued in a pleading tone, "Please, Lead us! We would never disrespect nor doubt your every words and action. When you told us to go east we never look at the west side even a bit."

She bowed down in plead followed by all audiences in the hall.

It was quite a scene to see hundreds of cats bowed toward you. It's like looking at various colors of a furball, um... If you pile it up, it might so comfortable to dive in that soft and fluffy things.

When thinking till there, his eyes glittered.

To be liked by furball seems not a bad idea.

Wild Cat shook his head off those strange thoughts and answered, "It's okay for me. So long you heed your words. Also, help me do things when I need to, then I'll lead your kind for a better future... With my capacity, of course."

They with open wisdom and higher intelligence instantly stood and cried out. While the others immediately stand and cheer in a loud simultaneously after hearing their leadership cries.

Until now, even though they were led by highly intelligent leadership. Their life is still filled with hardship, of course, their safety is not much problem anymore as their strength raised bit by a bit each day dwelling in Black Rock Space.

However, that is all. After improving their way of life and researching in various departments to near developed in that human-like custom civilization. In the end, they were still an animal or intelligent beasts at most. Sooner or later, they will meet a tall wall or kick in an iron sheet by themselves before getting destroyed as a whole.

After that Tiger-like cat began to tell Wild Cat the problem that strike them to the point nearly make them without option but left Black Rock Space and evacuate to another region. Well, as much as he heard, this problem is much more troublesome than he thought.

Before this, he thought they were just a shortage of foods. But from the talk, they weren't able to survive with wild prey anymore as the place they hunt were polluted by the unknown factory that newly operated within these months. Even the source river was polluted so they need to go in spring deep behind Black Rock for drinking or using freshwater.

[Source River is polluted by unknown factory = Couldn't get fresh fish from the river = Couldn't open saltfish shop!]

He frowned. 'Isn't this more and more troublesome for me... Intersection within the seaside canal and downstream river. I am sure in the near future the fish in these areas also be polluted as well. This case began to irritate me!'

Then. As the only choice, they send over five hundred cats to evacuate in the southeast region of the city. Even though there is a bigger animal in the southern wild region, here is easier to find consumable foods. While Tiger-like cat led a little over a hundred cats to stay, she means it was to temper them in extreme shortage foods situation.

'Only... Her strategy is still immature and leads them astray as that ended up with debate arguments of powerhouse not leadership.'

"By the way, you have already talked so much, but you still hadn't told me your name. So... What is your name?"

Tiger-like cat reverts back to younger sister in shy behavior after hearing his questions.

"My, my name is Little Tiger..." said her in a very low voice.

He wanted to shout, "Little Tiger? Not Tigress?" but held back in last.

"So, it's Little Tiger." Nodding and continued, "Okay. I'll try to solve your problem, but you need to help me too. With these troops of cats."