As I cautiously and carefully sat down at the table
in the middle of a small circle, the three women seemed to stare at me with wide eyes
as I eyed the women with suspicion
the blonde was still sitting beside me but now she was now sitting cross-legged on her chair and watching me curiously
whilst holding the baby in her embrace
I looked at the table that was filled delicious looking dishes
there was roast meat, potatoes, onions, carrots, parsnips and celery
also fresh vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, radish and corn
with two pots on each side of the dining table
there was a jug filled with a reddish viscous liquid that looked quite old
there was a giant chicken like dish in the middle another plate filled to the brim with rings
my mouth began watering as I saw the food
it had been so long since the last time I had eaten real food
"Come on mister hungry man, take a bite," Isabella said sweetly to me and offered me some food in a wooden bowl
"Eat first, we will speak later, okay" Ester added softly
"Alright," I murmured
"Here here!" Isabella exclaimed handing me the cup that she had filled to the top with the reddish Liquid and a bowl filled with a sort of vegetable spot that was orange in colour
"Thank you," I responded gratefully
I took some of the vegetable soup and ate it in between bites
"Good right?"
I nodded my head yes
the soup was absolutely delicious
I mentally began to wolf it down as the woman also began eating in silence
the soup was sour and salt there was a bit of pepper but no spice could be found through the taste
it was unlike anything I had ever eaten in both my lives
in hindsight compared to the things I had eaten on earth it was rather bland but still delicious
I found myself enjoying the taste and the aroma of the food
as the meal went on I lost count of how many times I had consumed the soup and how many times I had chewed the vegetable in between gulps
but the real treat was the last I wanted to bite into those delicious ribs and roast meat that was the table the beautifully aromatic Lucy ribs,
I gingerly took one of the fried meat rib dripping in oil and held it in my hands savouring the smell along with the momentary flavour of spices that I hadn't had in years
"Mmm... Delicious " I murmured dreamily
and then without wasting a single moment I put in my mouth
as soon as it entered my mouth I experienced the long lost foodgasm
the juicy meat hit my tastebuds and made its way down my throat leaving me breathless
I began to chew it a few times as I let the food swirl in my mouth tasting it once again, then I chewed slowly savouring the meat and relishing every single taste that I had missed for so long...
suddenly a chant began to echo in my mind when
a dream-like image entered my vision
it was as if a movie was playing in front of me
I saw a life of a pig in a first-person, I saw a mother feeding her pig child, a farmer raising his pig as his own son, I saw children running around and playing together laughing happily and playing together with smiles of joy and innocence plastered on their faces
I saw a man with a beard-cutting some wood whilst he was tending to the fire.......
I saw the entire life of the pig I felt why it felt saw what it saw right until the money or was butchers by the very man that raised it
the sweet taste in my mouth turned foul, as felt as if I was eating my own flesh,
but it felt so good...
I felt sick
my stomach churned and a gagged out the piece of meat and began to cough
as I did so I vomited everything in my stomach onto the rug underneath my feet
I felt dizzy and nauseous and weak
my body felt weak and weak and fatigued and weary......
so tired...
so empty...
so lonely...
so sad.....
so lost......
so helpless.......
as I emptied my stomach I felt a gentle and warm hand on my back as whoever it was continuously patted me comforting
as I heaved more vomit from my mouth onto the rug beside me as the voice kept soothing me
until finally, my stomach emptied completely as I heaved and gasped as the feeling of relief washed over me
the tears streamed down my face in a stream as I rested against whoever had been patting me on the back
here drink this
I wooden jug filled with vicious reddish liquid was forced into my hands
without thinking I drank as my throat was burning like hell with intense thirst
and I gulped it all down like water.
as the liquid enters my throat the burn soothed and a cool liquid ran down from my throat and settled inside of my belly.
I swallowed
and gasped as I felt my body warm-up and the foul taste disappeared
as the cool liquid burned my mouth making it sting
but in reality, it felt so nice.
It tasted like rum and coke
but there was too much coke instead of rum
"Are you alright Mr. mountain?" Anabella asked me as I realised
I was leaning against Isabella
I nodded my head as I tried to get up but found my strength sapped from me
but then Isabella lifted me without an issuer and put on the chair
"Oh don't try and get up just rest," Ester spoke gently as I laid back down onto the chair
"Yes, do calm yourself, we have to talk," Isabella said quietly
I nodded and closed my eyes as I listened
"Excuse me, Mr.mountain, I was hoping you might help me satiated my curiosity about you but before that can you tell me what happened," Ester asked as she leaned in curiously
I nodded and paused before gathering my thoughts what should I tell her, even I didn't even understand what had happened
so I did the obvious thing I lied
"My monk vows," I said clearing my throat " I had long ago abstained from ever eating meat and just forgotten my vows from hunger"
as soon as the lie came out of my mouth it felt natural, real and true.
"Then how are you alive?" Isabella inquired her blue eyes staring deep into mine
I blinked a few times and shook my head
"what do you mean?"
Isabella looked at me with scrutiny
"How can you survive without eating meat how can you live?"
I smiled at her softly
"He is an eastern Monk Isabella I have met their kind before, they are zealous hypocrites who are, rich, pretentious and arrogant who try to convert anyone and anything through their preaching of righteousness"
Ester said angrily
okay that backfield one quickly I had no idea who this eastern monk where or what kind of religion they followed but from the tone of Ester I had a feeling it wasn't Buddhism
is it something else?
I thought to myself
but I quickly pushed those thoughts away as I raised my hands in an 'I surrender' motion
" I am not an easterner monk I am a Sith monk"
what the fuck I am sprouting ' A Sith ' this was no time for star wars analogy
but it was too late
"A Sith? " Ester asked her anger gone
I hurriedly nodded my head
"It seems we have gotten some things, wrong Monk, I do believe you are lost in a way that you can't be understood tell me Monk what is the name of the kingdom on who's soil you stand on?"
Licking my lips, I knew I had outed myself as not being a native. “I don’t know,” I said after a pause.
Ester frowned her eyebrows.
“As I had thought,” She said as she looked at me with a burning gaze of scrutiny
I felt my cheap burn get as I diverted my gaze away from her
" It is better for every one Monk if you tell us your entire tale and as a payment, we shall tell you ours, but before you agree I must warn you this is not a normal house it is the magical domain of Mary so in her house she can easily tell what you say is the truth or not, with this knowledge are you willing to tell us your true tale," Ester said with a cold voice that sent shivers down my spine
{ Your soul is too powerful for that reptile to read you, she will believe whatever you show to open your mind's eye and believe what you tell is the truth play the flash memories in your mind, she will read the emotions depicted through it} Silver spoke in my mind at that moment nearly startling me but I kept it off my face as u looked at Ester, Isabell and Anabella
I nervously gulped and took another sip of my jug, than spoke
"Yes," I said in a hoarse whisper
"Very well begin," she said as she placed her hand on her lap and leaned back
I nodded my head slightly, then cleared my throat a little
"My story starts approximately well I don't really know how long ago I have lost track of time, I don't even know how old I am, my tale began in the ancient Sith kingdom of Chu.......... "
I began to sprout my lies as I played a move that mixed the Three kingdom's tale with the star wars trilogy, I told her how I abandoned on the steps of a Sith monastery and how an old lady Granny Yu had taken care of me and raised me I told her the false story making my life that of a Shaolin Monk
it took me hours to weeb the web of lies that I made up in the spot I kept some important things true but disguised them I told her I was excommunicated from the monastery for trying to save the former king's only daughter's life whose baby was in the embrace of Anabella and the leader had killed granny Yu when she tried to protect me
I told her if the mines where I hid from the Grand Abbot and then I told her about my last day the best I could remember I neglected the story about Pollux, Old Bu and Erebus and the rest of the gang gang
I told her that I ran away deeper into the mines and fell down a hole and somehow landed in the Fae realm where j met that crazy woman who had three different monsters attack me
I told her the true story of what had happened after that when I was done there was a pregnant pause as no one spoke
there was only the crackling of the field in the quiet room
Ester, Isabell and Anabella simultaneously turned to the giant snake that had at some point during my speech come next to me
I flinched when I turned and found the black snake not 6 inches away from
then I saw the snake give deceive slow nod
"It seems you have told. the truth Monk though I must admit I find it quite hard to believe"
"Truth is stranger than fiction," I said rather too quickly
but to my surprise Ester gave a nod at that that
"his true"
then silence engulfed us once again which was broken by Anabella
"You are telling me I just breastfed a Princess," she said shocked
and disbelieving while looking at me with wide eyes
"But wait you are telling me you were born a princess?" Annabelle asked the baby who was playing with the blonde's breast
I felt myself rise again when I saw milk coming out of that beautiful breast
I hurriedly averted my eyes only to find the empty dockets of the cat staring right at me
I felt contempt and judgment from that eyeless gaze
I quickly looked away somehow feeling very guilty for what I had done
"Congratulations wife you are now a milk aid to royalty," Isabella said with pride
"Listen here you pain slut......" Anabella begin but was cut off by a large cough from Ester who glared at her then she turned to me
I was too busy feeling guilty to notice the awkward exchange of words between the three woman
why did I lie, shouldn't I have just told the truth, I didn't do anything wrong to be ashamed, why did I lie?
"Now, let's talk a bit more about our story" Ester spoke breaking my inner turmoil
she looked around and then looked at me directly in my eyes she took a deep breath the began
"Now we're to begin? As you can see Monk we are not normal"
understatement of the year
" to the outside world, I am just a herbalist with a minor talent for healing and Isabella and Anabella are my two daughters, but that is note truth even though we're a family but not by blood, you see monk we are a coven the coven if the purple wizard " she paused as she sought some recognition from my face when she found none she sighed then continued
"you see..."
"before you go on what is a given!" I asked in hopes of ascertaining whether a coven was the same thing as I understood or not
"a collection of individuals with similar interests or activities who bind themselves through soul magic in more ways than one it is a form of marriage, we call it an entanglement of fate or destiny"
I felt my heart beat faster than ever as I looked at all three women sitting across the table I opened my soul sight to see
they looked like stars and there was a thin link that was a piercing bright blue with flecks of orange swirling in the centre of it and they were also brilliant gold colours in the link
"you see mink our tale unlike yours began nearly a hundred years ago, much like you were trained by the monks of the monastery we were trained by our own mentors and teachers who through luck, chance or fate died untimely leaving us to fend for over ourselves, which led us to escape our former homes and make our way toward the capital city of our lustrous kingdom of Alba, and there by fate we met each other as we trying to survive and earn enough coin to join the mage society, there were five of us when we met, Edward, Isabella, Anabella, Margaret and myself"
she took a shuddering breath before she continued
"We learned the harsh reality of our world as humans, there was no place for children in the city, the city sapped at our coun like a greedy predator would eat up its prey
we also soon relied that witches were not looked upon favourably by the society as a whole we were considered devil spawns and a plague upon the human race because many beloved most of the witches were evil, many of them even were devils themselves, as we were seen as lesser beings than men because of our powers, they called us devils.
not to mention we were blamed by the populace for every single misfortune that fell upon them
and the mage society saw bus nothing more than pets who would salve for the mages just earn a moldy piece of black bread a day
and it was clear that we, we had to leave the city and move farther north, away from the people we encountered or we would weren't going to survive on our table we met Henry
Henry was a powerful warlock with a powerful elemental contract spirit he offered us a place by his side and to make a long story short we formed a coven with Henry as our leader, we learnt to harness our power and together we were able to grow and lead prosper lives as mercenary and then one day we were allowed to serve the Two high Queens of Fae, Henry without consulting us agreed and as the coven bond denied refusal we followed him
at first, everything was fine, we were nothing more than show poses to show around like art in the parties and gathering by whichever Queen was in power at the time but the Henry begin to change, he grew distant and cold and I noticed his dark aura slowly creeping up to him
he began forcing into things we wanted no part of it and he seemed to always bring us pain and fear, his mood changed drastically and his smile became cold
and once he formed his man core he killed Edward claiming us to be his harem and that There was no place for men in his coven
and that changed everything our coven bonds were broken and Henry and Margaret then fought, but he has become too powerful but as he suffered from backlash from breaking the coven binds He wasn't able to kill Her as she escaped
as did we but we were unable to leave them for 39 years, as we were under contract with the Queens which only ended a year ago
and now we run away from their domain as far as possible bringing to reach the port city of Varnis"
as she finished I felt shocked and confusion wash over me at the same time, I felt my chest tighten as my breath grew shallow,
this had been so unbelievable
don't me wrong their story had many loopholes such as what were they joining for the last 39 years and how had they survived and what was Varnis
as many questioned formed in my mind I debated where or not I should ask them