Sun and Rain
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I like the rain.
No matter the time of day,
Nor point in a year,
It comes and it falls, crystal clear.

Others feel sad, when it comes,
Yet I feel elated.
For many, it ends their fun,
But, for me, my enjoyment is sated.

There are people who feel alone,
Lost and shunned.
I feel at home,
In an embrace kinder than the sun's.

I don't like the sun,
It's hot, dehydrates and burns.
No one can get close.

It's solitary,
Too bright to look at for long.
It makes us all blind.

It makes me think of love,
To some extent:
A burning passion, where some cannot get enough,
Yet it uses up all energy until it's spent.

Then there's the kind that seeps into our bones,
Nourishing the seed within us.
Over time, it gets bigger and grows,
Becoming a blossoming tree full of flowers.

I like the rain,
I hate the sun.
Both can bring pain,
Both can bring fun.

I understand that both are needed.
I just prefer a cool touch,
Over a scorching burn.