Chapter 2: Level up!
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A rare skill on the first draw or the only draw, I guess. I wonder if I am really getting special treatment or am I that lucky? I got a summoner’s Skill right after deciding on that build. This must have been rigged in some way. Of course, I could be overthinking this and it could all be a coincidence, but considering how far my luck took me in my previous life, I can’t help but doubt it. If it is rigged, whoever did this must be powerful enough to read my mind and grant me the skill I asked for. I can’t help but shiver at the thought of such a powerful being watching over me. I really hope I am overthinking this, I don’t want to accidentally anger such a mighty creature and have them working against me in the future. I should probably start focusing on something else.

Summon Item. I wonder what are the limitations of this spell. Since it is an Ultimate spell it can not be that bad after all. It says I can summon any item in a certain range but this descriptions asks more questions than it answers. What is the exact range of the skill? Do I have to see the item to summon it? Can I summon an item that belongs to someone else? Does the size of the item matter? If I summon a container does its contents come with it? If I summon water out of a lake just how much can I summon?

F**k! Who is the idiot who wrote these damn descriptions? I hope not all the other skills are like this too. No matter, I just need to test all these things out for myself later on. Now to make create my status.

“[Set status]”


Name: Felix Casimir

Race: Human

Age: 23

Level: 0

Title: [Outerdewler] [Lost Sheep]

Karma: Neutral

Stamina: 0

Mana: 0

Sanity: 10 000

Agility: 0

Jobs: None

Active:[Ultimate Summon Item]

Passive skills: [Translate] [Calm mind(One day use 23:20:55)]

*You have 150 attribute skills to distribute to your choosing


Only 150 points to distribute, but don’t I have 10 000 points in my Sanity. Those 10,000 points must be the effects of the [Calm mind] skill. It must have been a one time use spell given to all Outerdwellers to help them assimilate into the new world. To stop them from freaking out upon coming into this world and not have them going crazy before they can accomplish anything. Which makes sense, a normal person would not have the rational to be dropped into a new world and get used to fighting and possibly killing monsters and other humans. I need to take full advantage of this and secure myself a weapon, food and shelter within 24 hours. Who knows how my mental state is going to be like after [Calm mind] runs out.

Time distribute these 150 points. I want my Mana to have the highest artitribute. After that I will focus on improving my Sanity and Stamina respectively. I don’t want my Sanity level to go down to 0 after the 24 hour period and as for agility, I am not too sure if I even want to invest any points into it at all. This was something that a either swordsman or rogue  build should invest in. A Mage should never be in a situation where they have to show off their nimble moves in the first place. With that I distribute 60% on Mana, 30% on Sanity, 10% on Stamina and 5 points on Agility, just in case zero in Agility meant that I can not bend my back.


[Level up! +10 ]



Name: Felix Casimir

Race: Human

Age: 23

Level: 1

Title: [Outerdewler] [Lost Sheep]

Karma: Neutral

Mana: 87

Sanity: 10 043

Stamina: 15

Agility: 5

Jobs: None

Active:[Ultimate Summon Item 3/3]

Passive skills: [Translate] [Calm mind(One day use 23:17:14)]

*** you have 10 skill attributes to distribute


I leveled up from distributing my points. Does that meanI level up by increasing my attribute points? Now I have more skill  attributes to distribute, but I think I will save these points for later, When I have a better understanding for my powers. Before then, I am going to test out my new skill. There was something I wanted to try ever since I got this skill.

“Summon Item,” I said pointing my hand at one of the cave walls. Inside my head I imagined extracting a double edged sword out of the cave wall. I imagined a full rock sword falling into my hands. I wanted to see if my skill was able to “summon” the sword out of the wall. 

It worked.

As soon as the spell was cast, a heavy rock in the shape of a sword dropped into my right hand. The sudden weight in my hand threw me off balance and onto the rocky floor. After getting my butt off the ground I started examining the rock sword, its was quite heavy and thus not a very practical weapon to use in combat. At least the experiment answered a lot of my questions. For one, I don’t have to see an item to summon it, the sword came from inside the cave walls. I can not only summon a certain part of an object, but also choose the shape the object takes. With this I don’t have to be so desperate to survive. Next, I want to test the range of this skill. Let's summon a branch from one of those trees in the distance.

“[Summon Item]”

It failed. 

It seemed like the range of the skill was less than 20 meters, the estimated distance between me and the tree. Sadly even failing to summon the item counts as using the skill so I only have one charge left for the hour. 

I should stop there for now, I don’t want to use up my skill and leave myself defenseless. I have to wait out the rest of the hour and head out into the forest to find a human settlement. 

Get ready world, a hero from another world was just summoned into you and he is not going to rest until he gets his harem. 

Felix Casimir has arrived.