Chapter 7: Intruder
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Lucky number seven! Lucky for who? That remains to be seen!

Edit: Caught one character saying 'what on earth' in my fantasy xianxia world more than a year after originally publishing this chapter. Died a little on the inside.

A furious roar rings through the sect.

“Release my brother you monsters!”

Ling cranes an eyebrow and rushes towards the sounds of battle. The ground rumbles causing walls to crumble and fall. Ling feels a flash pass her by and all of a sudden the noise ends. She speeds up and arrives in a matter of moments. A harsh presence presses down on the surroundings and Ling cannot help but feel the difference in power between her and the elder’s might. She can hardly imagine being the target of such pressure.

Several elders of the sect have already arrived. It is one of them suppressing the invader, one she knows well, Cai Chao. In addition to that Ling recognises the intruder immediately. Shen Qiu. The genius of the Steadfast Rock Sect. One of the few people her age able to not only keep up with Li Ling but stay one step ahead of her every single time. It is ironic then that Ling now stands here looking down on her. She meets Qiu’s gaze, the woman incapable of doing anything but glaring up at her with hate-filled eyes.

‘Just like that this war is over. We’ve won.’

Ling has to hold herself back from berating her rival. Does she not realize what she just did? Coming here alone and attacking the White Rose Sect. She’s just giving them the justification they need to cripple or even kill her. What would her clan do once they lost her as well? What did she even think she was going to accomplish? How was she this foolish? 

Unlike the White Rose Sect which has several clans in its upper echelons the Steadfast Rock is ruled solely by the girl's Shen Clan. With both of their patriarch’s children held captive the White Rose Sect wouldn’t even need to fight a single more battle. Every trade agreement, every conflict resolution, every dispute would go to them. It is impossible to win a negotiation after all when one side holds the lives of the other side’s future in their hands. 

Did he know this was going to happen when he convinced the Shen to give up their son, she wonders. It seems like just the kind of thing her father would do. Even at this very moment the elders pursue their own gain at the cost of a life.


For the briefest moment she sees herself in the woman’s place. ‘Powerless and beaten, about to lose her future due to scheming old men.’ 

One’s demise is another’s rise however and Ling does not intend to waste this opportunity. It is time to take the first step to oppose them here. She will throw their schemes back in their faces and use them as her stepping stones.

Her years of practice pay off and not a flicker of her thoughts show on her face as she calmly approaches. Only Shun knows what she is thinking.  The maidservant is well acquainted with her mistress’s tendencies and has already started to make arrangements in her mind. Ling can delude herself, she thinks, but Shun knows her far better than that.

“Return him you bastards!” Shen Qiu hisses through gritted teeth, the force suppressing her intensifying with every syllable she spits. 

“Impudent! You live solely at our mercy, hold your tongue or I shall cut it from your throat!”

“Now now, Elder Cai. There is hardly a need for such harsh language. Miss Shen is no longer a threat.”

“I concur, Elder Du. Yet we cannot simply let such an insult stand. The Shen clan shall have to apologize generously to make up for this slight.”

Ling can hardly stomach their theatrics. Elder Cai Chao has long butted heads with the Li clan over control of the sect. It is clear he is attempting to rile the girl up to gain an excuse to kill her. Shen Lei’s entrance to the sect is due to the Li’s actions after all. To let the sect gain another piece alive would only further their clan’s prestige and reduce the Cai’s influence. No, he would rather fan the flames of war to increase his status in battle.

Elder Du Kai’s position is clear as well. The man shies away from any and all conflict. If it were up to him Qiu would be dangled in front of the Shen for concessions for the rest of her life. Elder Lai Min’s interests are less clear. Having risen up to her position within the last century she is rarely seen outside of official duties. Perhaps she simply means to maintain the status quo so she can continue her cultivation. The Lai clan is small and had no members at the Core Formation realm or beyond until Lai Min rose through the ranks. She simply hopes the woman will attempt to ingratiate herself to the Li by assisting them. It does not sit well with Ling that she has little more than speculation on one of the three Grand Elders but it will have to suffice.

Elder Cai bristles as he replies. “A generous apology? You would trade away honor for material gains!”

“It is below us to spend so much time on this, cripple her cultivation and send her back then.”

“Insufficient, she has broken into our very sect grounds. Death is what such an act deserves!”

“You go too far, Elder Cai. Nonetheless I agree mere recompense or personal punishment is not enough. Her clan must be made to feel their failure. It is my belief that long term imprisonment paid for by the Shen would be appropriate.”

“We appear to be at an impasse. As this matter concerns the younger generation, shall we hear what one of our own would do?”

Elder Lai gestures towards Li Ling as she approaches.

“Senior Disciple Ling greets Venerable Elders. Many thanks for permitting this lowly one to speak, Elder Lai.”

“Hmph, what would a brat know?”

Ling ignores the elder as she steps towards Shen Qiu. The woman raises her head and bares her teeth at her approach. Ling can not help but feel a tingle of delight as she sees her rival helpless before her. She coldly looks down at her, pretending to consider her words while studying her. Ling's eyes rove all over Qiu’s body, her observations anything but professional. The frizzy red hair pressing down against her head due to the pressure. Her green eyes glaring hatefully at the decider of her fate. Her freckled cheeks twisted into a snarl. The toned muscles bulging beneath her lightly tanned skin as she attempts to push herself up with no success from where she is being forced to kneel. Sadistic glee floods through Ling as she stares her straight in the eyes.

“The Steadfast Rock Sect has disrespected us for too long. For their heiress to show such blatant disregard for our power is a clear sign of this.”

She turns around and looks at each elder in turn.

“This one proposes the Shen pays off her sect's sins as my indentured servant. Let their sect feel the shame of having their brightest talent be reduced to serving at my beck and call. Let them watch her pride break to the point she would not even dare think of striking at us ever again.”

Ling looks Grand Elder Cai in the eye as she concludes her argument. Her bait is obvious but Ling has little choice. She has no doubt that she cannot not hope to match the old misers when it comes to complicated schemes. Certainly, he should know exactly what she is trying to do but Ling doubts the elder will back down. With the Elder’s influence and the Shen heiress’ temper there is little doubt he will be able to instigate her to attempt to kill Ling. Should she succeed the Li would have no choice but to engage in open warfare. To refuse her would be to say he believed Li Ling, a mere fourth daughter, competent enough to prevent such a thing. That her audacity is not mere arrogance but backed in truth.

Cai Chao glares at her through slanted eyes, throwing out a single remark before vanishing. “Peh. There are easier ways to seek death, whelp. This is a waste of my time.”

Elder Lai fixes her with a warm smile. 

“Take care, Lady Li. Mercy is a virtue but you must ensure it does not come back to harm you.”

Her part said both remaining elders vanish as well. With Shun leaving to make preparations Ling and Qiu are left alone. Only a single word pierces the chill atmosphere.



They walk through the sect in pure silence. Ling feels Qiu’s glare on the back of her head the entire way back. Her annoyance is nearing its peak by the time they enter Ling’s room. Her eyebrow twitches and she sighs in frustration once they’re wholly within the privacy formation.

“Listen, I don’t know why you saved me but don’t think I'm gonna let whatever twisted plans you have work out.”

Ling whirls around and glares at her with undisguised fury.

“You still don’t get the position you’re in? You’re within our sect now. You serve me and you better serve well. Do you understand how easy it would be for me to make your dear brother’s life a living hell?”

“You bitc-” 

She does not get to finish her sentence before Ling slaps her in the face with full force. 

‘Ow! By the ancestors, what is her face made of?’

Crossing her arms in front of her she lets hers leeves obscure her hands while she cradles the one she used to hit her. Her face turns cold even colder when she looks down on Qiu impassively.

“You would do well to show some respect. Given the mess you’ve gotten yourself into you clearly lack discipline. I will correct that. Understand that your glory days are over. You are no longer the heiress of the Steadfast Rock Sect. You are no longer free. If you truly care for your brother you will obey no matter what I order you, even if I were to turn you into little more than a pet.”

“I understand.” She hisses out through gritted teeth.

“Good, now undress.”

“Excuse me.”

“A pet does not wear clothes.”

“You dare!” 

Ling circles around her as she continues.

“Do you recall how I was accompanied by a maid when we met? You might notice she is no longer here. Consider this your last warning. Disobey me again and your brother will pay the price.”

Lowering her head in shame Shen Qiu starts to take off her outfit one piece at a time. Ling smirks as she notices a dressage whip on the desk that wasn’t there before.

‘My dear Shun, I love you so much.’


“I’m sorry.”

Ling whips her freckled rear full force.

“You will address me as mistress or Lady Li. Now try again.”

“I’m sorry… mistress.”

“A start. You will work on your manners from now on.”

“Yes, mistress.”

“Good. Now, tell me what you are apologizing for.”



I’m sorry for disrespecting you.”


“I.. I’m sorry for disrespecting you, mistress.”

“What else?”

Qiu looks up in confusion. Ling shakes her head in disbelief.

“You cannot be serious.”

“I don’t understand.”


“I don’t understand, mistress.”

Ling can not resist her sadistic impulses any longer. She continues circling the woman as she lectures her, each statement punctuated with a lash until Qiu is covered in red marks from her shoulders to her knees.

Unbelieveable. The audacity! You just march in here, attack our disciples and destroy our property yet you claim you do. not. understand. what you need to apologize for? Outrageous. Did you even consider the consequences? What in the hells were you thinking! Do you understand the trouble you brought me? As your master I will need to pay for every. single. thing. you broke. I will need to provide compensation for every. single. injury. you caused. Do you understand how much influence I sacrificed to get you out unharmed? How much your clan spent to get you this far? The sheer amount of resources wasted!”

She looks the Shen dead in the eye. “Did you even consider that if we had you, we might no longer need your brother alive?”

Qiu’s eyes widen. 

“I- I…”

“Of course you didn’t. Your foolishness almost got a member of your family killed and may yet kill more. Do you understand what a powerful advantage you’ve given us? Do you think your father can properly negotiate even a single thing when we hold both of your lives within our hands?”

Tears form in the corners of Qiu's once defiant eyes as she shivers.

“I will punish you now, you will apologize with every swing. To me, to the sect, to your clan and to everyone else you’ve caused harm. Do you understand?”

“Y- yes mistress…”


“I’m sorry for causing you trouble, mistress.”


“I’m sorry for the damage I caused to your sect, mistress.”


“I’m sorry for endangering you, little Lei.”


“I’m sorry for failing to meet your expectations, Honourable Father.”


“I’m sorry for everything, I'm so sorry.”

She starts to sob as she sinks to her knees. Ling feels her insides tighten and liquid seep down her thigh. She wants to ravage her further. To break her until she begs for more but for now, she restrains herself.

Instead she kneels down in front of her and cups her cheek with a warm smile.

“Don’t cry, sweet Qiu. I know you had good intentions. We all make mistakes. What matters is how we deal with them. We can still salvage this situation. So long as you cooperate I will do everything within my power to ensure your brother's safety. Do you understand?”

“Yes, mistress.”

Ling pulls Qiu into a hug and holds her tightly as the ex-heiress lets out her tears. She gently rubs her back and whispers sweet words into her ear. A cruel smile spreads across her face as she suppresses her laughter.

‘Oh, this is going to be so much fun.’

Story until now: Ling is the foremost genius of her age, this is clearly a fact
Chapter 7: Here's someone better.