Side Chapter: Bathhouse Shenanigans
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Hello hello, another side chapter has arrived. This one is the continuation of the Fragrant Pond side chapter, Lilies and Dragons' first side chapter! I hope you enjoy it!


“Please take a seat, Lady Suwan.” 

Following Ai’s instructions Suwan smugly saunters over to a wooden stool, this one without a slit in the middle unlike the one Yating had brought her before. She turns around to let the white haired courtesan see her smug smile at the reminder of what happened back then and this time too, licking her lips and wiggling her eyebrows to spur her on further. Yating, Ai and WeiWei all make their way over to her carrying scented oils and a basin filled with perfumed water, a single cherry blossom floating atop the surface for decoration.

With a clack the basin is put down and a washcloth hung over the side, a cloth that shall remain there until the basin is emptied as WeiWei opts to disregard it entirely and use her hands instead. Suwan raises an eyebrow when the mousy girl opts to cover her in the oils first and the other two follow suit.

“Aren’t those supposed to be applied after the bath?”

“Shhh Suwan, you’re not supposed to point that out until after we’re done. Otherwise we only get to do this once, ya?” WeiWei titters and winks. With a snort Suwan acquiesces and extends her arm. The little minx leans in close to her ear even as she brings the hand to her legs.

“I’ve got a much better place to wash your fingers in than a bath.”

“WeiWei!” Ai gasps and casts a glance at Suwan to see whether she’s offended. The blonde simply licks her lips before she replies. “I think my tongue needs to be washed too.” 

Ai stiffens as both WeiWei and Suwan begin to giggle and she hurriedly apologizes with a bow. “No need to be sorry. Has the little temptress been giving you trouble?” Suwan asks while giving WeiWei a wry look. The mousy girl turning her head to the side and innocently whistling is all the proof she needs. Any further thought of joining in on the chastisement is forgotten when she can feel Yating’s fingers slide across her scalp. The soft moan she lets out when the white haired woman’s talented fingers work their way through her hair is like a signal making the other two begin to wash her with the scented oils as well, each one taking an arm and running their fingers over her skin.

“If it pleases thou might this one wash thine leg?” Ai demurely asks while getting down on one knee by her side. Catching on to her intent Suwan nods and stands up, putting one of her feet on the woman’s thigh to allow her easier reach. She hears WeiWei snicker when Yating immediately mimics Ai’s pose on her other side as if to call dibs. Her tiny laughs take a more mischievous tone when she raises Suwan’s arms and begins to oil her sides. “Are you ticklish, Suwan?” “Nope.” “Aww, can I test it?” “Go for it.”

Her fingers crawl up Suwan’s sides until they reach her armpits. Pressing her modest chest against the blonde’s back she stands on the tips of her toes to hold her head just below the cultivator’s ear while she tickles her. Seeing no reaction she pouts and begins to stroke up and down within the small hollow. “Ah, ah, ah, Suwan, ah, ah.” She moans in sync with her strokes as if she were touching herself. She speeds up both her motions and pants until she feigns spasms and pretends to collapse against the taller woman. Keeping up her act she sinks lower and hugs her waist as if her legs couldn’t hold her weight anymore.

“Oh wow, Suwan!” WeiWei remarks with widening eyes as her hands pass over her belly. Moving her foot off Yating’s leg now that it too is rinsed Suwan strikes a pose flexing her abs under the admiring eyes of all three courtesans present. Curling her finger in a ‘come hither’ motion the blonde beckons them to approach and continue, a demand that faces no resistance whatsoever. Ai and WeiWei approach from the front tracing the contours of her muscles with reverence. They courteously ignore the liquid running down her inner thighs due to their admiration and continued ministrations. Yating circles around and approaches Suwan from behind, reaching around to feel her abs as well causing her significant bosom to press against Suwan’s back, clearly competing with WeiWei’s earlier maneuver.

Tai takes things one step further moving her breasts up and down to rub oil all over it while planting kisses across the back of her neck whenever she rises high enough to do so. The white haired maiden’s hands loop around and cup Suwan’s melons from behind. She latters the side and takes great care to wash below them before her hands hone in on their prize and she uses her thumb to carefully cover her nipples. Suwan extends her leg and lets Ai pour water over it to rinse her off so they can finally get to the bath itself, her lips curling into a smile when she feels Yating hesitate for a moment and then pretend she hadn’t noticed and instead continue to massage the hardening nubs. The courtesan’s lips latch on to her neck at the same time eliciting a surprised moan from the blonde. Before long however Yating’s fun comes to an end and they head into the pond itself.

Stone benches are carved into the sides allowing for a leisurely soak, one made much better by the present company Suwan thinks as she wraps her arm around Ai. She embraces the woman, the pink jade hair ornament at the end of her lustrous locks floating across the water surface when she’s pulled in, and kisses her deeply. Using her spiritual sense she looks at Yating. The woman has taken a seat on the opposite side of their private pond appearing ashamed of her lapse in professionalism. Suwan can slowly see her getting more and more jealous the harder Ai moans into her mouth, their kiss continuing until the courtesan sees stars and pulls back with a dazed expression. Suwan places a kiss on her forehead before turning to look at the last member of their entourage. A giant peach. Or at least that is what she looks like right now. Happily swimming around beneath the water surface and nibbling on anyone she comes across WeiWei’s rear sticks above the water like a shark’s fin.

Yating lets out a high pitched yelp when the vixen’s mouth finds her leg and latches on before darting back away to the other side of the pool. Extending her arm before the woman can fully flee Yating loudly smacks WeiWei’s floating butt before looking wide-eyed at Suwan having forgotten for a moment she’s here. Just to be sure the blonde extends her spiritual sense over WeiWei and finds her entirely unharmed. Even through her loss of control Tai managed to reign in her cultivation enhanced strength. Suwan smirks, perhaps a reward is in order for that.

“Wan Wan, Tai Tai is bullying me.” WeiWei mewls while crawling onto Suwan’s lap with a fake pout.  “Don’t worry little minx.” The blonde replies while wrapping her arms tightly around her slim body. “I’ll help make sure she punishes you correctly instead.”

All WeiWei’s struggles achieve is rubbing her own crotch against Suwan’s leg. She stops after a moment and looks at her with a nervous smile. “Please forgive me, Lady Suwan.”

“You have my forgiveness.”

“Thank you, Lady Suw-”

“But not my mercy!” Suwan adds with a shout and makes her squirm by tickling her sides. The mousy girl’s laughter takes on a more anxious tone when she can hear something sloshing through the water behind her and drawing ever closer. A finger is placed at the base of her neck and traces her spine all the way down to her rear where it halts. The slight increase in pressure lets her feel Yating leaning in until she’s close enough to blow into her ear. She shivers and gulps. Suwan adjusts her position so WeiWei has one leg on either side of the blonde’s own and then spreads her legs leaving both of their privates within easy reach below the water surface. With one arm around WeiWei’s waist holding her close she puts her other hand on the back of her head and pulls her slim face into her sizable chest.

 “It seems like the roles are reversed. Do you reckon Yating’ll do what you did to her?” Suwan asks while wiggling her eyebrows. “No need to wonder, I suppose, you’re about to find out.”

“Eep!” WeiWei yelps. Her lip trembles and she aims puppy dog eyes at Suwan. The blonde snorts and spreads her legs a bit wider. Yating’s fingers piston in and out of the girl’s petite pussy. “Ah, Tai Tai, ah, not so hard.” The girl moans out. Deciding to take mercy on her Suwan wiggles her eyebrows at Yating. “It wouldn’t be fair for a collaborator to be left out now would it?”

The floral scent billowing from Yating intensifies. Pulling her fingers out from her fellow courtesan she brings her hand lowers and circles around Suwan’s vagina. Her lips dive for the blonde’s own at the same time as she rams her fingers home, trapping an increasingly insensible WeiWei between them. Savoring the invading tongue Suwan can make out the taste of cherry through the increasingly dense floral fragrance ravaging her senses. She moans into the beauty’s mouth and lets go of WeiWei to dig her fingers into the courtesan’s divine rear. Hearing Yating moan back as she does she unrepentantly paws the soft flesh further.

Her muscles contract around the teasing digits and her head rears back. She lets out a long hoarse moan as she cums and digs her fingers deeper into Yating’s rear. By the time she comes back to her senses Yating’s already followed her and pressed their lips together once more, her tongue ravishing the blonde’s mouth without rhyme or reason.

‘Ah hells,’ Suwan thinks and immediately purges Yating’s qi from her system before clamping down on the courtesan with her spiritual pressure and sending her spiritual sense through everyone in the pond. Grabbing her by the shoulder and pulling her off she pulls WeiWei out from between them, the mousy girl hanging limply in her grasp with a dopey smile on her face and completely out for the count. “WeiWei, focus on me, look here.” She says while lightly slapping her face to draw her attention. “Good, this’ll be intense. Sorry in advance.” 

Taking a deep breath she gently grabs her cheek and takes her in a kiss. She exhales into her mouth and sends her qi deep into WeiWei’s system to find Yating’s and burn it out. The mousy girl’s eyes roll back into her head and her nails dig into Suwan’s back at the raw pleasure coursing through her. The tingling feeling cascades through every inch of her being like a river flooding. Lost in the feeling her shaking slowly subsides and her cheek drops on to the blonde’s chest, soft snores resounding shortly after.

Grabbing Yating’s chin Suwan pulls her in and repeats the maneuver to purge her of the overwhelming amount of qi. The courtesan’s eyes widen in horror and she gasps into her hands looking down at WeiWei. “She’ll be fine, Tai. Just going to be woozy for a few days, take her to her room and put her to bed will you?”

“Of course, Lady Suwan. This lowly one offers a thousand thanks for Venerable’s aid.” Even as she apologizes she takes the mousy girl in her arms and scuttles away with her head low.

“Haah…” Suwan sighs and lets herself sink deeper into the water. ‘That was far too close.’ Lost to her lust as she was she nearly failed to realize the danger it presented to the others present. Cultivators are far stronger than mortals and with Yating’s qi affecting even her, albeit only because she lowered her guard, she can only imagine what it’d do to a mortal pressed between them. Misinterpreting her sigh as a sign of displeasure Ai bows in apology, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

“This lowly one is sorry for the trouble, Lady Suwan. I understand Venerable prefers Lady Yating however this one shall endeavor to perform to your satisfaction in her stead.”

“You don’t need to perform in anyone’s stead. You’re more than lovely on your own merits, Ai.”

“My thanks for the compliment, Lady Suwan.” Ai replies with a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, clearly taking it as empty praise. ‘Now that won’t do,’ Suwan thinks and pulls the courtesan onto her lap.

“Aww, don’t pout. I’m sorry for getting your ornament wet.” She says and fishes the pink jade pearl tying Ai’s hair together near the end out of the water.

“Please do not be concerned, milady. It will not cause any damage.”

“You’ve had it for long?” Suwan asks while inspecting the bauble with a frown.

“It is an heirloom, Lady Suwan.”

“Just Suwan will do,” She waves her off and hands it back with a smile, while certainly not a particularly impressive one the jade pearl is without a doubt an artifact. “It’s almost as beautiful as you are.”

“My thanks, Suwan.” Ai kindly replies while leaning her head against the nape of Suwan’s neck. ‘Still not taking me seriously, huh.’ Suwan suppresses a sigh. ‘Guess I'll have to show you.’ Lifting her up in a princess carry Suwan steps out of the bath and casts her spiritual sense wide. ‘Ah, now that’s perfect’

“S- Suwan?”

“You seem to be doubting my words, Ai.”

“A thou-”

“Shh, shh, I'm gonna prove them.” She adds with a wink. “There’s a public bath here too, right? If my words aren’t enough, I'll show you through my actions.”


So, minor announcement today. Due to health issues popping up I had to take a break, sadly it seems like said health issues don't have much signs of improving in the short term so I'll be unable to keep my schedule going for a while. For now i'll be aiming at publishing one chapter a week instead of two although I can't promise i'll succeed every time. Likewise my Patreon will be on hiatus so there's no point joining now (payments are cancelled too). I apologize for the inconvenience and hope to get back to my former schedule as soon as possible. I'm sorry to say however that such a thing is likely several months away. Regardlessly, i'll see you next week with another chapter!