In Which The Author Sincerely Apologizes For The Delay, And Gives You Valentines
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Dear Readers,


I am so sorry that there hasn't been an update here for so long.I recently made a post on my profile, but wanted to make sure you all know where we are.

As you may know, I've been writing two stories concurrently, this one and "A Drink Before The War". That was going fine for a while, but as luck would have it both stories have come upon their most important parts at the same time, and it's been getting difficult to juggle them. I've been really worried about getting negligent and messing things up for either story.

Although Salvage is my primary project, ADBTW is very rapidly nearing its conclusion with only a few more chapters to go, and I feel that if I can get that one wrapped up (probably within the next week or so) then it will be off my plate and I'll be able to give my full attention to Salvage.

I want to assure you that Salvage is not going anywhere. It will never be dropped. It's far too important to me. I'm not stuck on the story (I have it outlined to death, I know exactly how it's going to play out from here). It is also heading into its final stretch, and I just want to be able to give it the attention it deserves and make sure it gets my best work. I'm hoping to have Salvage finished by the end of June. IDK if that will happen, but that's the current goal.

So that's where we are. Updates should resume within a few weeks, after I finish ADBTW and then write some Salvage to post.

Thank you all so much for reading, and I hope you'll stick around for the conclusion.


I also wish you all lots of love for Valentine's Day. A Scribbler on our lovely forum here recently introduced us to CHARAT, a fun little character maker, and I made some cute chibis for your enjoyment.

Here are Kazia and Kelvaran (with inaccurate hair colors, but wygd)

Chibi Kazia and Kel


Here are Tamyn and Abrizhen (again, not sure about the hair, but still cute)

Chibi Tam and Zhen


Bonus Kazia with her implements. She loves her implements. Just look at how happy she is!

Chibi Kazia