V1Ch27: Let’s Not Mention It
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Chapter Twenty~seven

Let's Not Mention It




Although the year had progressed well into Autumn, the weather was still quite warm in Caedra.

Amelys and Brandra sat under the pergola sipping tea while Kazia sat on a stone bench, watching Neiphi attempt energy work.

She intended to use Kazia's hay bales as targets, but couldn't even muster much more than a spark as of yet.

The garden gate swung open, and Kelvaran strode across the lawn. His steps slowed as he saw Kazia, and she tensed.

It had been a month since the incident in the library and she'd had no contact with him other than in passing. Feeling a healthy amount of embarrassment and contrition flowing from him, though, she relaxed.

“Mistress Amelys summoned me,” he said somewhat defensively, making a half-turn. “I can return later.”

“Kelvaran!” Amelys called from the pergola as she beckoned with her hand. “Come!”

He took a step forward, but stopped and turned back to Kazia.

“I owe you an apology,” he said to the ground.

“No need,” Kazia replied shortly. “Let's not mention it.”

She had plenty of her own embarrassment from that day.

Kelvaran nodded, then glanced at Neiphi, who stood between the hay bales balanced on one foot, the other cocked up and resting against her knee, holding both hands up before her face and snapping her fingers repeatedly.

“What are you doing?” Kelvaran asked her, perplexed.

Trying to call ethereal energy,” Neiphi said.

“Master Ilianus has been training her in Contemplation,” Kazia explained. “She's a bit eager.”

“That explains the pose,” Kelvaran replied. “But isn't she your apprentice?”

Kazia shrugged.

“I can only teach her fundamentals and the workings of Artifacts. I'd rather she had better teachers for other subjects, or else I'll waste her talents.”

He responded with a sound of agreement and a nod.

“Both of you come sit with us,” Amelys called again.

Kazia and Kelvaran both cast skeptical glances at one another, and Kazia rose obediently.

Under the pergola, Brandra poured tea for both of them as they took seats at the table.

“Mistress Therina Jennade has passed away,” Amelys said.

“My condolences, Mistress,” Kelvaran said.

Kazia tilted her head in question. She didn't recognize the name.

“Mistress Jennade was Caedran, but worked for the Thalesian crown for about thirty years before retiring to the countryside a decade ago,” Amelys explained. “Her passing was not unexpected. She's been ill for some time.”

“Were you well acquainted, Mistress?” Kazia asked.

“She was a dear friend, yes,” Amelys replied.

“I'm so sorry for your loss, then.”

“Mistress Jennade amassed quite a collection of Artifacts at her country estate,” Amelys continued. “Her will has shared them between the Thalesian and Caedran crowns, but since Caedra is at the forefront of monitoring Valesk, King Nikassis has bade us take whatever might be useful to us.

Master Ilianus will lead the envoy and act as liaison, and as this is personal to me, I'd like the two of you to join him. Kel can determine what will be useful to us and Kazia can then assess their condition and potential for salvage if needed.”

Kazia looked askance at Kelvaran, while he kept his eyes riveted on Mistress Amelys.

“Of course,” he said curtly.

“You may be in Thalesia for a week or more,” Amelys said, looking at Kazia. “I trust that's not too long to set aside any personal grievances and behave as the professionals that you are for your old Mistress?”

A surge of chagrin flowed across the table from Kelvaran. He did seem to be genuinely regretful. Kazia wondered what punitive tasks Mistress Amelys had piled upon him in this past month. She smiled.

“There are no grievances,” she said resolutely.

“Good,” Amelys said. “You'll leave in two days, that should be enough time to finish anything up and pack for the trip. You'll go by portal, so pack lightly. Any further questions may be directed to Master Ilianus.”

Kelvaran stood hurriedly.

“I'll take my leave, then,” he said.

“You can finish your tea, at least,” Brandra chimed.

“I...” he glanced at Kazia.

“Go on,” Amelys said with a wave.

Kazia watched him rush back the way he had come. Passing Neiphi, though, he stopped again.

“You should not try to practice Contemplation and call the energy at the same time,” he said to her. “Especially not with this form, didn't Master Ilianus tell you that?”

Neiphi dropped her pose and looked up at him in frustration.

“He did,” she admitted, “but nothing I try works at all. What should I do, then?”

“What you're trying now would be dangerous if you could summon more energy yet,” he admonished. “The form that Master Ilianus teaches is favored by the Martials – the Alchemists who specialize in fighting techniques. They must take care to keep separate the peaceful nature of the spirit and the use of ethereal energy for violence.”

His eyes flicked judgmentally toward Kazia, who had drawn near to listen.

She was far too interested in what he was saying to give a reaction.

“This technique uses the physicality of the body as both a bridge and a buffer,” he continued, “maintaining balance between these opposing concepts.”

“I don't want to be a Martial,” Neiphi said.

“That's alright, this form is useful whatever path you choose,” Kelvaran assured her. “The purpose of Contemplation is to still the mind and allow for focus. Just take care to perform your Contemplation first, then when your mind is still, focus the energy.”

“My mind is never still enough...”

“What prevents your mind from quieting?”

“I just start to think about... stuff.”

“Come here,” Kelvaran said sternly, holding a hand toward the stone benches. “Sit.”

As they both moved to the benches, Kazia followed at a distance.

When Neiphi was seated, Kelvaran knelt down to meet her eye level.

“The most common impediment to mindfulness is strong emotion,” he said. “Fear, anger, hatred, grief – although you're entering adolescence, so love could also become a problem.”

Neiphi's face reddened all the way to her ears and she shook her head in embarrassment.

“The others, then?” Kelvaran asked.

She bit her lip and glanced sideways.

“What do you fear?” he asked gently.

Neiphi drew in a deep breath.

“If a war starts,” she said in a small voice, “my family might get hurt.”

“Do you miss your family?” he asked. “Does that make you sad?”

Neiphi nodded, a melancholy expression on her face.

“And I'm angry a lot... at those men who attacked our village and scared my Mom. And at the people who want to take Mistress Kazia away. I don't want her to go.”

Her little eyes were beginning to redden and well with tears.

“Oh, Neiphi,” Kazia said. “I'm not going anywhere.”

Kelvaran gave Kazia a brief glance upward, but turned back to Neiphi.

“Here's what you do, then. Well, here's what I do. You take those feelings, and turn them into defiance, into determination to protect those you love. What you are learning is a skill that can help you protect them. If you can remember that, it should help you focus.”

Neiphi's eyes lit up and she smiled and nodded.

“Now, close your eyes,” Kelvaran said, “and begin the breathing I'm sure Master Ilianus has taught you. When you feel those feelings arise, think of them as a help rather than a hindrance. Set your resolve.”

Neiphi closed her eyes obediently.

Kelvaran closed his eyes as well, giving her a long moment of peace to do her internal work.

Kazia held her breath, her eyes sweeping from one to the other.

Kelvaran settled into a state of absolute serenity, while she could feel Neiphi's struggle with her negative emotions, fighting to overcome them. She hurried to look away when Kelvaran opened his eyes again.

“If you've got it, then try to call the energy now. ” Kelvaran said softly. “Only one hand, though, and gently. Don't try to force it.”

Neiphi raised her right hand and brushed her fingers together until a small spark emerged.

“Good,” Kelvaran said. “Hold that. Whatever you have in your mind, try to hold it still, but open your eyes now, and then see if you can't expand the energy just a little.”

Neiphi opened her eyes and looked at her fingers with a smile. Concentrating very hard, she slowly moved her fingers apart and the spark began to form a tiny spherical shape. As she continued to spread her fingers, it grew to the size of a marble.

“Excellent!” Kelvaran said happily.

Neiphi looked up at Kazia, beaming.

“Ah! I'm doing it!” she exclaimed excitedly.

Kazia returned her smile.

Neiphi began to bounce up and down on the bench, and suddenly the tiny orb shot from her hand straight toward Kelvaran's face.

With a gasp, Kazia reached out and grabbed the orb from the air as Kelvaran dodged.

The energy instantly adhered to the skin of Kazia's hand and began to sear into the flesh. Kazia cried out in pain.

Her knees began to buckle, and as Kelvaran stood in alarm, he caught her to hold her upright.

“Mistress!” Neiphi screamed, bolting up from the bench.

Kazia shook her hand, attempting to dislodge the energy ball, but it was stuck fast, and sinking into her hand rapidly. As it disappeared into her skin, tiny streaks of lightning shot up the veins of her forearm, finally dissipating at her elbow, leaving her entire arm sore and aching.

Still gasping for breath, she shook her arm out and rubbed at it.

“Kazia, what happened?” Amelys called out as she and Brandra rushed over.

“Let me see it,” Kelvaran said, taking her hand and turning her palm up.

The skin in the center of her palm was reddened and swollen, but there were no cuts or even blisters.

Kelvaran placed two fingers across her palm, and Kazia felt a cool energy wash over the area.

“Don't!” Kazia said, panic in her voice as she forcefully pulled her hand away, startling him.

“Mistress, did the energy go into your hand?” Neiphi asked.

Kazia looked at Amelys questioningly, and Amelys gave her a small shake of the head.

“No, no,” Kazia said. “I don't think you're quite that advanced yet. It only took its time to dissipate.”

Kelvaran glanced at her darkly, and she felt his suspicions creeping forward once again.

“It's fine now,” she said to him, “but thank you.”

“I'm so sorry,” Neiphi said.

Her worry was palpable, and Kazia wagged one of the girl's blonde braids.

“No harm done,” she said. “These things happen quite a lot in the beginning, right? That is why we came to practice outdoors.”

She gave Neiphi a reassuring smile.

“Your Mistress is right,” Amelys said. “You will have many more such mishaps before you get it down. Don't allow it to hinder you. You're doing very well.”

Neiphi beamed at this praise from Mistress Amelys.

“If all is well here, then I'll be on my way,” Kelvaran said curtly, looking at Kazia with a strange expression, before turning back toward the gate.

Kazia watched after him for a moment, then followed before he could exit.

“Lord Meratha!” she called, hurrying to catch up to him.

He stopped and turned.

“Thank you,” she said, “sincerely, for helping Neiphi. That was very kind of you.”

“Mm,” he replied. “She has potential. If I had more time free I might teach her more.”

Kazia gave him a grateful smile.

“But I do not.”

Seeming anxious to put some distance between them, he turned and strode away as Kazia stood looking after him, shaking her head.

“Always so confusing...” she muttered.

