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The camera opens up to Wolf and Snake arriving at a swamp. Wolf looks around.

Wolf:"There is no way around. We have to go through it."

Snake:"There crocodiles  too," *He points to a few Crocodiles.*"So we need to be careful."

They walk through the water avoiding the crocodiles. Then they get a little patch of land in the middle and their radios go off.


Eva:*Com*"Snake, Wolf, are you there?"


EVA:*Com*"Did you miss me?"

Wolf groans.

Snake:*Com*"Did you make it without any trouble?"

EVA:*Com*"No one saw me."

Wolf*Com*"So you're back with Volgin?"

EVA:*Com*"In a manner of speaking..."

Snake:*Com*"What about The Boss?"

EVA:*Com*"Yeah, she's here too."

Snake:*Com*"Better be careful."

EVA:*Com*"Thanks I will. The Boss and I get along pretty well though. I guess we traitors have a lot in common."

Wolf:*Com*"Why would anyone want to defect? Betraying your country like that....I.. I just don't get it." 

EVA:*Com*"Are you talking about The Boss?"

Wolf:*Com*"Why'd you do it? Weren't you born and raised in America?"

EVA:*Com*"Yes. In a small rural town. I never even knew there were other countries, other cultures, other ways of thinking. Until I went to work for the NSA... Then, one day, I'd found I'd lost faith in the things I'd been taking for granted."

Snake:*Com*"What did you see? What was it that made you want to change sides?"

EVA:*Com*"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

Snake:*Com*"Try me."

EVA:*Com*"I saw the universe."

Wolf:*Com*"The universe?"

EVA:*Com*"Not the actual universe. The universe as the intelligence community sees it. I realized that the gravity in this universe was holding me back. That's all... People and countries are both changed by their environment. And by the times."

Snake:*Com*"That sounds like what The Boss was saying."

EVA:*Com*"There's a world of difference between this country and America. But it's only a difference of position. A difference of perspective. Coming here made me realize something. Half of what I'd been told was a complete and utter lie...the other half was s conveniently constructed lie."

Wolf:*Com*"Where's the truth, then?"

EVA:*Com*"It's hidden in the lies."

Snake:*Com*"Are you lying, too?"

EVA:*Com*"Who knows? I've been trained to make even the most severe falsehood sound like the honest truth. Weren't you?"

Snake:*Com*"No, I....Believe because I have to. Even if it is a lie...that's part of our mission."

EVA:*Com*"I'll have to remember that. If either of you need me, give me a call on the radio. My frequency is 142.52. See ya."

The call ends.

Then they make it to the other end of the swamp. They remove any leeches they got and move through the forest. 

                                                    Bolshaya Past South

They come across a electrified barbed wire fence. Wolf looks around it and spots a wire broken on the far right at the bottom. She points it out to Snake then goes prone and crawls through it. Then she waits for Snake. When he get through she starts to move forward but Snake grabs the back of her shirt. She looks to him and he's pointing at something. She follows his finger and finds a claymore in front of them. Wolf takes a deep breath and thanks Snake. They slowly move past the claymores and move along another barbed wire fence and they find another opening and crawl through it. They keep slowly moving through the forest. Wolf suddenly stops and sniff the air. She raises her hand and puts up one finger and points ahead. She and Snake take out their knives and Mk22. 

They crawl ahead and Wolf spots the lone Soldier and shoots him in the head knocking him out. They move ahead and Wolf smells two more soldiers. She looks ahead to she them standing in front of an opening in the barbed wire fence. She points them out to Snake and they both take aim at their heads and Shoot them at the same time. They fall to the ground asleep. They go up to them and move their bodies behind some trees and move ahead. Snake finds one more soldier and goes up to him from behind and chokes him out. They move ahead to their objective. They stop a little bit ahead and Wolf pulls out two MREs from her bag and gives one to Snake.She also finds a mouse trap and sets it up and puts it down. They both quickly eat then move ahead.

                                                 Bolshaya Past Base.

They come across a little base. Some soldiers patrolling and a helicopter is parked. Snake motions to her to go left. She nods. Snake goes right. Wolf finds a lone soldier patrolling and she sneaks up behind him and grabs him. She puts a knife to his neck.


Soldier:"There is some C4 in the store house." *Wolf chokes him out.*

Once the soldier is passed out she brings his body behind a building and she continues to slowly take out soldiers. After a while everyone is knocked out. She regroups with snake. 

Wolf:"Find anything?"

Snake:"Soldier said there a radio inside."

Wolf:"Someone said they had C4 in the store house."

Snake:"Hmm. We can use the C4 to blow up the helicopter and Radio." 

Wolf:"Got it."

Wolf goes to the Store house and find 4 C4. She goes over to the heli and place 3 on the missiles and goes inside the building and puts it on the radio.

Wolf:"Fire in the hole!" *She sets off the C4 and the heli blows up and part of the building does too.*

Snake:"Good lets go."

Wolf:"Wait I want to check something first."

Wolf goes back and checks the mouse trap and finds a Tsuchinoko.

Wolf and Snake call Para-Medic.


Para-Medic:*Com*"Wolf, Snake, you caught a tsuchinoko!"


Sigint:*Com*"Is it true, guys!?"


Sigint:*Com*"Way to go, you two!"

Major:*Com*"Yes. It looks like sending you two in was worth it after all! Hurry up and finish your mission and then bring it back to us. Under no circumstances are you to eat it. Is that clear?"

The call ends.

Snake looks to wolf. She shrugs her shoulders.

They move forward.

                                       Bolshaya Past Crevice

They come to an area with a few dead trees and a hole between a big tree and them. Then Ocelot walks out from behind a bolder on the other side of the crevice. 

Ocelot:"Ah, you're here at last. Looks like The Boss' info was right."

Ocelot pulls out a revolver and points it at snake and They get into a fighting stance. The Ocelot twirls his revolver. Then puts it in the holster.

Ocelot:"Twice now you've made me taste bitter defeat." *Then he meows like a cat.* 

Ocelot operatives surround them.

Ocelot:"I hate to disappoint the Cobras. but Snake you're mine now. All of you, leave us!"

The operatives back away and Wolf looks to Snake. Snake motions to stay back and she backs up.

Ocelot:"It's just you and me. No one to get in our way. Ocelots are proud creatures. They prefer to hunt alone." *He pulls out two revolvers and twirls them around. Then aims them at Snake.* "12 shots...This time, I've got 12 shots." 

They start their gun fight. A little while later a swarm of wasps comes. They starts to sting everyone else. Snake and Wolf run from the Wasps and jump into the Crevice. 

