Chapter 4 – Party Assemble
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Chapter 4

Party Assemble

From the man who saved Nana’s perspective.. 

There. Her memory of using magic should be wiped, now I just have to come up with a lie about why she's wanted I thought to myself, then I put her down gently in a chair.

“That is If the Government even remembers her.” I gazed at her as I mumbled, then turned around and walked over to the board on the adjacent wall. 

But I suppose they will, since she did cast magic she was most likely seen and tracked as the magic was active. And she did do some pretty unforgettable stuff...

“Oh fuck, she actually blew up a damn guard… Yeah.” I pondered a bit. 

“Ahhhh. Yeah, she’s getting her portrait painted and posted all over for sure…” I said and sighed as I hit the wall and leaned at it. What are we going to do. Maybe I should just educate her, train her. 

“Hey, fetch Yuna for me!” I sent a telepathic message. I waited a moment. 

“Nghnn…” A sound came from… What? I turned around. 

Ah, she's already waking up. Usually it takes 10 minutes for people to wake up from a memory wipe. Partial or not. 

“Roger that sir, luckily she ain’t far away.” I got a telepathic message back.

“Good, perfect! I’ll count on you Derek.” I replied. 

Okay, now to explain things to her, or come up with something… 


Yuna’s Perspective...

As the bar closed I wandered off into the direction that someone said a good field to sleep in would be located. I got to said field and sat down, preparing to make camp, but I got distracted looking at the sky.


The stars. Shining. All the moons. So beautiful. I gazed upon the star filled night sky, sighing. 

“So close yet so far away… Or something like that” I mumbled, then took a big chug out of my canteen. A canteen i’d gotten from a dear friend I used to go doing quests and dungeons with. I always had it filled to the brim with a strong beverage of some kind.

I plan to have it enchanted at some point if I find someone who knows how to do the enchantment I want.

I looked at my canteen. 

I’ve heard of an enchantment that makes the container’s substance never-ending as long as it’s a drinkable liquid. I only heard stories but I still ask around about it. I will find someone to do it for me, eventually. “Just you wait my friend.” I patted my canteen. “You’ll be bottomless one of these days…” I smiled at it, then passed out in the grass on the mountainside I had made, or was about to make camp at. I forgot to make camp and drank instead. 

I guess these are things that happen. Forgetting to put up a tent and instead drinking til you pass out… Typical girl problems you know. 


I woke up to something poking me. I didn't open my eyes. My mind was all cloudy and my head hurt if I tried to gather a thought. 

"f.. Ck…ssshhh…" I waved my left arm and held my other infront of my eyes, blocking the light out. 

It shone intensely, I thought. A bit too intense. Or is it just me being hungover? 

Another poke. 

"Hey, get up!" I heard a deep voice yell near me. Probably the source of the annoying pokes which disrupted my slumber. 


I opened my eyes a tad, squinting between my fingers. I saw a shining light coming out from a hand... A hand that looked to be dressed in some fancy armor. Plate armor. I hugged my canteen bottle tight.

Curse you you fucking shining piece of shit. Using magic light to awaken me. Hope a fucking sandshark just jumps out of the ground at some point and rip that freaking hand, no, whole arm off of your torso and that you’ll never remember where you put your keys! 

I looked up at the head of the wielder of said annoying lightsource. 

A plate helmet… His armor was colored white and had yellow details. I gazed down on his chest. A sun with a sword and shield behind the sun, painted with yellow lines on the white.. 

Oh, it's a Paladin! Or a guard of the holy kingdom. Which would be a paladin I guess… Which… Must mean I'm in the holy kingdom… The more you know.

Another poke. 

"Yea yea, fuck, can't a girl sleep undisturbed out in the fields around here? GEEEEZ!" I sat up while I spoke. 

The disrupter of sleeping girls, which I'll make it my mission to get him to be known as, was quite a big guy. Easy 195cm or so tall, fittingly wide, pretty damn huge muscles. He's hitting the gym regularly for sure. 

I corrected my clothes, letting out sounds of annoyance throughout the process, but still did it a bit quickly as I checked him out. 

He sighed deeply and put the light out. 

"Well, if you'd slept out in the fields maybe… But you're on private property.” He explained.

“Wa… Someone ownsh the fuhckin fields now?!” I yelled some parts of that sentence... and mumbled some parts. Damn I didn’t think I was that hungover. A searing pain suddenly shot through my skull. I held my hands on my forehead and yelled out “Ouch, fuckh ffffck. gaah..” as I wagged back and forth. The Paladin sighed deeply yet again, this time shaking his head as if I were hopeless.

“The family's children found you swearing in your sleep as they were out playing in their garden." he spoke in a calm manner with his deep voice. I looked around as he explained. Well, shit. 

He shook his head.

" Oooh… " I said as I looked around. Yes, this was not the field I thought I was sleeping in. There's a house and everything, bushes around the place with a fence, circling in their garden or backyard. 

And a small hole over there in the fence with a few bushes and flowers ripped up. “Oops.” I said quietly as I blushed up, I got up slowly. 

I guess it can’t be avoided. I have to...

"So you need to come with me." he said-I noticed the sun rising in the horizon and as the sun met my eyes pain shot through my head once again. 

Nope, not fighting. I’ll just stumble along with him.

"Morning then… Yes, yes, sure…" I mumbled and held a hand on my forehead, slowly and carefully lowering my head in shame. Fuck my head hurts. 


He had carried me half the way as I started puking and fell over when we were halfway to the headquarters or whatever. He asked if he could carry me politely which I immediately agreed to. Kinda felt embarrassed and blushed. But it was nice being princess-carried away. Even though it was a guard escorting me to their headquarters...


He put me down when we got inside the door of the headquarters. I didn’t really look much, but I swear I saw a wall disassemble itself in front of us. As he put me down I crawled over to a corner and puked once. 


“Hey there Derek! Oh, Nana, this is Derek and the girl puking on the floor is Yuna.” Someone dressed in a big black robe said and pointed at me. I feel a bit better now. Maybe I just needed to empty my belly. Yeah. 

“What.” The other girl in the room said, sounding a bit surprised. Can’t blame her I guess.
“Gah- Headache” I yelled out. “Shut up”. Then barfed once more. 

I looked up to a crowd of faces, blurred around me, above me. 

“Are you okay?” Nana asked, looking a tad worried. “Can I help anyhow?”
“You can get me a bottle of some booze!” I chuckled. 

Suddenly I saw this… Light of sorts, grow out her hand, slowly building up a bottle. 

“Holy fucking… Is this…” I mumbled, eyes wide open watching how it quickly materialized into a bottle of… eh, something that’s 40%! 

“I’ll follow you to the end of the world” I mumbled. Eyes still fixated, slowly reaching out my hands for the bottle. Grabbing it. It’s. Fucking. Real. 

“How am I d-doing… Did I just use… Magic?” Nana said.
I took a few big gulps. 

“Fucking Y. E. S. with capital letters my lady!”