Chapter 15 A place to stay (1)
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I quickly run to the kid and hold his shoulder, and I look at him in the eyes. “Kid! Calm down, what you did wasn’t wrong okay.” That’s right you did nothing wrong.

I…did nothing wrong as well. I might have kill someone, but at least, I was able to save this two.

This world is far different from the world I used to live in. I need to get use to this situations. I close my eyes and took a deep breath, calming myself. I opened my eyes to see that the boy is still terrified, as his body is still shivering. But at least he’s no longer screaming.

“Brother! Wah! We’re safe now right? The monster it’s gone right…wah!” The girl ran to his brother and hugged him tightly. While she cries in joy. Monster…I see even I will call that a monster.

“Ha…you two come on let’s get out of here. I’m sure you don’t want to rot here along with that.” I stand up and said to them, while pointing my finger to that “monster.”

“Come on brother, let’s go home, okay.” She stands up as well, she hold her brother’s hand and tried to pull him up.

While they’re busy there. I walk closely to the body of the “monster”. There right next to him was the bloody knife. Thanks to the mask, I wasn’t able to smell the blood. Quickly I take the knife back and swing it hard to shake off the blood. Sadly a large portion of the knife is still smear with blood.

Can’t do anything about this…it’ll rust before long. “Hey! You two, you done celebrating .” I hollered at them.

“...Who are you?” The boy asked me. He walk closer to me and boy I was only half his height. So I look up and take a look at his face.

With chestnut hair color, his hair reaching his shoulders, his bangs reaching his eyebrows. Sharp eyes, with chestnut brown color. His body is skinny and an unhealthy pale, signs of malnourishment.

His wearing a brown tunic, with brown pants, both smeared in blood.

“I…*achoo…before that can we go somewhere else…I’m still drenched in water.” I shivered.

“Oh right, please follow us, our home is not far from here.” He exclaim and quickly went back to his sister. He took her hand, and went out of this shithole.

Of course I followed them as well. But the cold and  pain made me stumble and so I have to walk really slowly.

Like a drunk person, I kept swaying when I walk. This won’t do. “Wait you two! Don’t…ha…leave…me!”

“Sister…umm…here…” the little girl let go of his brother hand and she walked towards me. Then she put my right arm around her shoulders.


“Hehehe…thanks.” Then I pulled my makeshift mask down. Aww! This place stinks as hell.

“What happened to your face, sister?” She looks at me curiously.

“I slipped, also don’t call me sister, I’m not your sister, and with that let’s go.” I groaned and spit the bitter words out from my mouth. I don’t want the past to repeat again.

“Okay…I’m sorry” she said meekly, with downcast eyes, we walked slowly, not saying anything to each other.

His brother look at us worriedly, and I can’t help but feel guilty. Shit why do I have to feel guilty about this?

 I stared at her. The color of her hair is the same as his brother, unlike her brother, her hair is longer reaching her waist, her bangs covering her eyes. Her body looks skinny as well.

Her brown tunic dress is almost tattered, some part of it are smeared with blood.

Shit they have gone through much hell, then I…

To be honest the reason why I’m doing this, is because I don’t want to drag them with me. I don’t know what the church might do to them.

This is fine, I can handle this much. I won’t survive for long if I can’t handle this much.

The way to their house was silent, no one utter a thing. The boy is probably processing the entire situation, the girl probably wants to say something but can’t find the right words. And I am pondering what should I do next.

I can probably stay at the desolated part of the town, they won’t find me there hopefully. No I can’t stay there, that’s risky as hell, I’m just inviting death if I stay there. So where? Ah maybe I can hide for a while in their house.

Next for the food and water. I can take water from the river. Food from the trees and I can rob the stores here.

What about weapons? I think I’ll be needing weapons, if I want to survive in this world.

So I have to rob weapons and food.

The longer I pondered the more my thoughts darkened.

Wait I’m not that familiar with this town, I need someone to guide me or maybe a map will work.

The boy! I can at least ask him for directions or maybe even guide me, but that’s too risky.

Right sounds like a devilishly plan to me.

They already deem me as a demon. So why not just live like a demon.

“Hey! We’re here!” The shouts of the boy, pulled me out from my thoughts.

“Wha-what we’re here already, I was sure…” that much time passed already wow. I didn’t even notice the surroundings change.

The houses don’t look desolated anymore, the bad odor from the rotting houses and bodies of people are gone as well.

The main difference between this area and the desolated was that the houses here are made of stone. While the desolated was made of wood.

Right in front of me was their house. It has two floor, the walls constructed using stones, the roof is constructed using wood. The windows are also made of wood.

The door is also made of wood, and is right next to the window.

“Come on, let’s go.” The boy went to the door and opened it.

What greeted my sight was the dusty and old chairs, and table. The ceiling was filled with cobwebs. Some part of the wooden floor was broken.

The wooden stairs to the right. The kitchen is at the back. To the left of the kitchen was door leading god knows where.

“This place can really do some cleaning.” I sneered.

“…” Wow not a single reaction, I guess I went too far. Their faces contorts into a grimace.

“My bad, I went too far.” I quickly took back what I said, and apologize.

“No…it’s okay.” The boy weakly said.

“Well got any spare clothes, I’m still wet here.” I quickly change the subject.

“Yes, I have my old clothes. Wait here.” And with that he went upstairs.

Leaving me alone with the little girl. I realize that we’re still standing and my arm is still on her shoulders.

“So you wanna take a sit or do we just stand here.” I tried to break the ice. This is awkward.

“Ah! I’m sorry” she yelps and quickly moved to one of the chairs. “…here you can sit here…umm what’s your name?” she tilts her head and asked me. Oh her eyes I can see her eyes clearly. Pretty
Round chestnut brown eyes. A contrast to her brother.

Name eh? Should I say a fake name? Ah!

“I’m Aria…”

“Aria, that’s a pretty nam-“

“The demon.”