Chapter 20 Sunshine Herbs
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“Right I suggest this.” As she said that she pass me a paper with a drawing of what seems to be some sort of glowing herbs. “Ah! Right you need to collect 5 sunshine herbs they can be found in the west side of the forest.” The reward?. “You’ll get 1 silver coin if you finish it.” She finished explaining. Is she reading my mind!? 

“This is one of the easy quest as the herbs is safe and has no poison, no monster around the area as well, just don’t get too deep into the forest.” Monster…wow
I don't want to face them at least not now.

“I’ll take this big sister.” I smile at her. She takes the paper and stamp it.

“Good luck Ares.” She hands me again the paper.

“Where’s your bag or pouch Ares?” Oh no…
I flinch and my hands fidgets.

“I don’t have one…” What now?
I sheepishly confessed.

“Aww did you left it at home?” I nod at her, even though I don’t really have anything.

“Here borrow big sister bag first.” She hands me a white linen bag.

“Thank you big sister.” I bow my head and went down from the chair. Then I drag the chair back to where it belongs.

“Ah! Ares you did it!” Erica exclaim and hugs me again. Yes I’m glad my cover wasn’t blown away.

“What about you two, what are you going to do?” I was curious to what job did they take.

“We’ll be cleaning some of the neighbors house again.” Judeau answered with a bored expression.

“Yeah that’s a real pain in the ass. Anyway I took some gathering quest and I’ll see you guys at home later. Good luck as well to you two.” I broke the hug off and walk away from them, while waving goodbye.

I went down first and quickly make an exit for it.

“Haa…finally I’m out.” Now is there only one exit and entrance here? That’s from the marketplace.
I grimace at my thoughts 

I should have ask the receptionist. Hmm? Where are they going?

The adventurers that came out of the guild went to the right rather than going left which is the way back to the center.

Guess I will follow them. After walking for a while I found myself in another gate. Works like charm.

I can see the forest from the distance. It’s been a while.

And so begins my walk which span for a good 20 minutes. This part of the forest is closer compare to the other side.

“Now where are they located?” I mutter to myself. Ah! Let’s look at the paper.

I took the paper from the bag and inspect it. So they’re found in the highest part of the trees. This is going to be hard. But thank god I had experience in climbing trees already.
I was a bit relieved knowing that I can climb trees now.

“Let’s go with this tree first.” I said and tap the tree next to me. “Please take care of me.” I grip the tree and begin my ascent slowly pulling myself, as I put my feet at the small cracks as stepping stone. I reach one of the branch of the tree giving me more space to place my feet. “Haa…things that I’ll never do in my past life. Why is climbing trees so fun?” I rhetorically questioned myself.

Midway in the process and the thick leaves clouds my vision, but in exchange more branches to step on. “You know what they say it’s only hard at the first part.” Wait did someone really said that?

After a few seconds and climbing, light become visible again. “Haa…I’m close, and the light makes me sick.”

Finally after so long I reach the highest branch and of course giving me a large view at the surroundings. I’ll gaze at the surroundings for much longer but the scorching sun is killing me.

“Now where’s that little shit?” I scan the branch I’m standing and there at it’s end. That glowing sunshine like leaves. No wonder why they call it sunshine herbs
Not just that but the leaves are far more longer and wider in comparison to the other leaves.

Jesus christ! Why the hell did that lady gave me this job!? Is she trying to kill me!?

Slowly I crawl at the branch, trying not to look down at the 60 or maybe more feet drop below me. I gulp my saliva when I accidentally look down. “Holy shit!!!”

I frown when I grab the leaves. “Only two!? What the fuck is this. Great starting quest for me ugh…”

Slowly I descend the tree placing one foot down after another.

After reaching the last branch, I slowly put my left foot at the small holes. “Just…a little bit longer.”

When I was 2 feet close to the ground, My right foot slip and I sadly fall into the ground.



“Ughh…fuck…my…back…ah ah ah my poor back.” I wince from the pain. I bring myself up and rest my back on the tree.

“Haah…I can’t believe I reincarnated into another world for this shit.” I mutter in annoyance. “Ugh…3 leaves left I can do this!” I pumped myself.

“Second tree let’s go!” I raise my fist high.

After a long arduous climbing. “2 again! Bah…fuck it! This trees are big as hell, yet only two of these grow!” I scowled when I only got two again.

This time I was able to climb down the tree without falling my ass.

“It’s okay me, One last leaf and I’m done here. That silver coin be better worth it or else…”

And so I climb another tree and guess what…

“Yes! Finally I’m done!” I exclaim in relief and quickly grab the two leaves. “Haa…my hands tired, I need to rest for a while.” My hands are sweaty and has gone beet red. My whole body is sweaty and fills really sticky other than that only my hands are tired.

After a few minutes it’s time for me to go. Time to finish this! I climb down from the tree only to stop midway, when I heard some voices below.

“Aww look she’s crying hahahahaha.” I heard a pompous laugh of a little girl. What the fuck is going down there!?

“Stay back! I will not let anyone hurt her!” Another voice of a little girl, this time it’s angry yet it sound nervous as well. Is there some bullying going down there!? Get on with it will you! I need to go back!

I frown in annoyance, Some part of me says “Go help them!” the other says “Bah! Leave them alone it’s not your business” And now I’m going with the latter.

So I continue climbing down facing my back at them.

“What’s that noise?” Another voice but this time it’s a little boy. I think?

“Look! Lucy hahahahaha there’s a monkey!” Did he just call me a monkey!? The pompous boy mocks and laugh at me.

“My Maker’s breath your right Leo, there’s a monkey what’s more it’s wearing clothes!” The little girl chimes in and mocks me as well. Yeah change it to the former, I’ll pound this little shits back to their mother’s womb!

