[V1] Into the Basics
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Well, I was planning on submitting these on Christmas... but schedule got to me. So, I'm posting these now. Late Merry Christmas, happy holidays and happy new year!

Two beautiful girls could be seen making their way through the busy streets of the city. No matter where they went, the people around them would stare at the two longingly. Even women fell prey to their beauty as they marveled at two beauties appearance. Needless to say, the two in question were actually Laz and the tanned skin girl. The girl had been leading Laz through a series of streets. Laz was simply caught in his own thoughts to fend of the girl who was pulling him somewhere. Before he knew it, they had made it to a café that was all too familiar to him.

"Well, we finally made it. Had to peruse through your memory for a while, but I got us there in the end. Well? Don't just stand there? Let's get us some food to munch over as we talk."

She quickly led Laz inside and soon, they were settled at a spot by the window. Laz couldn't help but look around him as if each spot held a memory in his heart. The small overhanging garden, the rustic chairs, the warm hearth, the farm styled menu... it all hit Laz with nostalgia and sense of longing seemed to sprout within him. He even began to remember his favorite salmon crepe that his parents constantly ordered for him as well as the hot cocoa that did wonders to calm down his weary and tired soul. The tanned girl smiled.

"Oh, that does seem good. Though I prefer the s'mores crepe more. Marshmallow and chocolate with a hint of biscuit. Whoever decided to put that combo in a crepe is a genius!"

The woman said with a twinkle in her eyes. The two quickly ordered their meal and Laz couldn't help but blush as he looked at her companion. Every time he stared at the girl in front of her, he couldn't help but feel strange. He felt a sense of attraction like no other as if an angel had came down from heaven and had captured his heart with her bare hands.

"Well, I'm no angel... but if anything, I did come from heaven."

Saying that, she seemed to realize something.

"Oh, right. I haven't even introduced myself yet."

With her elbow to the table and fingers interlocked, she cradled her chin and tilted her head in a cute way.

"My name is Arian, the spirit goddess. I am also the goddess of love and fate. It is very nice to finally meet you Laz."

Laz couldn't help but wonder how she knew his name. Yet, he still managed to push down his confusion and gave a curt and wary reply.

"... Nice to meet you, I guess. Name's Laz... though I suppose you already knew that."

"Well, being your patron goddess and all, of course I would know your name. Now, let me go ahead and kickstart our little session while we wait for our order. So, like always, I'll start with the basics."

Arian didn't even wait for his reply as she waved her hand in front of her. A hologram like screen appeared out of thin air. She then flicked it which caused the screen to move towards Laz, stopping right in front of him. He then began to look at the light green screen in front of him as Arian began her explanation.

"This is your status screen. I practically based it from the games you played in your previous life. It has all the information you need in regards to your body's physical, mental and spiritual status. Take note though, unlike in a video game, you can't just focus on a select few stats thinking that it'll help you specialize in certain fields."

"What do you mean by that?"

All other thoughts seemed to leave Laz's brain as he honed in on Arian's words.

"It's simple really. In video games, you have people focus in particular stats in order to take advantage of their class or role. For example, in video games, tanks are meant to hold their ground and lock their enemies in place. In order to do this, players tend to prioritize strength and vitality stats."

She then pointed a finger in the air. At the tip of her finger, a small orb appeared.

"But the same doesn't hold true in the world you live in now."

Images began to play out in the small orb. It was a familiar scene to Daz as he had personally watched that battle play out in front of him.

"Using the dwarves as an example, their tanks fall under the name 'Gardzmen.' If I were to quantify their stats, you would see that they do not focus on strength and vitality. Rather, their stats are evenly distributed to encompass their physical, mental and spiritual stats. Video game logic would dictate that they would make for horrible front liners, yet..."

The video began to show dwarves mercilessly pushing through their opponents. A hail of arrow, javelins and some magic type projectiles pelted their shields but they held strong and butchered anyone that got in their way. Fear could be seen in their opponents as they were crushed under the pressure of the iron mass.

"... In the real world, they are considered a menace. Anyone who faces them feel both fear and respect. Of course, they do not have access to anything like the status screen that I'm show you now. So, all their prowess comes from simply training their body, mind and spirit to accommodate their role in the army."

Laz was speechless. He had always thought that a status screen in real life would be convenient to have in the real world. Arian's explanation though completely changed this and he realized that applying video game logic to the real world would be bad for him. From their, Arian simply explained that while that was correct, having a status screen will at least help in guiding him in regards to training his body as well as managing and organizing his skills. Laz then kept asking questions about the status screen. He learned many helpful things from accessing his inventory to the mobile dimension he had.

"An order of salmon crepe with hot chocolate?"

"That's mine."

"Here you go mam."

Laz couldn't help but lightly frown though the waitress didn't notice it.

"And then, our special s'mores deluxe with caramel macchiato?"


"Well, enjoy."

The waitress then gave a signature smile before heading back to the counter.

"Hey, I know this is a dream and all... but, I've been meaning to ask. Why am I a girl?"

"Right, I should probably explain why you're like that. Well, to put it bluntly, I'm blessed to only have female followers. Or I supposed, rather than a blessing, it's a curse for some of my former male followers. Before you ask, yes. I had tried to undo the curse but to no avail. Even to this day, I still have no clear idea on why or how I got the curse. So, yeah. Your not the only one in my retinue to have transformed into the opposite gender. I even warned some of them and yet, they still decided to serve under me..."

"But, I didn't have a choice in the matter."

"Well... I'm not sure about that."


She then smiled as she took out a document from within her robes. Laz couldn't believe his eyes.

"Isn't that the document I signed as a cadaveric donor?"

"Yes. Yes it is. I had passed this out in Earth, hoping to gain a couple of strong followers. Sadly, no one really took the offer after reading through all of it. Well, aside from you anyway."

The document then flew towards Laz and sure enough, when he read it, he couldn't help but curse. He had thought that he was signing a document that allowed hospitals to use his healthy organs for others on the event that he passed away. Of course, all he read was the top half as he wasn't one too keen to read the full terms and agreements. Hence, he completely skipped over the part which clearly states that upon his death, his soul was to become a priestess of the spirit goddess. In other words, instead of just donating body parts, he had actually donated his very existence to the goddess in front of him. 

"I'm reading the fine print from now on... sigh... I guess I can't really back out of this huh."

"Not for your case. When you signed that paper, a part of your soul was imbedded into the ink. That caused your fate to intertwine with mine so you're stuck with me for a very long time. It's why your initial transformation is that of the wolf queen, the symbol of the spirit realm."

"I see... from what you said, I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one then?"

"Pretty much. Each of your 'sisters' is currently presiding and monitoring their respective worlds so meeting them now is not a good idea. Though, with the coming feast, you should be able to see them along with the rest when the time comes."

She then took the document back and smiled. They then began to finish off the crepes in front of them. Laz couldn't help but recount the happy days he had with his family.

"You want to know what happened to your family?"

"... no, it's ok. I've spent most of my life wallowing in their death. That's why, it's better if I don't know and just move on in my new life."

"Well said. I will say though, they're leading happy lives."

A smile could be seen on Laz's face, relieved at the news of his family. This in turn made the goddess smile as she fully see's Laz as her child.

"Now, let's get back to business. You should have a general idea about your status screen, so we'll move on to your systems."

The screen in front of Laz then changed into three panels with different colors. The green panel had the words spirit system written out with branches and leaves. The blue and cyan panel was titled the world system written out in a neon blue. The final panel was the peerage system and had a banner with a wolf and spear design.

"Let's begin with the spirit system. As a priestess of the spirit goddess, your main job in this world is to be the gatekeeper between the mortal and spirit realm. The spirit realm does not include the underworld, though you're free to receive commissions if any of death's agents wishes to approach you. There's several things you need to know about this system."

She then held up a finger.

"First, your main job as a gatekeeper. Just know that your not literally gatekeeping. Rather, your maintaining the entrance between the mortal realm and the spirit realm. Without the spirits, this world would simply die as spirits nourish the world with vitality. Hence, if the portal ever closes, this world is doomed to die."

"So how do I maintain the entrance?"

"Just stand by it. As my priestess, you have full access to my divine essence. The portal would simply soak up the excess energy that your body is constantly expelling."

"Ok... and where is the entrance between the two realms?"

"You simply designate it. It is up to you to decide where you place the entrance... though, looking at the state of things, you already did that."

"Huh? How?"

Arian sighed, her face looking a bit miffed.

"Its due to a third party... don't worry, I already gave her a warning. Anyway, lets move on to the second part of your system. The shrine tab. It's pretty much a peerage system with the added benefit of custom making a shrine on a controlled area of your choosing. Do note there's a limit to how many you can enlist. Also, my curse directly influences this meaning any male followers under this system will turn into females, you got that?"

"Understood. Don't trick guys into joining the peerage even if it seems funny."

"Oye! Don't forget you almost had an existential crisis because of this so don't do it unless they absolutely understand what's going to happen."

"Ok, ok, I was just kidding anyway."

She sighed.

"Forgot that you were also a prankster in your early years... ok, moving on. The third tab is labelled exorcism. Not all spirit that leaves the spirit realm are neutral or good. We have the occasional evil spirit that really likes to cause trouble wherever it goes. So, it's your job to hunt it down and bring it back into the spirit realm. I can already tell your going to ask me how your going to do that, right?"

"... ya ripped it off of my mouth."

"Well, don't worry, after a couple of explanation, I'll give you one on one training. I'll even give you the equipment for it, so I'll hold off further explanation till then. Now, we finally get into the last part of your spirit system. Skills. Nothing much to explain... or rather, there's way too much for me to explain. Just look through the tab and see which skills you want to use. Your going to have to play with it a bit and don't worry, you can reset the skill once everyday."

"That sounds unbelievably broken."

She shrugged.

"What can I say, were not exactly fighting off normal beings now are we."

Laz couldn't help but flinch as he realized that she may not be telling him the full truth.

"Yeah, I'm not. Your too green to know what the rest of your sisters are doing. So, for now, your just dipping your toes in the water."

"Fair enough."

"Ok, now that we got that out of the way. There's two more systems that you have... I don't know how you got them, but I suppose they may have been gifts from your previous deity. The first system is called the world system. Apparently its a combination of the guardian system and the hero system..."

Arian then became quiet as she focused on the screen in front of her. Laz couldn't help but feel curious seeing as the goddess had a serious look on her face. She then sighed.

"Ahhhh... it must be nice being that supreme being, having all that power to influence other deities like us. Well, here's a small summary of it. Apparently, you have direct influence with the mortal world. That means that core of this world can give you quests that allows you to interact with the denizens of this world. You can also get commissions from other gods and goddesses and it also has a peerage system... though, apparently, its free from my curse. Ah... if I can only study that system more deeply. But, no matter how much I try, its always kicking me out."

"You must really not like that blessing huh?"

"I don't... it's a constant reminder that other beings have complete power over me. I swear if I find the deity who gave me that, I'm going to transform them into a tree."

She then seemed to pop from her sad atmosphere and said.

"Now for your final system. The creation system. Honestly, it's just gives you access to a set of skills that allows you to create anything of your choosing."

"Does that include life?"

Daz asks with possibilities already running through his mind.

"Yes... though you have to be highly knowledgeable of what your creating in order for it to come to life."

"Ok, if that's the case, I can just create the equipment I may need for my exorcism job. I still probably need your help in designing it though."

"Hmm... true, that would also help you a lot in regards to mastering the system. Ok, we'll do that instead. Now, how about we finish up today and begin that one on one training. Though, I may have to change things up a bit considering this dream world is no longer needed. Actually, its probably better to train you in real life."

Arian then snapped her finger and the world went out for Laz.