Chapter 8: The call
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only 1k words this time this chapter was a bitch to write I rewrote this like 6 times not really happy with each, in fact, I'm not happy with this one but I'm gonna release it so the story can move forward.  I might come back and redo this chapter at a later date if i do I will tell you any changes I make.

song recommendation: The way you move - Outkast  



“And that’s the last one” I let out a sigh of relief and threw myself onto the ground.

“I’m still hungry, even after eating so much. Does the hunger ever go away?”

‘It NEVER goes away. Always keep that in mind. The best advice I can give you is to keep on top of it don’t let it consume you. Bad things will happen.’

I nodded my head and stood up off the floor.

‘Let’s get out of here. I’ve spent so much time in dark places I wanna see the sun.’

“Sure. But I have one more stop to make.”

‘Ah yes, of course, how could I forget. We have to get the one who killed your friend.’

“I wasn’t planning to kill him originally, but now” I clenched my fist “, I want to move on from this place and gain my freedom. I don’t think I could ever be free as long as that man is alive. It sounds crazy but”

‘you don’t need to say anymore. I understand. Trust me. I do’


 I left the cavern and made my way up to the mine to find the conductor. My second mouth growled in anticipation.


“Finally made it my room,” I said with a sigh of relief whilst taking my coat off.

I can’t believe I walked all the way down there expecting to find something worth my time, only for it to be that stupid Fucking slave! I kicked off my shoes with all my anger, and they hit the wall with a loud thud. Calm, Jacob, calm just one more month until I put this place behind me, no more slaves, no more stupid commoners that don’t treat me with the respect I deserve.  I took off the rest of my clothes and put on my nightgown. It was made from very soft silk and was embroidered with beautiful ornate designs. It wasn’t cheap and way too good to be used in this place, but a noble like myself can’t sleep in anything less. I jumped into my bed and let the soft silk sheets envelop me.

AHHHHHH, this is what I need after a long day. I still can’t believe that the slave managed to make it out of her cell. Those cells have a barrier that’s meant to stop anything inside them from coming out, so how did she get out? I’ll have to investigate later, but as of right now, I don’t care. She is probably getting fucked raw by the captain right now, which is a damn shame because she was quite pretty for a slave. She could have made a good bed warmer for another noble, not me though I like my women very young.

I pulled my bedsheets over me and closed my eyes to sleep, but before I could enter a deep slumber, a loud ringing noise reverberated through my room.

“Oh god, WHAT DO YOU WANT?” I slowly got out of my bed and walked to the communication tablet on my dresser. It was a piece of black slate with a communication rune engraved on it. How the rune actually worked was beyond me, but all I knew was that it cost way too much for what it did if you ask me. I put my hand on the glowing rune. As soon as I did, I  felt my head swim as it felt like someone was forcing their way inside.

“God, I hate these things.”

“Me too,” a voice I didn’t recognise said.

“So who do I owe the pleasure.”

“Ah yes, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Julius Campbell. The king’s senior advisor. And you are?”

I perked up. What would the king’s advisor want with me? “ Jacob Durchville Jr. How could I be of assistance, sir Campbell.”

“Oh please, you don’t need to be so formal. Just call me Julius. Now with the introduction out the way, let’s get into the meat and potatoes of this call. what is the status of your assignment.”

“Right into it. Well, we have made significant strides on it. We have managed to find the pyramid you were looking for and are gathering data from it as we speak.”

“Excellent news. Anything significant we should know.”

“Getting research has been difficult due to the aura surrounding the pyramid keeping us away, but we are looking into solutions.”  I won’t tell him about the slave; I don’t want to deal with the aftermath.

“That’s great. Keep me posted. You’ve done a good job ill put a good word for you to the king.”

“Thank you, sir. But before you go, I must know what is so significant about the pyramid.”

There was a pause before he replied

“why it is essential is above your pay grade. All you need to know is that it will benefit this kingdom significantly.”

“Okay, sir” Fine, keep your secrets.

“Good, ill call you later to talk more about the pyramid. Oh, and one more thing. We will be extending the duration of your assignment by another 6 months.”

“WAIT, WHAT!!!!”

“HOLY CRAP, my eardrums. Can you relax?”

“I’m sorry, sir, but with respect, I was promised I would be able to leave this place in a month. So why is my stay being extended by 6 months?”

“Yes, because you are doing such an outstanding job, we thought it would be best to keep you there until the assignment is complete, then send someone new who has no idea what to expect.”

“But sir I.”

“Would you look at the time? I’ve got an appointment with the king. See you soon, Taa Taa.”

And without a further word, his presence left my mind, and the tablet stopped glowing.

“THOSE BASTARDS. AFTER ALL I’VE DONE FOR THEM, THIS IS HOW THEY TREAT ME” I grabbed the tablet and threw it at a wall. There was a loud crack and the sounds of lots of tiny shards of stones falling on the ground.

“AERAGHHH. I CAN’T FUCKING BELIEVE THIS SHIT,” I said as I climbed into bed, hoping some sleep would calm my temper.