I like archdukes… fight me
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“Announcing the arrival of his majesty, the emperor, James Asherton, emperor of the Allonian Empire, Archduke of Silton.” The announcer says as I walk into the hall. The crowd gives me a quick bow before returning to the festivities. I am so glad I don’t have a dozen titles.  

“Your majesty.” I hear a voice calling out to me. When I look behind me, I see an old gentleman with silver hair and golden eyes. 

“Ah, Goldwell, how are you doing? Is there anything you need?” I greet him with a smile. 

“There is a matter of concern you can help me with.” He says with a smile on his face. Is he plotting something? What could he possibly gain from asking me for help?  

“I understand you wish to reinstate the title of Archduke of Merey. I am willing to help you provided you grant me a favor.” He leads me on. 

“What is that favor.” I ask. I have a feeling I know where this is heading. 

“You know the requirements to inherit my ducal lands. Unfortunately, my daughter is female. So, I want you to birth a baby boy. Then allow me to adopt him and give him my name.” He says. Disgusting. He views people only as tools. Just because of her gender she is useless to him. I feel my vision going red. I close my eyes and let the red vanish into black.  

“I agree. Thank you for your support.” I respond opening my eyes. He has a smile upon his lips. A disgusting malevolent smile. And I'm the person who signed a deal with him. What does that make me? Evil perhaps. Defiantly amoral, if not in conscious, in deed. I’m not much better. Everyone is a pawn in my game of keeping power. And it has worked, the empire is the most stable it has ever been since its foundation. As I walk away someone else calls out to me. I must be extremely popular. 

“Your majesty, may you live a prosperous life.” I see an ambassador of the Yanzhou. He gives a low bow. He is a small man even by their standards. I wonder what he wants on that note. Probably trying to feel out the situation. 

“How may I be of assistance?” I ask polity giving the slightest bow. It would be an insult not to respect the ambassador of the Yanzhou. I wouldn’t want to get involved with them. Not that we have a border. But they are still a power in the world scale. 

“We were just wonder about your relation with the king of Felworth. It’s come to my attention that you have some misgivings with each other. If you want, we can help mend those broken bonds.” He offers. How noble of him. The offer is the kindest thing anyone has done for me today.  

“I have everything under control.” I turn him down. “In fact, I have just secured a new trading agreement. I believe that our relations are at the best they have ever been.” 

I give him a smile. That should send him scurrying. I will not tolerate an invasion of Felworth. Actually, I might welcome it. The nobles of the empire would finally unite to defeat a common enemy. I finally arrive at my chair. When I look to the corner, I see sir Baldwin. He gives me a quick nod and continues scanning the room. I begin scanning the room. There’s a sea of colors. It seems most of the nobles in the empire are here. I’ll need to call a grand meeting tomorrow. With Goldwell’s support I can reinstate the archduchy of Merey. But I need to strike when all the nobles can see my proof. I guess it can also be a double edge sword as well. But it’s an action that needs to be taken. Only united can this empire survive. Especially since the resurgence of Arria and the battle of Nara. How will I deal with this situation? I need to keep the dukes loyal to me. I could create a duchy inside the Wonsan territory. That would give me a loyal supporter. It’ll also saddle another person with the separatist problem. Yes, that’s what I shall do. 

“I give this toast to the birth of the empire. Let this empire be prosperous. Let it be united under the three archduchies. Let that unity be a bright reminder of what we can do united.” I proclaim. The guests look confused. Some seem to understand what I'm telling them though. Their excitement is going through the roof. The treaty of Merey is definitely the most important pillar of our empire. Then again, I'm creating another powerful vassal. But it gives the sense of security that this empire needs. Plus, restoring the status quo is how things should be. I must be a traditional kind of person. Only the old people can remember the time that the empire was ruled by a Cavendish. 

“All hail the emperor.” The crowd says. Soon the news will spread. I actually didn’t think I'd be able to make it. My popularity among the commoners will jump through the roof. 

A/N: Goldwell is an interesting character. All that can be said for now, sadly, is that James doesn't like Goldwell. I guess this is also the first chapter where politics occur in this book. All I can say is that Allonians love their idealistic speeches.