Family teachings
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“May I ask how your day is going?” Asks Sibylla, again sitting on a couch. In my office no less. 

“Horrible, Wonsan is going up in revolt.  Why do my headaches never cease? Can I ask for one day where nothing happens?” I complain while walking to my desk. 

“How naïve. Utopia doesn’t exist in this world. If you want things to go your way just crush your opponent and force your will on them.” She responds. 

“Where did such a harsh response come from. Also, how will that solve my problems.” I say shaking my head. I begin stamping papers. 

“Family teaching. Never went wrong with any of us. Except for that one time.” She responds in a bored tone. I see, it’s worked out for them pretty well them. Perhaps I should consider... wait. 

“What happened that one time?” I fear what the answer is. 

“Ah, well a majority of my family was killed. A family in the hundreds fell to about some 6 people.” She replies happily. Yeah... I’m not going to be considering that option.  

“Actually, do you have any family left in this world. When I found you, you were halfway to dead?” She never really speaks of her time before I found her. 

“No, my father died before I could remember him and my mother died when I was a child.” She says. I look up to see her with a distant look in her eyes. “I promised them that I would bring our family back to its glory days. No matter the cost.” 

“Hmm, how is that going?” 

“Well, I'm taking it day by day but I must say I'm making progress. Coin by coin of course.” She says giving me an award-winning smile. 

“I feel like you are just with me for my money.” I go back to my paperwork. She then gets up and begins sitting on my desk, impeding my work. I really don’t have the time for this. 

“I’m also here to do this.” She goes in and gives me a kiss. Not even seconds later the door opens. What now? Could this situation get any worse? I just hope that this doesn’t become a rumor. If Elizabeth got wind of this... 

“Ah... I see that I am interrupting something.” Elizabeths eyes could freeze even a volcano. I am screwed. What should I do? Sibylla has her hands wrapped around me. Of course, she is still all smiles. It seems that she is the only one enjoying the situation. 

“Never, if you would like, you could join us.” Sibylla says... graciously? I feel like she is just trying to screw me over at this point. 

“I would never do such a thing; I’ll just go about my business and leave you two to philander about like there is nothing else that matters.” With a glare from her violet eyes she turns her back and leaves the room. 

“Why did you do that?!” I question her. Normally she doesn’t do something like this. What sort of thought process made her commit these acts. 

“I would run after her if I were you.” She responds innocently. Damn her, she’s right. I jump out of the seat not even bothering to look back at her. Where will Elizabeth go. What should I do to make her forgive me? 


“Another family motto is to repay any favor two-fold.” A blue hair woman says looking at the empty office. “I also really like you two, I hope that you two will find happiness in this bleak world.” 

She then flips a coin and catches it not bothering to look at the result. 

“You don’t know how hard it is to find true kindness in this world.” She murmurs walking out of the office. 

A/N: I guess this chapter shows a bit more about Sibylla's personality. I should note that she also has her own agendas. But that doesn't matter for now. Also for fun fact of the day, we will be talking about Yeon. It is a merchant republic, but at the same time its capital Nariwon was the seat of power for the Kim Dynasty. There is often a conflict between the interest of the royalists and merchants. Nariwon was also the first place the Koryo set foot on the continent.