E.P. 9 Surgery
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(Sorry, I'm gonna skip the Izuku Vs. Shoto fight. Sorry!)

The camera opens up All might and Io inside Recovery Girl's nurse office. Izuku is laying on a bed with both of his arms wrapped in bandages and in slings. Recovery Girl is next to him.

Recovery Girl:"The bones in your right arm were shattered. I'm afraid it'll never be the same as it was before."

All Might and Io gasps while Izuku grunts in pain.

Recovery Girl:"I need to remove the bone fragments or they'll get stuck in your joints. I'll heal you afterward." *She looks to the two heroes and sighs.* "You two lit a fire under this child and pushed him too hard. Look at what he's done to make you two proud. I don't like it one bit. You're both going too far. You hear? You two and the boy."

Io points to All Might and He just slaps his hand down.

Recovery Girl:"Don't praise him for what he's done today."

Then suddenly then suddenly the door burst open scaring All Might, making him spit up blood and also scaring Io making him trip and fall on the ground.


All Might/Io:"You scared the crap outta me."

Io stands back up.

Ochaco:"Are you okay?"

The group walks up and Ochaco looks to Skinny All Might.

Ochaco:"Oh. It's nice to meet you, sir."

All Might:*Waves.* "Uh, yeah."

Ochaco:"Hello, Io."

Io:*Smiles and waves.*"Hello."

Recovery Girl:"He's in no state for visitors."

Izuku opens his eyes and looks to the group.

Izuku:"Hey, you guys. Shouldn't you be watching the matches?"

Tenya:"The stage was far too damaged. They're taking a quick break to repair it now."

Mineta:*Shaking.* "That match was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life, Midoriya. What pro's gonna want a sidekick that hurts himself?"

Tsuyu sticks her tongue to the side of Mineta's head.

Tsuyu:"Now you're just rubbing salt in his wounds. Probably not a good times." *She lets go of Mineta.*

Mineta:*Looks to Tsuyu.*"Hey, I'm just speaking' the truth!"

Recovery Girl stands up.

Recovery Girl:"You're much too noisy. I know you're worried, but I've got to focus on surgery now."


Recovery Girl ushers the students out of the room.

Recovery Girl:"Go on. Get out of here."


Mineta:"Surgery's a big deal, isn't it?"

Tenya:"Will his wounds be healed?"

Recovery Girl:"Don't worry, just leave me to it."

Io:"He'll be fine, kids. Just go."

The group leaves.

Izuku:"I'm sorry."

All Might gasps and Him and Io look to Izuku.

Izuku:"I couldn't do what you two asked of me. If I had shut up, not said anything... I might have been able to beat him. But, I..."

All Might:"You got Todoroki to realize something very important about himself."

Io:"You helped a friend, that's a what a true hero does."

Izuku:"I guess so. In his first match, he looked so sad. I was trying to figure out why when I should've been focused. I made a bigger mistake, though. Whenever we were fighting... I was just so... So frustrated. I couldn't see the bigger picture. Or what it would take to win. I'm sorry."

It's silent for a few seconds then All Might speaks.

All Might:"it's true that the match didn't go how we wanted it to, and realizing where you went wrong won't change that. But, listen. Meddling where you don't technically have to, is the essence of being a hero."

Izuku whimpers in pain.

Io:"You're already becoming a great hero."

Recovery Girl sighs and walks up. 

Later after surgery. 

Recovery Girl kisses Izuku and Izuku is panting and still bandaged up, but his arms aren't in slings any more. 

Recovery Girl:"Mmmmwah! I've healed you enough that you should be able to walk. But be careful."

Izuku:*Panting.* "Thank you very much, Ma'am."

Izuku looks to his hand and sees the scars.

Recovery Girl:"That's what you get for overusing your Quirk in a short time frame

Recovery Girl:"That's what you get for overusing your Quirk in a short time frame. Consider your crooked right hand as a warning from now on."

All Might and Io walk up.

Recovery Girl:"And just so you know, I will not heal injuries like this anymore."

Io, All Might and Izuku gasp. 

Recovery girl:"You must find a new way for him to use his power. There has to be an option that's not so self-destructive."

The three get ready to Leave but Io starts to sweat.

Io:"You guys go on ahead. I need to speak to Recovery Girl for a sec."

All Might:"Are you sure?"

Io:*Waves and Smiles.* "Yeah, I'll be right behind you, two."

All Might:*Nods.* "Okay."

Izuku and All Might leave the room and the camera follows them as they walk down the hall. Izuku has is gym jaket around his shoulders.

All Might:"A new way of using your Quirk. Hm."

Izuku:"Hey, All Might."

All Might:"Hm?"

Izuku:"Remember when you told me why you came to UA in the first place? To find a worthy successor to inherit One For All."

All Might:"Yeah."

Izuku:"I put everything I had into the sports festival. But still... There were other competitors who fought for victory harder than I did. So...Maybe..."

All Might:"You're thinking it might be better for someone else to be my successor. Yes?" *Izuku gasps.*


All Might:"You speak the truth. This place is full of incredible potential heroes. One For All Is a crystallization of power. It bolsters Quirks. For example. If Young Todoroki were to inherit it, the strength added to his own Quirk would probably make him an unbeatable superhero."


All Might:"But, you know, I was Quirkless, too, as a kid."

Izuku's eyes widen and he gasps and he turns and looks at All might. 

Izuku:"Quirkless? Seriously?"

All Might:"Back then it wasn't as rare of a thing. But it was still out of the ordinary." 

He thinks back and the camera shows Nana and Io standing on top of a building looking out to the city during the night.

All Might:"Even though I didn't have a power of my own, I had people who believed in my potential. My master gave me One For All and She and Io raised me to become a hero."

Izuku:"You never told me about that!"

All Might:"It's not my fault you never asked." *He gives a thumbs up.* "Which is honestly surprising."

Izuku:"I just can't believe the number-one hero was Quirkless."

All Might:"it's true. When we first met. I saw a little of the old me in you. But kid, You've gone beyond my expectations, time and time again. One day you're gonna do incredible things with One For All. That's something I truly believe."

Izuku gasps and All Might grunts. Izuku tries not to cry.

Izuku:"I'll do my best."

All Might:"Anyway, the Sports Festival isn't over yet. Get out there--you don't wanna miss the end."


The camera moves back to Recovery Girls office. 

Io is leaning against the bed sweating and panting in pain.

Recovery Girl:"When did this start."

Io:*Grunts.* "After the attack on the USJ." *He sits on the bed.*

Recovery Girl:"Lay down." *Io lays down.* "What did Grandeeney think?"

Io:*Pants.* "She hit me and told me I'm an Idiot. But she's working on a better temporary solution."

Recovery Girl:*She walks up to him and kisses his arm.* "You need to stop pushing yourself so much."

Io's pain lessens.

Io:*Chuckles.* "I can't help it I'm a hero."

Recovery Girl:"Well I want you to stay here so I can keep an eye on you."


Recovery Girl:"Doctors orders."

Io:*Groans.* "Fine, just turn the TV on."

Recovery Girl:"Fine, but I want you to try and get some rest and drink some blood."

Io chuckles and mock salutes.

Io:"Yes, Ma'am."

Recovery Girl goes over to a mini fridge and opens it up and grabs two blood beads from within and brings it to Io and he drinks them. Then she goes over to the TV and turns it on. It turns on and it shows that Bakugo just won against Tokoyami.

Io:"Man, I missed Shoto Vs. Iida and this fight."

The camera zooms to Io then turns black.



1379 words.

(Sorry about skipping so many battles, I just don't really care for season 2, And I can't wait to do season 3 and 4.)