Chapter 3
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They continue to look at me until the one who I assume is the leader reorganises them and they all get back to work. A man who I assume is the leader walks over to me.

“Thank you for your help.”(leader)

I only nod in response. The man looks at me confused but he continues anyway.

“My name is Elwin. We are mercenaries who have been hired as guards while our employers travel to the capital.”(E)

Again only nod in response. This makes Elwin look even more confused.

“Can you talk?”(E)

I shake my head in response. Once I answer Elwin's look of confusion disappears.

“Shall we wait for your friend then?”(E)

Once again I respond by nodding. After a while of waiting Zuriel finally arrives.

“Hello and thank you for helping us.”(E)

“We were just passing by.”(Z)

“Still I need to thank you somehow.”(E)

“Then can you show us to the nearest town?”(Z)

“That is something that I can easily do. The next town is two days away. Will that be okay with you?”(E)

“That is fine with me. What about you Ionara?”(Z)

[I am also fine with that.]

“Good. Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Elwin the leader of these mercenaries.”(E)

“I am Zuriel and this is Ionara. She is under a vow of silence.”(Z)

“It’s nice to meet you. I will get the others ready.”(E)

Elwin leaves us on our own. We walk towards the carriage that we will be travelling with for the next few days. The carriage is black and is being pulled by two horses. On the side is a family crest. Are they be nobles? Around us, the mercenaries tidy up the area after the fight and organise their equipment. After about an hour they are ready to leave. Elwin goes up to the driver and tells him they are ready.

“Are you two ready?”(E)

“We are ready when you are.”(Z)

Confirming that we are ready we start on our journey. There is one mercenary on each corner of the carriage and Elwin is walking on the front right. We are walking behind the carriage on the left side of the carriage. The mercenary on this side is a female who looks human but has what look like cat ears and a tail. She is wearing chain mail armour she is carrying a sword at her waist and a small shield on her left arm.

The girl turns around and looks at us.

“Hello my name is Mika.”(M)

“Hello I am Zuriel and this is Ionara. She is under a vow of silence.”(Z)

[It is nice to meet you.]

“It's nice to meet too. We will be travelling together for the next few days. Where are you two from?”(M)

“We are from a distant and forgotten country.”(Z)

“A forgotten country. What is the country called?”(M)

“It’s called the United Kingdom.”(Z)

“I have not heard of it before. Are you two knight or something?”(M)

“We are something of that sort. We are some of the best fighters in our country.”(Z)

“What order of knights are you from?”(M)

“I am from the Adeptus custodes and Ionara is from the sisters of silence.”(Z)

Mika doesn’t say anything. I look over to her and see that she is looking at us in amazement.

“What did you just say?”(M)