The World’s Only (Special Smaug)
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The camera opens up to Smaug sitting on the couch watching Ilulu and Kanna play games. Their on the floor in front of the TV. Smaug has his long tail wrapped around Ilulu's tail.  Kobayashi and Lucoa are sitting at the dinner table and Tohru is in the kitchen. 

Lucoa:"And that's what happened."

Kobayashi:"Wow, a Father's Day present, huh? Shouta's so kind."

Tohru brings over some drinks so them.

Lucoa:"Yeah. I'm looking forward to a present from Shouta."


Tohru:"Talismans are those protective charms humans often carry, right?"

Kobayashi:"Protective charms, huh? Do those actually have any effect?"

Tohru:"They're only psychological. They always burn up and disappear with the humans."

Kobayashi:"That's some first-hand testimony..."

Smaug:"I ate a bunch of humans that were carrying some." *He then wraps his arms around his stomach.* "They gave me a stomach ache."

Kobayashi:"What else should I expect from you."

Lucoa:"Talismans that are properly made with magic do provide an effect, though."

Kobayashi:"They do?"

Lucoa:"But I don't understand why he's make a talisman for Tits Day."

Smaug:*Eyes widen.* "Oh, crap that's today?! Man I didn't prepare for it." *Ilulu looks at him with a suggestive smirk.* "Someone prepare it for me." *Ilulu raises her breasts up and down and Smaug watches. A small bit of blood comes from his nose.*

Kobayashi:"What are you two going on about?"

Lucoa:"Huh? But it is Tits Day, right?" *She moves her breasts up and down. A lot more blood comes from Smaug's nose.*

Kobayashi:*Sweat drops.*"Yeah, sure, sure, boobs and boobs."


Smaug and Ilulu are walking down the sidewalk and Smaug has a few grocery bags in his hand. They walk past a cafe and Ilulu looks inside to see a couple sharing a shake together. She stops walking and watches with interest. She imagens that those two where her and Smaug.


Ilulu:*She turns to him.* "Huh?"

Smaug:"Let's go. I want to cook this food."

Ilulu:"Ok." *She watches the couple has she walks away.*


Smaug is in his chibi form sitting on the dinner table eating some raw steak. Kobayashi is getting ready for work. She coughs a few times. Tohru brings her her coat.

Tohru:"What's the matter, Miss Kobayashi?"

Kobayashi:"I think I've caught a cold."

Tohru:"A cold?" *Tohru hands Kobayashi her coat.* "That's something I don't understand."

Kobayashi:*Takes her coat.* "Don't dragons catch colds?"

Tohru:"There's no way a mere virus could survive inside my body."

Kobayashi:"Must be nice."

Smaug looks to them.

Smaug:"There was this one time where these farms just left a bunch of meat in the middle of their field and I ate it all. A few hours later I had a stomach ache."

Tohru:"That's because they more than poisoned the food and left it there for you." 

Smaug thinks about if for a few seconds.

Smaug:"That's why it tased funny."

Tohru just face palms.

Kobayashi:"Well, I have to go to work."

Tohru:"Huh? Are you well enough to go?"

Kobayashi:"I'm fine, I'm fine. If I took off for something this minor-  Whoa." *Kobayashi falls face first. Her soul leaves her body.*

Smaug/Tohru:*In horor.* "Miss Kobayashi!" *Smaug takes a bite of his steak.*


Kobayashi is laying in bed and she is checking a thermometer. It reads 38.9 C (102.2 F). Tohru and Smaug, who's in male form, are standing by the side of the bed. 


Tohru:*Freaking out.* "D-Doesn't this mean you're really in danger?!"

Smaug:*Freaking out.* "Oh my gosh, she's gonna die!"

Kobayashi:*Sits up* "I'll be fine. But I won't be able to go to work, so I need to call them."

Tohru:"I'll do it!" *She runs out of the room.*

Smaug:*Salutes.* "I shall be your substitute nurse."

He changes in his female form and he's wearing a nurse outfit.

He changes in his female form and he's wearing a nurse outfit

(Smaug's "Nurse" outfit.)

Kobayashi:*Eye twitch.* "Why are you wearing that?"

Smaug:"It's a nurse outfit."

Kobayashi:"But why this kind?"

Smaug:"I saw this on the internet."

Kobayashi:"What were you watching?"

Smaug:*Scratches his/her chin and thinks.* "I don't know but after the doctor left the room the nurse started to have sex with the patient."

Kobayashi:'He was watching porn.'

Smaug:"Is that how nurses actually treat patients?" 


Smaug:*Rubs his/her head.* "Oh man. What did I watch then."

Kobayashi groans and takes some medication then lays back down and goes to sleep. Smaug walks out of the room and walks back a computer.

Smaug:"I need to find that video again. I'm confused."


Smaug is still on the computer.

Smaug:"Why are all these videos have the nurse having sex with the patient." *He scrolls through.* "Me and Ilulu could try some of this stuff."


Smaug is cleaning some dishes, he's in male form, and Tohru comes over and hugs him. 

Smaug:"Tohru, what-"

He notices Tohru seems a little scared and he stops cleaning the dishes and hugs her back.


Smaug is watching TV and Tohru comes out of Kobayashi's room and heads to the from door. Kanna walks in.

Kanna:"I'm home."

Tohru walks past her.

Tohru:"Kanna, please watch over Miss Kobayashi."


Kanna puts her school stuff away and walks over to Smaug and sits next to him.

Kanna:"What's wrong with Kobayashi?"

Smaug:"She has a cold."

Kanna:"Will she be okay?"

Smaug:"I think so."


Later that night.

Ilulu, Kanna and Smaug are standing in Kobayashi, who is now feeling a little better.

Kobayashi:"Man, I'm all better after a good rest."

Kanna:"Kobayashi, are you okay?"

Kobayashi:"I'll be fine after taking some medicine and sleeping again."

Ilulu:"That's great!"


Kobayashi looks around.

Kobayashi:"Where's Tohru?"

Tohru comes. She's looking down. She's a little dirty and is breathing heavily. Her hair is a bit messy.

Kobayashi:"Tohru? What's wrong? You look exhausted."

Smaug:'I've seen her like this before.' *He grabs his left side.*

Tohru:"Well, I search everywhere."

She brings up and hand and shows some berries.

Kobayashi:"Huh? What's that..."

Tohru:"I found some very effective medicine."

Kobayashi:"is it safe? There's nothing weird in it, is-"

Kobayashi notices her state of condition. She then grabs the berries. 

Kobayashi:"I'll take it."

She eats them and drinks some water. 

Kobayashi:"Yea, it's working."

Tohru looks up.

Tohru:"You mean it?"

Kobayashi:"Yeah! This is incredible."

Tohru:"Oh, thank goodness. I was really worried about you."

Kobayashi:"Tohru, thank you."

Later. The next morning.

Smaug is sleeping peacefully on the couch. He is holding onto his tail. 


Smaug falls onto the floor wide awake. Kobayashi come out of her room. She had cat ears and whiskers.

Kobayashi:*She points to her cat parts.* "What's the meaning of this?!" 

Tohru:"Uhh, maybe it's a side effect? The medicine was for beast-folk, so...But you're cute."

Kobayashi:"I can't go to work like this!"

Smaug stands up.

Smaug:"Oh, it's a catbayshi." 

Kobayashi looks to him in anger and Smaug changes into chibi form and hides under the couch.


Kanna is waving a cat toy in front of Kobayashi and her head follows it. Kanna plays with her like a cat. 

Smaug:"This is so cute."

Then he feels a tap on his shoulder. He looks over to see Ilulu with a pair of cat ears of her head. She raises her fist and paws at him like a cat.

Ilulu:*Cutely* "Nya."

Smaug:"I can't describe how cute and arousing this is."

Ilulu:"I can save it for later, nya." *She licks his cheek like a cat and whispers in his ear.* "I've been a naughty kitty master, nya."

Smaug:*Raises a first and slowly brings it down.* "Yeeeeesssss."


Smaug is watching TV and Ilulu walks over to him. Smaug looks to her and she has a doll version of him in her breasts.

Ilulu:"It's a Smaug doll. Cute, isn't it?"

Smaug:*Narrows his eyes at the doll.* 'A rival, Our battle will be legendary. For those breasts are mine!'

The camera pans to a view of the apartment then turns black.



(I'm so sorry! I was gonna have this out so much earlier, but Wattpad decided not to work. And I got caught up playing some BF5 and rainbow six with some friends.  So please don't be mad at me!

But I hoped you liked the episode.)