Isekai Quartet Season 2 EP 8: Challenge! Part-Time Job
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Everyone is in class and the bell rings.

Pandora's Actor:"Class is done for today! But don't slack off on your homework! That's right, don't slack off! Now begone!"

Kazuma gets up and stretches and Demiurge looks to him.

Demiurge:"You stayed awake today."

Visha gets up and walks away to the door.

Kazuma:"If somebody could sleep through that guy's yelling, I'd worry about him."

Demiurge:"Good Point."

Visha opens the door to the class.

Visha:"Have a wonderful day, everyone!"

Violet:"She's leaving early."

Dave walks over to Smaug's desk.

Dave:"Smaug! Smaug! I've learned something!"

Smaug raises an eyebrow.

Smaug:"What did you learn."

Dave holds up his hands and they glow white then the world turns grey and everyone freezes.

Dave:"I've learned to freeze time!"

Smaug being the only one not frozen.

Smaug:"It's not that impressive."

Smaug sits back and closes his eyes and snaps his fingers.

Dave jaw drops and he looks to his hand then to Smaug.


Subaru leaves the class with Ram, Rem, Emilia and Beatrice.

Mathues:"Subaru's really popular."

Kazuma:"Don't get the wrong idea."

Megumin goes over to Kazuma.

Megumin:"Kazuma, let's go." *She holds up her staff.* "I found a good explosion spot! Will you go with me?"


Darkness goes over to them.

Darkness:"That's no fair, Megumin! Kazuma was supposed to get me a stuffed animal at the arcade."

Aqua then comes over.

Aqua:"Kazuma, I told you that they're having a sale on veggies at the department store today! You said you'd go with me!"

Kauma puts his bag on his shoulder.

Kazuma:"Okay, fine."

Kazuma's group starts to leaves.

Kazuma:"Let's just hit them all up in order."

Megumin:*Singing.* "Explosion, explosion, lah-lah-lah!"

Kazuma:"See you tomorrow!"

They leaves the class.



Aqua:"Wait, Kazuma! I'm not ready to go."

Mathues:"Kazuma's really popular...."

Ilulu goes over to Smaug and hugs him.

Ilulu:"Smaug, I want to go home."

Kanna comes over.

Kanna:"Lord Smaug, I want to go home, too."

Tohru and Kobayashi come over.

Tohru:"I need to stop by the butcher."

Smaug:"I'm not allowed to go to the butcher shop."

Kobayashi raises and eyebrow.


Tohru looks to Kobayashi.

Tohru:"Do you really need to ask that."

Kobayashi looks to Tohru then back to Smaug then to Tohru.

Kobayashi:"You're right."

Smaug:"Hey! Let's just go home!"

Smaug gets up and leaves the class and Kobayashi, Kanna, Tohru and Ilulu follow.

Mathues:"Smaug's really popular..."

Dave runs after them.

Dave:"Wait for me!"

Tanya:"Captain Weiss, you've been kind of down since Valentine's Day, haven't you?"

As they are walking home.

Dave:"How did you do that early, Smaug?! With the finger snapping."

Smaug smirks.

Smaug:"I'm not telling you."

Dave pouts.

Dave:"Come on, Smaug. It's so cool!"

Tohru:"Now, I'm interested, too."

Smaug:"Hard work just pays off."

Kobayashi:"Since when do you work hard?"

Smaug:"Hey, I work hard all the time. Just no one sees it!"

Ilulu:"Smaugy I know I am your wife, but even I don't believe you work hard."

Smaug's tail droops.

Smaug:"Even my own wife."

Kanna:"Lord Smaug, is lazy."

Smaug cries.

Later tomorrow.

The Dragon Maid group arrives and sees Tanya writing on the clack board.

Tanya:"I've gathered you all here to discuss our lieutenant."

The dragon maid groups sits down. Kanna sits in Smaug's lap and he braids her hair. 

Subaru:"Let's go over what we know, I guess. We saw Visha working a part-time job yesterday. Right, Ains?"

Ains:"Yeah, we did. What about you?"

Kazuma:"We saw it, too."

Aura:"We did, too!"

Koenig:"As did we."

Shalltear:"I did, too."

Tohru:"Me, too."

Smaug puts his head on his desk and falls asleep.

Cocytus:"We did as well."

Subaru:"So where was she working?"

Ains:"The convenience store."

Kazuma:"The department store's grocery section."

Aura:"The doughnut store.

Koenig:"Ramen place."

Shalltear:"The karaoke place."

Tohru:"Butcher shop."

Cocytus:"Handicrafts store."


Dave:"I didn't know there was a handicrafts store."

Ilulu:"I should go there after school."

Smaug snores.

Tanya:"Guys, we're getting off topic."

Violet:"We should get back on topic."

Subaru:"I saw her in the butchers. What's going on here?"

Visha then comes in.

Visha:"Good morning. What's going on, everyone?"

Tanya:"Oh, Lt. Serebryakov. Actually--"

Pandora's Actor comes in.

Pandora's Actor:"It's almost time for class, everybody. Class, or as they call it in English, class! Yeah, that's what they call it."


Visha:"Oh, you found out I was working part-time jobs? Sorry."

Kazuma puts his hand up.

Kazuma:"No, it's not against the rules or anything. But we were wondering why."

Violet:"I want to know, too."

Visha:"Well, actually..."

She thinks back to the lunch room and how see saw a sign that said "Special Menu" for 30,000 Yen.

Visha:"I just can't stop thinking about it..."

Smaug's tail makes an exclamation point and it taps Smaug on the shoulder waking him up.

Subaru:"The special menu in the cafeteria? Has anybody here ordered it?"

Kazuma:"I haven't."

Ains:"It's 30,000 yen, right? It's a waste to spend that on lunch."

Kazuma:"Wow, I thought you were a bigger spender."

Ains:"You can't waste money on everything."

Visha:"But aren't you curious? It's special! Special!"

Dave:"My Mom says I'm special."

Tanya:"I'm curious, sure. But you're working too much."

Visha:"Well you see, if you work at a place, they feed you. And I kept finding new things I wanted to try, and..."

Everyone starts part-time jobs, but Smaug.  He just sleeps on the couch.


Everyone is on the cafeteria. 

Visha:"Okay, here we go..."

Visha presses the Special Menu button and a door bell rings.

Kazuma:"This sound..."

Smaug:"I didn't do it!"

Aqua:"Nani? Nani? Nani? Nani?

Ains:"Could it be..."

Tanya:"On guard, everyone!"

Nothing happens.

Subaru:"What's wrong?"

Kobayashi:"Nothing happened."

Butcher:"Your special menu us here!"

Everyone looks over to see a plate with a bunch of food on it.

Everyone:"It's huge!"

Smaug eye's gain stars.

Kazuma:"Huh? The butcher?"

Ains:"He's the guy who works at the convenience store."

Tanya:"You mean the doughnut shop."


Demiurge:"No. No."


Visha runs over to the food.


She bring sit to a table and starts to eat it.

Visha:"It's special!"

Visha smiles.

Visha starts to eat it like crazy.

Tanya:"I guess it was only special because of its size, huh?"

Kazuma:"It was surprisingly normal, huh? So, what do you want to do?"

Subaru:"We've go the money we earned, too, but..."

Ains:"We don't need to use it here."


Then they hear another doorbell ring and they look to see Smaug buy the special menu.

Tohru:"Smaug?! I never saw you work once! How do you have money?"

Smaug holds up some gold coins.

Smaug:"King Under The Mountain."



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