Father/Daughters time (Finally right?)
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(Here's the new arc.)

Smaug is leaning against a tree a little ways from the city of Aureum Regem. Smaug is wearing a brown cloak with the hood down. 

Smaug slowly starts to fall asleep, his eyes slowly close and suddenly a light blue portal opens next to him - startling him. Smaug jerk back and smacks the back of his head on the tree.

Smaug:"Son of a-!"

Smaug groans and rubs his head.

Morgan hops out of the portal and lands next to Smaug.


 She sees his state and her dragon tail mimics a question mark. 

Morgan:"Dad, are you okay?"

Smaug straightens up but keeps a hand on the back of his head.


Smaug rubs his head as Morgan walks over to him and hugs him

Morgan:"Thanks for agreeing to this."

Smaug smiles and hugs her back.

Smaug:"How can I say no to my two favorite girls." *They stop hugging.* Speaking of girls, Where's Megumin?"

Morgan:"She said that she would meet us at the adventurer's guild."

Smaug groans.

Smaug:"I don't really want to go into the city."

Morgan raises an eyebrow.

Morgan:"Why not?"

Smaug:"It's weird how they treat me there, I know I'm amazing, but it's a little much. They even have a church and religion dedicated to me."

Morgan:"But you are a dragon god, who saved this town a few times."

Smaug scratches his cheek.

Smaug:"I guess you're right. But what's next? People worshiping Dave?"

Smaug laughs.

Morgan:"Now that you mention it."

Smaug stops laughing.

Smaug:"Please don't tell me."

Morgan:"Yup, there's a small group of people who worship Dave in the far south."

Smaug groans and rubs his temples.

Smaug:"I hate humans."

Morgan laughs and Smaug grumbles and puts his hood up and lifts his cloak up and wraps his tail around his waist and then he lowers his cloak.

Smaug:"Let's go."

Smaug walks towards Aureum Regem.

Morgan:"Yes, father."

Morgan follows after her father and a blue glow surrounds her. When it dies down her dragon features are gone.

They walk through the gates of the city and Smaug looks around, the streets are very busy.

Smaug:"This city doubled in population in the last month."

Morgan:"Well, when the war ended with you taking their leader out, people felt safer living near the home of the Great Smaug."

Smaug grumbles and they walk through the crowd.

Smaug:"I don't like it here, too many people."

Morgan gives Smaug a smug smile.

Morgan:"Don't tell me you have social anxiety, Father."

Smaug shakes his head.

Smaug:"No, I just don't like crowded places. Call me crazy but with what's happened in the past 3 years, I prefer to keep mostly to myself."

Morgan:"Still worried about the Sword."

Smaug grunts.

Smaug:"How can I not, the swords missing. A sword made to kill dragons. Even if it doesn't kill them it'll leave a permanent scar."

Morgan:"Just calm down, everything will be fine. This is a time to spend with your daughters, not worrying about the aftermath of a war."

Smaug takes a deep breath.

Smaug:"You're right, I'm gonna spend time with my daughters, which I haven't done in hundreds of years, and calm down."


Smaug and Morgan move to the side as a Bunny-kin runs past them. The Bunny-kin has brown hair and ears along with some gray eyes. He's wearing some simple leather armor with a rapier attached to his right hip.

(He looks like Rakta from DanMachi.)


The Bunny kin dodges through the crowd as he heads out of town.

Wolf-Kin:"Haru's at it again."

Human:"You know he's trying to become a strong adventurer."

Wolf-kin:"I know, I just worry for the kid."

Smaug and Morgan stop walking and look up to a big building.

Morgan:"Well, here's the adventurer's guild."

Smaug looks around.

Smaug:"Where's Megumin?"

Megumin:"Dad! Morgan!"

Smaug turns to his right and sees Megumin running towards them while waving her staff.


Megumin makes it over to them and she hugs her father, tightly.

Megumin:"Oh, it's so good to see you."

Smaug's face is turning blue.

Smaug:"Air....Need... Bright light."

Megumin quickly lets go of Smaug and he takes a deep breath.

Megumin:"Oh, sorry." *She laughs while rubbing the back of her head."

Smaug catches his breath and he looks up to Megumin. He slightly frowns at the height difference.

Smaug being 5'2''(158.5 cm) Morgan being 5'4'' (164.6 cm) and Megumin being 5'6'' (170.7 cm.)

Smaug:"Why are you both so tall."

Morgan:"Why are you so short."

Smaug:"I'm a growing dragon!"

Morgan:"Yet you're still shorter than us."

Megumin:"It's slightly that both your daughters are taller than you."

Smaug starts to anime cry.

Smaug:"Can we stop talking about my height."

Morgan and Megumin laugh.

Megumin:"Well, let's begin with the first activity of the day."

Smaug:"Which is?"

Megumin holds up a fishing rod.


Smaug:"Oh, boy."

Morgan:"Ohhh, I haven't been fishing in a long time."

Megumin begins to walk off.

Megumin:"Let's go, we don't have all day."

Morgan follows after her.

Morgan:"Come on, old man."

Smaug follows after her.

Smaug:"I'll show you old man!"





Smaug, Megumin and Morgan are all sitting together at the edge of a gaint lake. They all have buckets next to them and Morgan and Megumins are full while Smaug's is empty.

Smaug:"Why is this happening to me again?"

Morgan reels in a big fish.

Morgan:"I got one!"

Megumin also reeled in a big fish.

Megumin:"Me too!"

Smaug starts to cry.

Smaug:"This is rigged!"

Suddenly something tugs on Smaug's line and he stands up all excited.

Smaug:"I GOT ONE!"

The fish pulls on the line hard and Smaug fights against it.

Smaug:"Oh, this is a big one! I feel it!"

Smaug struggles to keep the rod in his hand.

Smaug:"This is probably the biggest fish I have ever caught."

Bubbles form on the surface of the water.

Smaug:"Here it comes!"

Smaug pulls on the rod hard and he smiles.

A giant whale flies out of the water, heading towards Smaug with it's mouth open.

Smaug frowns as the whale swallows him and slides back into the lake.

Both Morgan and Megumin's jaws are dropped and they blink a few times.

Inside the dark whale's stomach a pair of orange eyes glow.

Smaug:"Really? Again?"




Smaug, Morgan and Megumin are walking on a trail through a forest. Smaug is fixing his brown cloak.

Megumin:"Well, that was certainly exciting."

Morgan:"Especially when dad got eaten by a whale."

Smaug crosses his arms.

Smaug:"I swear whales have it out for me. Well, what's next on today's list?"

Megumin puts a finger on her chin and thinks for a few seconds.

Megumin:"There is a play being held back at Aureum Regem."

Smaug:"A play?"

Morgan:"Sounds fun. I wish to go see it."

Smaug:"Well, I guess we can go."

Megumin claps her hands.






Smaug sits down in a seat and his daughters sit at either side of him. Smaug looks around and sees all the people.

Smaug:"There's a lot of people here."

Morgan rests her head on Smaug's shoulder.

Morgan:"It'll be okay."

Megumin grabs and holds Smaug's arm while resting her head on his other shoulder.

Megumin:"Yeah Dad, just relax."

Smaug:"I am relaxing."

The lights go out around the area except for the stage. A couple of actors walk on stage.

Narrator:"[A lookout post at the Royal Danish Castle at Elsinore. It's a cold night and Francisco is on duty. Another soldier, Bernardo, approaches. He stops as if he's heard a sound coming from the audience, then cries out]"

Bernardo:"Who's there?"

Francisco:"Nay, , answer me! Stand and unfold yourself!"

Bernardo:"Long live the king!"

Smaug:*Whispers.* "This is going to be a long play."






Actor:"To be, or not to be, that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. To die—to sleep, No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to: 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there's the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause—there's the respect."

Smaug:*Whispers.* "This character sure likes to talk about killing himself."




Smaug, Megumin and Morgan walk out of the theater. The sun is setting on the horizen.

Megumin:"I liked that play."

Morgan:"It was kind of dark."

Smaug:"I liked the part where everyone dies at the end."

Morgan and Megumin look to him.

Morgan/Megumin:"You're weird."

Smaug puffs his cheeks out.

Smaug:"Show your father more respect!"

Megumin and Morgan laugh; Smaug just rolls his eyes.

Smaug:"What next?"

Megumin:"Well I'm getting hungry."

Morgan:"I'm not that hungry."

Morgan's stomach loduly growls and she gains a massive blush.

Morgan:"I guess I could eat."

Smaug:"I could eat at any time."

Morgan:"You're just a massive glutton."


Megumin laughs.




The three are now sitting at a table with food in front of them.

Smaug has a massive turkey leg. Megumin has a steak while Morgan has a simple salad.

Smaug grabs the turkey leg and eats half of it in one bite. Morgan sighs.

Morgan:"You eat so.... undignified like."

Smaug speaks with a mouth full of food.

Smaug:But turkey is sooooo gooooood."

Megumin:"That's all I really ever see you eat."

Smaug swallows the food in his mouth.

Smaug:"Turkey is the best food to ever exist!"

Morgan:"But can you eat it with some table manners?"

Smaug raises an eyebrow.

Smaug:"Table manners? Never heard of it."

Morgan facepalms.

Morgan:"I sometimes wonder how you're my father."

 Smaug:"Your mother was very hot and we both had needs."

Morgan covers her face with her hands.

Morgan:"I don't want to hear this."

Smaug:"Well it all started when I accidentally burned some of her alchemy supplies."

Morgan groans while Megumin looks interested.




The three are standing on the edge of town. It's night time. Smaug as his cloak off and Morgan's dragon features are back.

Smaug:"That was a lovely dinner."

Morgan:"It was until you started talking about how you meet mom and conceived me."

Megumin:"It was a story full of love and romance."

Morgan looks at her with confusion.

Morgan:"You are a confusing person."

Smaug:"What's next?"

Megumin:"Well, there's only one more thing?"

Something explodes in the sky behind them and lights up the sky. Smaug's tail shoots up.

Morgan:"Wow, fireworks."

Smaug turns around and sees fireworks going off.

Megumin sits down.

Megumin:"Come on, let's watch!"

Smaug watches the sky for a few more seconds then sits down next to Megumin. Morgan sits on the other side of him. The girls rest their heads on his shoulders.

Morgan:"Today was a fun day."

Megumin:"It was nice to have a relaxing day."

Smaug:"Especially after these past few years."

They stay silent as they watch fireworks go off.

Megumin:"We should do this again sometime."

Morgan:"I agree."

Smaug:"I'll be happy to do this again."

The sky lights up red and Smaug deadpans.

Smaug:"Is that me?"


A firework goes off in the shape of Smaug and he sighs.

Smaug:"These people."

Morgan and Megumin laugh which makes Smaug laugh.




But what they don't behind them is a golden dragon tail slithering behind a tree.



1694 words

(In the next episode we'll meet the new character!)