Haru the Bunny (Please Train Me!)
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It's early morning and Smaug, in dragon form, lands in a small clearing a few miles from the Lonely Mountain. He changes into his human form and stretches out. The Glaive he used when disguised as Kitty is on his back.

Smaug yawns as he grabs his glaive off his back.

Smaug:"This seems like a good place to train."

Smaug twirls his glaive around then points it out in front of him. Then he does an upward strike then stabs the air.

Smaug then does a forward slash and spins around and slashes the air behind him. Smaug slashes the air but stops mid swing.

Then he straightens up and points his glaive to his right and fires off a blast, destroying a nearby tree.


Smaug lowers his glaive and looks to the smoking stump of the tree. A pair of brown bunny ears peek out from behind the stump.

Smaug:"I very much don't like being spied on. Now come out!"

The bunny-kin behind the stump raises their head and a pair of grey eyes stare at Smaug. Then the Bunny-Kin quickly stands up.

It's the one that nearly ran into Smaug and Morgan a few days ago.

Smaug:"A bunny-kin?"

Smaug blinks and the Bunny-kin is right next to him.

(The Bunny-kins height is 4'8'' or 148.3 cm.)

Bunny-kin:"You're Smaug, The lord and Savior of Aureum Regem! So Cool!"

The Bunny-kin gains stars in his eyes.

Bunny-Kin:"I've always wanted to meet you! Even if you almost killed me a few seconds ago."

Smaug takes a couple steps back.

Smaug:"This is getting weird."

Bunny-kin:"Mom said I should never bother you, but I saw you flying over head and I could resist the temptation to meet you. You see when I was young the teachers at school would tell us stories of the great Smaug. You're like an awesome hero, even if you're mostly a villain. The stories that they told us made me-"

Smaug :"Stop stop stop. Who even are you?"

The Bunny-Kin smiles and takes his rapier out and points it to the sky while doing a pose.

Haru:"I'm Haru, the Bunny-kin. I'm going to be the best adventurer there ever was."

Smaug:"Well, Haru. What are you doing out here?"

Haru puts his rapier away.

Haru:"Well I was finishing up a quest when I saw you flying over head and I was so excited I could resist the temptation to meet you. So I followed you."

Haru begins to bounce around Smaug.

Haru:"This is a dream come true! I've met Smaug: The Impenetrable. Oh, when I tell the guys back at the guild they're gonna be so jealous. That is if they believe me, which they might. But mom she's gonna flip! And-"

Smaug grabs Haru by his ears and stops him and holds him slightly off the ground.

Smaug:"You talk a lot."

Haru:"I've been told that before."

Smaug drops Haru on the ground and he puts his glaive on his back.

Smaug:"Now that you've meet me, I'm leaving."

Smaug turns around and begins walking away when suddenly Haru runs in front of Smaug.

Haru:"You can't go yet."

Smaug raises an eyebrow.

Smaug:"Why not?"

Haru:"I- I-um... I want to ask you to train me?"

Smaug looks Haru up and down.

Smaug:"Train you?"

Haru nods.


Haru gets slightly depressed.

Haru:"Then can you at least help me with a dungeon?"

Smaug:"A dungeon?"

Haru quickly nods.


Smaug walks past Haru. After being in shock for a few seconds Haru runs after Smaug.

Haru:"What?! Why not?"

Smaug:"I don't have time to."

Haru:"But it'll be really quick."



Smaug:"No! I'm very busy I need to get back to my wife-"

Smaug remembers he hasn't been to the human realm in a few days and a scenario plays in his head.

Ilulu:"Why didn't you come home! I've been taking care of the children without you!"

Smaug:"I'm sorry!"

Ilulu:"No hugs for a week!"


Smaug shakes his head.

Smaug:"I guess I could help you out for a little bit."

Haru becomes very excited and he hops up and down.

Haru:"Yes yes yes! This is going to be so cool!"

Smaug:"Well, show me to this dungeon."

Haru stops hopping around.

Haru:"It's only a few miles away from here!"

Haru begins to walk north and Smaug follows him.

Smaug:"So how old are you, you seem a little young to be doing this stuff."

Haru:"I'm 12 and I'm not too young to do anything."

Smaug:"12 is still young."

Haru:"I'll have you know that Bunny-kins are fully mature adults at the age of 16."

Smaug:"Okay, if you say so. But what rank adventurer are you?"

Haru:"I'm F."

Smaug:"That's really low."

Haru:"But it's still a rank above the beginners rank of E. And I'm almost a D rank."

Narrator:"The adventure rank system has 7 ranks, beginning with E. This is where children or younger adventures start. Then F, where most people start at. D, a normal rank for many adult adventures. C is a rank where most people end their adventuring careers at. B is a rank where few can reach. A rank is where even fewer people reach, it can take an entire human lifespan to even reach this rank. Then the highest rank. Rank S, where heroes and people that are hero level resided at. Only a few have ever reach this rank that weren't heroes."

Haru:"My goal is to be the youngest to ever reach rank C."

Smaug:"Pft. Good luck."

Haru giggles.

Haru:"Lord Smaug believes in me"

Smaug face palms.

Suddenly someone yells Smaug's name rom behind him.


Smaug turns around just as Paimon crashes into his face. Paimon and Smaug both fall to the ground.

Paimon:"Why have you been ignoring Paimon!"

Paimon the collar of Smaug's shirt and shakes him back and forth.

Paimon the collar of Smaug's shirt and shakes him back and forth

Smaug:"Stop shaking me!"

Paimon keeps shaking Smaug.

Paimon:"Answer me!"

Haru pops up next to them.

Haru:"Mr. Smaug, who's this?"

Smaug uses his tail to grab Paimon and lift her off of his chest. Then he stands up and holds an angry Paimon away from him.

Smaug:"This is my emergency food."

Paimon struggles to get out of Smaug's tail.

Paimon:"Paimon has a name and it's Paimon!"

Smaug:"If you didn't find out by now, her name's Paimon. My....... Guide."

Paimon gets out of Smaug's tail grasp and she flies over Smaug.

Paimon:"You're not threatening this Bunny-kin are you Smaug?"

Smaug:"Do you really think that little of me?"

Paimon nods.

Paimon:"With the things you've done, this is pretty normal for you."

Smaug opens his mouth to say something but then he shut it.

Smaug:"Just shut up. This is Haru, someone I'm going dungeon diving with."

Paimon:"Then you're eating him?"

Smaug bonks Paimon on the head. paimon grabs her head as tears fall from her eyes.

Smaug:"I'm not eating him!" *Mumbles.* "Why do I have such bad luck, it's like Kofuku is around." *He shivers.* "I don't need her near me again."

Smaug then begins walking and grabs the back of Haru's armor.

Smaug:"Let's go."

Haru salutes.

Haru:"Yes, Mr. Smaug!"

Paimon shakes her head and flies after them.

Paimon:"Don't leave Paimon behind again!"




After a while of walking the group of two and one emergency food are standing in front of a large cave entrance.

Smaug:"This is it?"

Haur:"Yup, it a ten floor dungeon."

Smaug:"That not many, must be young then."

Haru:"It was discovered a few years ago."

Paimon floats in.

Paimon:"Adventure awaits."

After a few seconds Paimon flies out screaming while rubbing her head.

Paimon:"Spiders! Spiders! Spiders in my hair!"

Smaug sighs as he facepalms.

Smaug:"Let's go."

Smaug walks in and Haru follows him. Paimon is still freaking out about spiders.

Smaug and Haru looks around the dark cave and Smaug holds his hand out and a ball of fire appears.

Smaug:"Just so you know, I won't help you that much."

Haru nods and his ears twitch.

Haru:"I'm fine with that, I just wanted to show you how strong I am."

Smaug stops walking.

Smaug:"So you didn't need help."

Haru:"I do need help, I've only been able to do two floors of this dungeon."

Suddenly Haru is pulled back by Smaug's tail as a few spears fly out of the wall.

Smaug:"I can see that you need help."

Haru nervously laughs.

Haru:"I forgot about that."

Paimon floats in.

Paimon:"I got the spider out of my hair."

A spear flies past her head.

Paimon:"AHH! Smaug!"

Smaug:"I didn't do it!"

Paimon:"But you're supposed to protect me!"

Smaug sighs as he unwraps his tail from Haru and he wraps it around Paimon.

Smaug:"Let's go."

Haru nods and walks further into the dungeon with Smaug following him; Paimon is making angry noises.

Haru nods and walks further into the dungeon with Smaug following him; Paimon is making angry noises


Haru finishes the third floor of the dungeon and he's standing at a chest with Smaug next to him. Paimon is poking a dead goblin with a stick.

Haru:"Open says a me!"

Haru opens the chest up and his eyes gain stares and Smaug's face turns to one of confusion. Haru pulls out a large red dragon scale from the chest.

Haru:"It's one of your scales, Lord Smaug!"

Smaug:"Are you sure?" *He looks to Haru.*

Haru nods and Smaug gets a closer look at the scale.

Smaug:"Hmmm. Hey! It is! How does this dungeon have my scale!"

Haru goes puts his hand into the chest and pulls out some rope.

Haru:"I'm gonna treasure this forever!"

Smaug:"Stupid dungeon. Don't take stuff from me!"

Smaug kicks the chest and he grabs his foot in pain. Haru puts the scale on his back and ties it to himself.

Paimon:"Let's go already!"


On the sixth floor Haru kills a few kobolds. Smaug is holding a red crystal in his hand. Paimon floats over to him.

Paimon:"What is it?"

Smaug:"I don't know."

Smaug stares at the crystal for a few seconds then he eats it.

Paimon:"Why did you do that?!"

Smaug shrugs his shoulder then he coughs and black smoke comes out of his mouth. Haru walks over.

Haru:"I killed the- Are you okay, Lord Smaug?"

Smaug looks over to Haru and a bunch of Smoke seeps out of his mouth.


Smaug burps and fire comes out of his mouth. Smaug holds his stomach.

Smaug:"I don't feel so good."

Paimon rolls her eyes and floats down to the next floor.

On the tenth floor the group is standing in front of a large door.

Smaug:"This is it."

Smaug looks to Haru. Haru has a few scrapes and cuts around him and his chest plate is ripped. Haru looks a little tired.

Smaug:"Are you sure you can do this."

Paimon floats over to Smaug and sits on his shoulder.

Paimon:"I think he can."

Haru:"I can, if I can beat this boss I'll be a step closer to becoming a D rank adventurer."

Smaug looks to the door then to Haru.

Smaug:"Well whatever is in there, be careful."

Haru nods and he goes over to the door and opens it. The group walks inside and the door shuts behind them. Smaug looks to the door then back in front of him where he sees a sleeping wyvern.

Smaug looks to the door then back in front of him where he sees a sleeping wyvern

Smaug:"Pft. Punny wyvern."

The wyvern wakes up and roars at the three. Smaug looks at Haru.

Smaug:"Here it is!"

Haru takes out his rapier and he lowers himself to the ground and charges forward. Haru holds his rapier out in front of him and strikes the wyvern.

Haru's attack just deflects off the scales of the wyvern and it roars at him and tries to eat him. Haru jumps back and the wyvern slams its face into the ground.

The wyvern roars and lifts its head and growls at Haru. Haru bounces up in the air and falls down towards the Wyvern and he strikes it, but his rapier breaks in half and his eyes widen.

The Wyvern slams its wing into him, sending him across the room.

Haru lands on the ground with a thud and a gasp as the air leaves his lungs. The Wyvern flies over to haru and stands over him.

haru:"Uh oh."

The wyvern roars and goes to bite Haru but Smaug, in dragon form appears and slams into the side of the wyvern. Both crashing into the ground near Haru.

Paimon floats over to Haru and helps him up.

Paimon:"Are you okay?"

Haru rolls his right shoulder.

Haru:"I'm fine."

Haru looks to his broken rapier.

Haru:"I spent a lot of money on this."

A loud roar is heard and they both look to see Smaug rip the head of the wyvern off and throw it up into the air and swallow it whole.

Haru:"Wow, so powerful."

Smaug begins to eat the wyvern.

Paimon:"More like a glutton."

Blue particles appear in the middle of the room and a chest appears.

Haru:"Hey, its the boss room chest."

Paimon:"Well let's loot it, while Smaug over there eats the boss."

Haru walks over to the chest while Paimon floats over to it. Smaug keeps eating the corpse of the wyvern.

Haru crouches down to the chest and opens his. His eyes light up as he reaches in and pulls out a new rapier.

His eyes light up as he reaches in and pulls out a new rapier


Paimon:"That looks really cool. What else is in the chest?"

Haru reaches in and pulls out a pouch; he opens it and inside is a gold coin and some silver.

Haru:"Yes! I'm gonna buy mom something nice with this."

Haru reaches in and pulls out a pair of dragon teeth.

Paimon:"Oh those are Smaug's teeth."

Haru looks at her with a confused face.

Haru:"How do you know?"

Paimon:"He's almost eaten me a few times."

Haru puts the teeth in his pocket.

Haru looks inside the chest.

Haru:"That looks like that's it."

Paimon:"A good haul if I do say so myself."

Haru stands up and tests his new rapier out.

Haru:"It's so balance. I love it!"

A loud burp is heard and they both look over and see Smaug changing into his human form. The wyvern is nothing but bones now.

Paimon:"Such a glutton."

Smaug walks over to the two.

Smaug:"Anything good?"

Haru holds up his rapier and the coin pouch.

Haru:"Some cool items."

Smaug:"Nice rapier."

Haru smiles and laughs.

Smaug:"Well, let's get out of here."

Haru/Paimon:"Right!/ Yeah!"

After about 30 minutes the group walks out of the cave. It's evening time.

Paimon:"Paimon has things to do. So bye!"

Paimon floats off.

Haru stretches out and cracks his back.

Haru:"That was so much fun!"

Smaug nods.

Smaug:"It was, but I better go."

Smaug turns towards the lonely mountain.


Smaug stops and turns around and sees haru looking a little nervous.

Haru:"Why don't you stop by my place for dinner. I feel like I owe you this since you helped me with the dungeon today."

Smaug thinks about it for a few seconds.

Smaug:"Sure, why not."

Haru gains stars in his eyes and he jumps up and down with excitement.

Haru:"Perfect. Meet me at the gates of Aureum Regem in a couple of hours. I need to hand in a few quests and get my armor repaired."

Haru runs off, leaving Smaug behind.

Smaug:"Okay then."

Smaug is waiting at the gate of Aureum Regem with a brown cloak on and with its hood up. Smaug looks up to the sun and it's starting to set.

Smaug:"Where is he?"

Suddenly Haru appears in front of Smaug. Smaug jumps back a little.

Haru:"I'm here now, Mr. Smaug."

Smaug notices that Haru's chest plate is now made from his old scale.

Smaug:"Nice armor."

Haru looks down to his armor then back up to Smaug.

Haru:"Thank you! The blacksmith did a really nice job on it."

Smaug:"So, lead on to your house."

Haru smiles and grabs Smaug's hand and drags him down the dirt road.

Haru:"It's only a few miles away from here."

After a little bit.

Smaug and Haru were walking along a dirt path and Smaug sees a farm in the distance, with a big cottage.

Haru:"There it is. My family farm!"

Haru drags Smaug to the house and Smaug sees Some little bunny-kin kids playing around. Haru drags Smaug inside.

Haru:"I'm home!"

A mature female voice speaks up from father into the home.

???:"Welcome home, Haru. Supper's almost done."

Haru looks to Smaug.

Haru:"That's my mom." *He then turns toward where the voice was heard.* "I brought some company!"

???:"Be right there."

Haru turns back to Smaug.

Haru:"She's a really cool Mother, as long as you don't get on her bad side."

Smaug nods.

Then a female bunny-kin walks into the entryway. She has brown ears with brown hair and bright yellow eyes. She's slightly taller than Haru.

????:"So who did you bring-?"

Haru's mom notices Smaug and she tenses up.

???:"Oh, It's Mr. Smaug."

Haru:"Yeah! I brought him over!"

Smaug waves.


Haru's mom wipes her clothes and fixes her hair. She walks over to Smaug and bows.

Selina:"My name's Selina. The mother of Haru."

Smaug:"I'm Smaug: The wealthy."

Selina looks to Haru and gives him the 'better explain later' look. Haru gets slightly scared.

Selina:"Well, why don't you wait in the living room, supper's almost done."

Smaug looks to Haru.

Haru:"This way!"

Haru grabs Smaug's arm and drags him father into the house.

Smaug is sitting on the floor surrounded by a bunch of bunny-kin children.

Child:"How much can you eat?"

Child:"What's your favorite color?"

Child:"What's your favorite weapon?"

Child:"How many people have you eaten?"

Child:"Why are there stars in the sky?"

Child:"Why is your tail so long?"

Child:"I'm hungry."

Smaug is sweating from the overwhelming about of questions.

Smaug:'This is why I only have three babies right now.'

Selina:*In another room.* "Kid, supper's ready!"

All the bunny kids get up and run out of the room and Smaug sighs and falls onto his back.

Selina:*In another room.* "You coming Lord Smaug?"

Smaug:"I'll be there in a minute."

After dinner Smaug is sitting at the diner table with a cup. Selina is doing the dishes.

Smaug:"I must say Mrs. Selina. That carrot soup was very good."

Selina:"Thank you, Lord Smaug. It was my grandmother's recipe."

Smaug looks out a nearby window and sees Haru practicing with his new rapier. Some of his siblings are nearby watching him.

Smaug:"I must ask, where's Haru's father."

Selina freezes up a bit.

Smaug:"Sorry if it's a sensitive subject."

Selina:"No no, it's fine. It's still a fresh wound for me. Rob died only a couple years ago."

Smaug takes a sip of his drink.

Smaug:"How did he die? If I may ask?"

Selina finishes the dishes and she grabs a towel and begins drying her hands.

Selina:"Well, he died at the battle of Erebor a couple years ago."

Smaug eyes slightly widen and he gains a guilty look.

Smaug:"Oh, I..uh... I'm very sorry."

Selina:"I don't blame you at all, it was those orcs. He was an adventurer and he volunteered to fight."

Selina looks outside to Haru.

Selina:"Haru wanted to be an adventurer when he was younger, but we never let him. But when his dad died. I really couldn't stop him. He spends so much time away from home just to get some money to bring home food and medicine. I just sometimes worry for him."

Smaug looks at Haru.

Smaug is in his bedroom in Erebor. Laying on his bed looking up to the ceiling.

Two people lay in the bed with him.

Wiz is on his left.

Setsuna on his right

Setsuna on his right.

Setsuna on his right

Both are asleep and cuddling him.

Smaug stares at the ceiling and sighs.

Selina:*Memory* "Well, he died at the battle of Erebor a couple years ago."

Smaug groans.

Smaug:'I made a bunch of kids fatherless. I'm such a horrible person.'

Haru:*Memory.* "I- I-um... I want to ask you to train me?"

Smaug:'Maybe I can try to make up for it.'

Smaug's eyes then burn with resolve.

Smaug:'You're gonna become the greatest adventure ever Haru!'

The next morning Haru is swinging his rapier outside when suddenly a tail wrapped around him and picks him up.

Haru tilts his head back and sees Smaug.

Haru:"Lord Smaug? What are you doing here?"

Smaug smiles.

Smaug:"You wanted me to train you right?"

Haru smiles and nods.

Smaug:"Well, then let's get started."

Haru gains stars in his eyes and laughs.



(Well there's the new character, Haru the Bunny-kin. So what did you guys think of him?)


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