Haru’s Training (Week 2)
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Smaug and Haru are walking on a stone path leading up to a large shrine building.


Smaug has a shrine outfit on, that's lose in the chest and his dragon features are gone. People are walking around.

"What are we doing here, Lord Smaug?" Haru asks.

"This week we will be training you on your sword play." Smaug states.

"At a shrine?"

"Well, I have a god friend, she's pretty good with swords and scythes." Smaug says.

"A god?!" Haru yells and Smaug covers his mouth as people look over to the two.

"Not so loud." Smaug whispers. "Yes, a god, I know many gods. And this one is somewhat a friend of mine."

Smaug removes his hand from Haru's mouth and Haru has stars in his eyes.

"You're soooo cool." Haru says.

Smaug chuckles, I know." Smaug says. "Now let's go."

Smaug and Haru walk through the crowds of people and they walk up to the shire and the two stop at the doors.

"So she's beyond this door?" Haru asks as he turns to Smaug.

"Yes, and no." Smaug says, and this confused Haru. "She is beyond this door, but not in this realm of sort."

"What?" Haru is more confused.

"Many good have their own dimension of sorts at a shrine of theirs, they use to relax." Smaug explains.

"Ohhhh. I think I get it."

Smaug looks to the door then to Haru. "Let me speak with her first."

"How will you get to her realm?"

"I have my way." Smaug looks around and notices nobody nearby. 

Smaug takes a deep breath and balls his right first and brings it to his chest. Then after a few seconds a golden ball of light shines on his hand and he brings it to the door. The door shines golden for a few seconds.

Smaug turns to Haru. "I'll be out soon." Haru nods and Smaug opens the door and walks through. The door shuts behind him and his draconic features come back.

Smaug proceeds to walk down a hallway and comes to a room with Raiden kneeling down at a table with her eyes closed.


Smaug walks over to the table and kneels across from Raiden.

"Hello, Smaug." Raiden says as she opens her eyes and stares at the dragon.

"Hello, Raiden." Smaug greets back.

"What brings you here today?"

"I have a favor to ask. I need your help training someone."

"And why should I help you?" Raiden asks.

"Because I did help you remove your shackles from Seldarine." Smaug says.

Raiden stares at Smaug with an expressionless face for a few seconds. "How long?"

"Just a week."

"What type of training?" 

"Sword training."

"...Fine. Bring him in."

Smaug raises a hand and snaps his fingers. Suddenly Haru appears next to Smaug in a golden light.

"Huh? What? Where?" Haru asks.

"Haru this is Raiden. Raiden this is Haru." Smaug says.

"Uhh... Hi?" Haru says.

"Hello." Raiden greets and she stands up and looks to Smaug. "I won't go easy on him."

"I understand." Smaug says

Raiden looks at Haru. "Come boy."

Raiden turns around and walks off.

"Okay." Haru says and he follows Raiden.

"Try not to die!" Smaug call to Haru.

"What?" Haru questions in a scared tone.

Raiden and Haru disappear from view.

"He'll be fine... Probably." Smaug says.


Smaug is still kneeling at the table while drinking tea. Raiden walks into the room and over to Smaug.

"Better grab your protegee, he's lying on the floor in the training room." Raiden says and she walks away. 

"Right." Smaug says as he gets up and walks over to where Raiden and Haru were training.

Smaug reaches a Japanese style sliding door and he slides it open to reveal the bunny-kin laying on the ground, face first. Smaug walks into the room and Haru's bunny ears twitch and he turn to look at Smaug.

"Did you land a hit on her?" Smaug asks.

"No, sir." Haru responds.

"To be expected. She's pretty good, she even bested me in a fight."

Haru slowly sits up. "Really."

"Yes, and let's leave it at that. Now come, lets get you home."

"Yes, Lord Smaug." Haru says as he shakily stands up.



Training Montage.


Haru and Raiden are standing across from each other and Raiden pulls a sword out of her breasts.

Smaug is in the background, in female form.

Raiden and Haru charge each other and after a second Raiden as Haru on the ground and her sword at Haru's throat.

"Again." Raiden says as she walks back to her spot.

Haru sighs and he gets back up.



Haru is bouncing around and avoiding attacks from Raiden, but it doesn't last long as Raiden trips Haru and points her sword at his throat.   

"Again." Raiden says as she walks away.



Raiden and Haru are battling while Smaug is sitting in the back, looking down to her breasts.

"Now I wonder?" Smaug reaches into his breast and pulls out a golden cup. Then she reaches back in and pulls out a dagger, then pulls out a plate of food. Then pulls out a sword, then a sword fish. "How the hell did that get in here."



Haru uses his rapier and blocks Raiden's magic sword.

"Hmmm." Raiden hums. "You've gotten better."

Haru smiles. "Really."

The next thing he knows, he's on the ground with a sword at his throat. 

"Don't let that distract you." Raiden says. "Again."

"I'm so tired." Haru mumbles.

Last day of the week.

Haru is bouncing around and avoiding Raiden's attacks and he yells and swings his sword.

Next he's on the ground, but no sword is at his throat. Haru props himself up and looks to see blood dripping down Raiden's cheek.

"Hmmm." Raiden makes her sword disappears. "You come a long way for just a week."

Raiden's cut heals and she wipes the blood away and she looks over to Smaug, who's off to the side eating a turkey leg. "Weeks up. I'll take my leave, but I do think he has great potential." And with that she walks away.

Haru falls onto his back and takes a few heavy breaths. Smaug walks over to Haru and looks down onto him. 

"Good work." Smaug compliments. "Have tomorrow off as a rest day. And we'll continue training in a couple of days."

Smaug walks off leaving Haru on the ground.

"Um... Lord Smaug, I can't move... ... Lord Smaug?"


(This was gonna be longer, but I hit a writer's block with this chapter so i just said fuck it and wrote it.)


1064 words