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We have now finished off Book 3... and in celebration of that I'm going to leave you with a cliffhanger. LOL. Not really but I am going to take it easy until the new year. I've been posting regularly for almost 3 years on my writing and I want a few weeks without a deadline.

I'll still be posting chapters, you'll still be getting my writing and you won't be weeks without knowing what the next arch will be. But I'm not going to be on a schedule.

And this site won’t let me post without a 500 character limit. Part of taking a break from the schedule is so that I can work on the next book. After going through it, I found I wanted to rewrite several chapters and add new chapters too it. It came down to a choice between putting out work I wasn’t happy with and taking the time to do it right. The great thing is that I only answer to myself and I can make the right choice.