Chapter Two: The Story Begins, Part 3
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G 500 D 85 

Claire - H:4 L:2 F:2 

Samantha - H:3 L:5 F:6

Sam took a deep gulp of her soda, and sighed.

<Samantha: “Man, this is the good stuff Random. They don’t sell it back home.”>

<Random: AHA. Pretty obvious “remember what they like” clue.>

I took a closer look at the can. It just said Ginger Ale on it, nothing else, but the color and font was pretty recognizable.

<Random: “Well, I’m not usually one for ginger ale, but can I have… a… taste… nevermind.”>

As I started asking, she tilted her head back and drained the can with several loud glugs. Tilting her head back down, she grinned and turned the can upside down.

<Samantha: “All gone! Sorry, no taste for you.”>

She paused a moment, like she was about to say something, but hesitating, and then turned back towards our moms. I got the feeling that I had missed a possible opening, maybe based on stats. Maybe I hadn’t pressed hard ENOUGH earlier? Oh, the elevator! I bet there was something I could have said to get another point of lewd?

As we approached, our mom’s let go of each other, and mom gave Sam a big hug.

<Random: Uhh, not MY mom the main, oh fuck it, you know what I mean.>

<Mom: “Sam, you’ve gotten so tall! Sobrina, I missed you!”>

Samantha struggled slightly, mom’s arms wrapped around her shoulders, her muffled voice coming from inside cleavage that was threatening to smother her. 

<Samantha: “I missed you to Tata.”> 

I noticed her flailing arms led to empty, flapping hands.  Looking around, there was no can on the floor.

<Random: Seriously, this is still the opening scene. Bug report, bug report, my kingdom for a bug report.>

Finally letting Sam out of her death grasp, mom turned to me, grabbing me by both shoulders.

<Mom: “Ohh, my little boy. I can’t believe I’m sending you off to live all alone in the big city.”>

<Random: “What’s not to believe? This isn’t the first time I’ve lived with Jenny Claire and the girls for a while! Besides, you’re going to be working so hard on the show, you’ll barely have time to miss me!”>

Whoa, weird. I didn’t say that. It felt like I was in a scripted scene all of a sudden, words being said for me. This was even worse than the mental info dump!

Claire wrapped an arm around my shoulders, rubbing my upper arm.

<Claire: “Allison, girl, he’s hardly going to be alone.”> 

Suddenly she had both hands on my arms, squeezing lightly.

<Claire: “My my Random, you’ve been working out! These shoulders are starting to fill. You remind me more of your dad every day!”>

The rubbing had definitely grown slower, almost sensual, and the way she said I reminded her of my father was…

<Mom: “CLAIRE!”>

<Random: Obviously I wasn’t the only one thinking it.>

Claire let go and stepped back, a sheepish look on her face.

<Claire: JENNY Claire, your his JENNY Claire…>


Claire looked away, but pressed on doggedly.

<Claire: “He’s going to have us all right upstairs. You don’t mind having the basement all to yourself, right Random? Well, you’ll have to share with the washer and dryer. We had to put your bed right at the bottom of the stairs.”>

<Random: “As long as you don’t step on me when doing the laundry, I’ll be fine!”>

As that line, another one forced out of me, left my lips, the scene froze again. A pair of glowing pink bubbles materialized over my vision, slowly pulsing in and out.  One floated over Claire’s head, showing a stiletto heeled shoe stomping down in a repeating loop. The other floated over Sam, and showed an ass plopping downwards.

I tried to move, to look around, but no such luck.

<Random: What is this… a prompt? I have to pick one to choose what I’m going to say maybe? These look like the skill symbols, small animated loops.>

I looked at the shoe.

<Random: Oh no. That’s probably some stupid line like, on second thought, step on me milf mommy. SO fucking cringe.>

I looked at the other one. Not sure what the ass would mean, but… yeah, I know!

<Random: No idea what the ass means, but lesser of two evils?>

I focused on it and it outlined in deeper red, grew brighter for a moment, then both symbols disappeared.

I felt myself being puppeted again as time flowed forward once more. I leaned over towards Sam while Claire and mom continued talking. I whispered low into her ear.

<Random: “You can sit on me though, if you want to.”>

<Random: Damnit, that is NOT any less cringe.>

My weird downloaded knowledge also cringed, telling me that Sam was generally easily flustered by innuendo. Brief flashes of memory burst in my head, scenes of double entendre and dirty jokes that left her blushing and looking away over the years, her image slowly growing younger in my mind with each iteration.

She froze a long moment. I thought she was about to blush and turn away, but I realized that her pause wasn’t one of shock, but an artificial one, like a computer animation frozen midframe as the computer thought. She started back up suddenly, and the shock was all mine when she smiled, turned her lips towards my own ear, and whispered back.

<Samantha: “On your lap, or on your face?”>

:: Samantha Lewd +1 ::

<Random: “I uhh, that is.”>

Oh great, the puppet script leaves me just in time to stammer like a fool. Wonderful.

Thankfully I was saved from having to think further.

<Mom: “Okay loves. I hate to cut the reunion short, but I have autographs to sign, an interview to do, and final stage breakdown and packing before we head out. And you all have a cab waiting. Your luggage is already packed in the trunk.”>

She stepped up and wrapped me in a big hug.

<Mom: “You be careful out there, okay? I know you know the city, but its been a while, and you’re not my baby boy anymore. Things change.”>

I stepped back, smiling, and wrapped an arm around Claire and Sam, drawing them in against me.

<Random: “Mom, no worries!  I have Sam and Jenny Claire to keep a CLOSE eye on me.”>

I squeezed both of them close, arms around their waists.

:: Claire Love +1 ::
:: Samantha Love +1 ::


They squeezed back, and I barely kept from jumping as both grabbed a cheek.

Mom peered intently at me, suspicion on her face.

<Mom: “That's what I’m worried about…”>

She aimed her glare at Claire, giving her an evil eye. The three of us separated as she mouthed “BEHAVE” at Claire.

<Claire: “Well, look at the time! We have a plane to catch. Random, be a dear and guide us to the lobby? Allison, it was so good to see you. Break a leg!”>

A large floating arrow appeared, and as I turned my body I could see it turn as well, always pointing in the same direction. A wayfinder! That was handy. Saying hasty final goodbyes, I used the arrow as a replacement for ACTUALLY knowing the building, and led the ladies to the lobby and out the front, where a cab was waiting. The cabby held the door for us, preventing me from doing so. I started to motion them to get in first, but after Sam slid in, Claire put a hand on my shoulder and guided me in. She stepped down into the cab after me, closing the door, and the engine started, the feeling of motion taking over as the cab pulled away from the curb.

Claire and Sam made small talk back and forth across me. I closed my eyes and noticed that the speech bubbles still burned in my vision. This might make going to sleep difficult, especially if I kept getting thought bubbles. 

<Random: I wonder what the distance on the thought bubble power is? Will I see them thinking about me from across the house?>

Eventually they stopped talking, and I felt pressure on my arms and shoulders as both decided to use me for a pillow. I tilted my head first one way, then the other, putting light pressure on each of them in turn, like a gentle kitty head butt.

:: Claire Love +1 ::
:: Samantha Love +1 ::


Ahh good, system messages work with my eyes closed too. My brain was swimming with everything that had happened, aching with the knowledge pumped into it like a soft basketball. The road noise droned on and I felt myself slip further into the darkness. 


G 500 D 85 

Claire - H:5 L:2 F:3 

Samantha - H:4 L:6 F:7