Chapter 48 – The Troubled Memories 2
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The Troubled Memories 2


The little girl stayed with the company for two years. The company had almost settled down. The weather was mostly fair that day. Shepherds gathered their flock and he and that little girl would observe them with the spyglass.

Karl learnt how to ride a pony from the guys. She and the little girl had nothing to do other than learn from the company’s private tutoring or observe. Kaden and Isidor were scholars, and if they were not wandering. They would have taught in academies and universities to produce doctors and surgeons.

It is because Karl was fortunate enough that he got adopted. He somewhat knew that maybe one day he’d follow the steps of his foster father and his uncles. 

Karl was rather curious as to why the little girl’s parents were around. They were clearly rich. They were better than their peers in terms of wealth and if it wasn’t for them feeding and bringing supplies every two weeks that the refugees would have starved before the first winter of their arrival came.

The little girl whose name Karl could no longer remember, did not know what her parents wanted. Curious, Karl sought them, and tried to understand the reasons why they were here. Of course, his younger self was primarily motivated by the thought of the little girl not bothering him any longer.

Karl eavesdrops on the parents of the little girl and Dr. Isidor. He could only vaguely remember what they were talking about.

“Rogurna is a mess. The war is taking a toll. The rest of the refugees are coming this way, but we can’t afford to feed an entire nation fleeing.”

“But that is the question that we want to ask you, Dr. Kaden.”

Karl hid himself after hearing the name of his foster father.

“The Verloren Einsen’s ideals never falter. With and without the help of the Von Hilma Clan, we are willing to take the challenge. I am a Doctor, Archduke Von Hilma. Yes, I know that there isn’t going to be enough. Perhaps, our efforts here will be in vain.

“But I refuse to be subdued in the face of failure. What is more damning than failing to try in the first place? I am not a buffon. Every company member of the Verloren Einsen has followed this ideal ever since its founding. If we are easily provoked by those who work behind the backs. How can we say that we follow our ideals? Courage is not the absence of fear, it is acting in spite of it. We have followed it bravely and we know what we are up to.”

“My stubborn friend here is right,” Isidor said. “The Verloren Einsen will not easily give up. There will be failures and perhaps we will starve together. But trying is better than not trying at all. I understand that you may think that we are holding you hostage through your conscience. You may think that we are doing this to simply get the support of the Vol Hilma’s Clan. Nonetheless, if we cannot agree then it is best to separate.”

Karl heard nothing. There was silence between the two parties.

“The Kingdom of Mosvik and the Protectorate of Sasbach had always been at odds because of Torogha. How many lives have been lost because of the stubbornness of men?”

A gentle yet smoky voice said. 

“Archduchess, then what do you suggest? We are sure that we have done everything that we can to make sure that the Archduke’s health is stabilized. Indeed, we will not deny that we have made use of the wealth of the Von Hilma Family. We are not so shameless that we’d stop your family now.”

“You are good men,” the Archduchess commented. “Your idealism is like a flower among a field of grasses. I’ve seen your work for two years now. How your company does things. How you treat people. Truthfully, I would not hesitate to buy the service of this Company if you would offer your services to our domain.”

“At what cost?”

“A favor. Our industries are not so fragile that it would collapse feeding a thousand more. The Empire is a quicksand and we are not so idiotic to put our hopes in such despondent family who does not know what is right and wrong. I’d rather die than let them even touch a strand of my daughter’s hair.”

“Please spare us from such politics.”

“We will. My husband and I don’t particularly like to involve ourselves unless they dare to make moves. We are holding these islands because we have assets here. The Mosvikians and the Ghans wouldn’t even dare to cross the line. The Empire is rotten now. However, it is still one of the strongest forces here in Erob. They will bring the hammer of Wiesen if they do try.”

“This will cause dissatisfaction,” said his father Kaden. “Interference is always something that these Mosvikians loathed. They will remember this. But back to the matter at hand. We will understand if you withdraw now.”

“Dr. Kaden, surely, you must not think we are so pure?”

“Of course not. There is no man or woman in this world who does not seek benefit. And from what I can gather from that steam boat that has recently docked. I’m guessing that you need people to develop your island.”

“Manpower is needed. They needed a home and a place to stay. They may not return to their homes and perhaps they will, but they would want labor and food. People are not so shameless they would just eat for free. Hell, I doubt the people affected by this silly war would. They are not looking for pity after all.”

“Erob has been unstable for years. How long do you think the Empire will last? People are not so clueless anymore. They will soon understand that such an old system will not suit them in the future.”

They were about to talk further when they finally noticed the clumsy boy that was listening to them. Four of them stared at Karl. Karl shivered but looked down without running.

Father Kaden coaxed his child. He casts a glance at Isidor before taking Karl away. Father Kaden wasn’t expecting his child to understand. He let Karl sit on his lap and then watched the small ponds. There was serenity in the view.

“You are young, no?”

Karl looked at his foster father. His foster father never lied to him. He already knew that he wasn’t his blood-related father. He was simply adopted. But Karl was sensible enough to understand this.

“You’ve cheered up, boy. Do you still hear the voices?”

“Not too much.”

“The little miss has taken a liking to you. You are always together so I’m starting to think that you don’t like your father any longer.”

“Father is busy. I understand.”

“Okay. You are a good kid. A good kid. Still, you don’t act your age. And you are unnaturally strong. So I always know that you have to hold back all the time. If you had made a mistake, who knows what you have done to the little miss?”

Karl silently lowered his head.

“You have good sense, my son. Perhaps one day you will be part of this company of fools. They always say that we are far too idealistic. That a charity company like us would one day fall. Perhaps, we are a bunch of reckless fools.”

His father looked at the scenery.

“The Verloren Einsen followed the Way of Charity. When they were still the Paladin Knights, we were simply called the Lost Ones of Verloren. Einsen because it is the first name of our true founder. Do you remember?”

Karl saw his father's eyes move to where he stood. No, he was sure that his father only looked in that direction.

“Be calm and polite and toneless. You must be toneless so that you could accept anyone without misunderstanding what they are. Kindness doesn’t mean good. But you must first understand them. Your father simply is helpless and unable to believe that there is a human on this planet who does not have the inherent desire to be kind. Then again, your father, Isidor, and our partners are foolish people.”

Then Karl wished that the dream would end.

He couldn’t stand remembering this.

Basked under the light of the early morning. His kind father looked at him. The father who had saved him from loneliness. The father who had given him a home. The father who he couldn’t dare to disappoint.

Karl would have been fine if he knew that his father was just out there healing people as he wished. As long as he was alive, Karl felt that he would be fine as well. But after so long, it finally came to him. That no matter how much he liked to pretend.

What kind of person would not miss the person who had given his all to raise an unnatural child like him?