Chapter 9.6: Training Montage…….Fail? Part II
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*I'm sorry for the inconsistent publishing, the last two-three weeks have been quite strayed from my initial plans :> Sorry, consistent publishing will be back in schedule

this chapter is short, but will be expanded later on this week*





“So, what do you think everyone”

Pilar stood firm in front of the footmen and Vikas, as expected, the looks from everyone was filled with everything from despair to utter anger. What he was insinuating was the epic storm of sheer power they watched days ago. They knew what he was thinking, what they just witnessed might have been out of the most insane imagination anyone could ever have. Pilar clearly wanted to go investigate, and everyone else clearly opposed it. They were already assigned a mission and miles away from home on the other side of the planet.


The insane scene they witnessed is still on their minds, weeks after it happened it stalks their dreams and nightmares. This blossomed into a curiosity that almost seemed insane if you look at the perspective of an outsider. But this was too extraordinary to pass up, so everyone was secretly in agreement.

All except Vikas, who was righteously in fear. That scene of overwhelming light and darkness didn’t even seem real. To her this was no different than literal evil being spawned on the world. And now Pilar was insinuating a possible investigation.

“Look, you’re an idiot for even thinking the army should go there”.

“And what, you shouldn’t even be on this team”.

“Just shut it, if you have nothing credible to say, JUST SHUT IT!!!”

Clamping her mouth down in shame was all she could do, she shouldn’t have been on thew team, yet she broke every order given to her to stay home and now she felt entitled to have a say in this matter, obviously Oilar was furious with the wayward woman.

As far as anyone can tell, Pilar couldn’t be changed out of this, so they bit the bullet and did as he wanted. Nothing much could be done.

Getting ready was now a priority, since early morning was going to be “hell on earth” in the most literally, the morning Sun was predicted to scorch the Western Valley of Tsun a few hundred meters away from them. The Western Valley was well known for being a region with a lower level of atmospheric protection, a literal hole allowing radiation from space to leak through, unfortunately the inhabitants are unaware of such things and have suffered tremendously, they have learned not to go out during interval periods of several decades, opting out for the underground cavern to travel in and out of the Valley and the rest of the world.

The forest where the group of giants were camping in was located in a cavern, a literal biome with roads stretching to the Western valley and beyond, built by Ancient Dragons long since passed. The idea of such things would have shocked the inhabitants of the Giant Lands, but since their information gathering was so astute, it became well known and an open secret for the nobility of Giants.

So now with a new plan to seek out the phenomena that freaked out the group, the group leader. Pilar was now reading out the battle formations to the group, a three-pronged strike team that will carefully surround the perimeter and close in, the first group would be scouts and Diviners, the second magicians and spearmen, and the third consisting of knights and engineers. They would consistently try to enter within the perimeter of the phenomena and try to gather information, when their suspicions are confirmed, then aggressive actions will come next.

While such a strategy would look strange and maybe suicidal, it was actually quite rational when looked from the perspectives of the Giants species. Since they have never faced any existential threat on the planet, except gods, demigod dragons, and environmental disasters often caused by the planet’s roguish orbital cycles. Anything outside of this, wasn’t actually suspected since it was just insane to even think about. The Giants were the most versatile when it came to Magic, since they're some of the first intelligent species capable of powerful Inner and Outer Control, which made them extremely formidable when it came to other intelligent life. If nothing out of the ordinary hasn’t occurred in the last several thousand years, then why now of all times and honestly such a thought process was quite justifiable.