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The next morning Anna is the first one to be awake and Edward is still sleeping.

She wants to wake him up but in the end, she let him sleep a little while more.

She goes to the kitchen to make breakfast for everyone but when she gets there she saw someone, which from the look of it is in the middle of raiding their fridge. It looks like a male from the body figure.

She never remembers this figure back before and she sure that she never saw it before as well.

She lightens her step and quietly takes a knife and put it in a reverse grip.

She got into an attack position and ready to pounce at the man.

‘I was followed, damn it! I shouldn’t have gone home.’ In her mind, she can only think that this man is one of the people who hunted Edward before and they manage to follow her home.

Now in her mind, everyone in the world knows who they were including the children.

She needs to kill everyone who knew about it and then take everyone and run.

“Hey, do you have meat, you know something like a… what do you call it… a steak?” The man suddenly turns to her and asks her a question she thought an enemy would never ask.

The man's facial feature and skin color look like he is from the Middle East, he has a huge build and from the way he looks at her, he didn’t seem to mean any harm.

His behavior is like a friend who comes to your place and raided your home and then asks if there is anything fun here.

It caught her by surprise.

“I haven’t gone shopping for groceries yet, so no.” She doesn’t know why but she answers him.

She already lowers her attacking stance and the knife without her noticing. She had some wariness but it is in the down-low.

“Uhh… Kyle, I’m going to buy some meat do you want something!?” The man then yelled to the living room for Kyle, which surprise Anna even more.

“You knew Kyle? Who are you?” Anna paused for a moment and then quickly asks again.

“Just skip it, we going out in a minute, we can eat on the way.” Before the man can answer Anna's question Kyle's voice is heard.

“Oh great, let’s go.” The man quickly goes to the living room while ignoring Anna and she chased him to the living room.

The living room is empty as Kyle is at the door, ready to go out.

The man quickly runs and stands by his side, ready to follow him.

“Kyle? Who is this man? Where are going?” Anna just woke up from a day of unrest and then a confusing morning, so her mind is a little jumbled up.

“Anna Wox, Wox Anna. He’s a… friend. I explain the rest later.” Kyle introduces who the man is and simplifies their relationship.

“Wait, where are you going, it’s still early.” Anna holds Kyle as he is leaving the door.

“A walk, don’t worry about it,” Kyle replies casually and then walks away.

She didn’t ask any more questions and just watch him walk away. She didn’t stop him, she knew she couldn’t.

She made breakfast and woke up the kids and then she waits for Edward.

The kids said that they will also wait for Edward to eat breakfast with them. Anna smile hearing that.

A while later Edward finally awake.

It takes him a while to get himself together again before he is fully awake.

“Anna? Where am I? I thought I was dead.” For a man who just wakes up for a sleep where he thought he was dead, he is calm, too calm.

He looks around him, touching the bed, his body, and Anna in making sure that everything is real.

“I’m alive? How did that happen?” He is alive and he couldn’t believe it. He pretty sure he is a dead man the moment he saw the second rocket launcher is aiming at him.

“Kyle.” Anna smile and just give him a simple answer.

“He’s back? No wonder then.” When he hear Kyle’s name, all of his doubt and question is gone with the wind.

He always believes that Kyle is a man that can do anything, even the impossible.

Edward then smiles and holds Anna's hand and pulls her closer to him as he gives her a deep hug.

At the last moment of his life, hoping to be able to hold her and the children again is the only wish he asks for and he is fulfilling it now.

Anna also smiles and sheds some tears as she hugs him back and the two of them didn’t say a single word.

The room is silent as they both didn’t have to say something to understand what the other is thinking.

“Let’s have breakfast, everyone waiting.” Anna has a big smile as she said that. This moment is the happiest moment of her life.

“Let’s go, they must be complaining by now.” Edward also has a smile on his face.

If somebody sees them for the first time, they will think of them as a married couple with a huge happy family.

When the children saw Edward is fine and come to have breakfast with them, they were so happy that the dinner table is so noisy.

They all want to talk with Edward, to make him smile, to make him happy, they just worried about him so much before.

Seeing him badly injured, lying on his deathbed, it was like a nightmare for them.

Now that they saw that he is fine without a single bruise or a cut, they couldn’t be any happier.

“Where’s Kyle anyway?” After they have their breakfast the children did their thing as Edward and Anna talk.

“He goes out this morning, saying he is going for a walk. And he…” Anna tells him everything that happens this morning.

“So… who is this Wox person?” Wox is the main interest in the entire story.

To Edward, for a person who can get close to Kyle is an amazing thing.

The only reason why he, Anna, and the children is been taken care of by him is that Kyle makes a promise to the original soul of his body, Xiao Jun, to take care of them.

If that person has no meaning to him he can just kill him because he is bored.

The question is, who is this Wox person to have such meaning to Kyle?