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Most of Kyle's forging equipment has the same function as the one on earth just in different designs, but some of them are completely different.

So he needs to make some adjustments to the forge so that he can use all of his equipment.

Kyle plans to turn the altar into a portable base.

This way he didn’t have to keep going from one place to the next for everything.

After all of the heavy equipment is taken care of did he finally makes the library and study room.

This place is the second biggest place inside the altar. The first is the storage facilities.

Inside the library, he fills it with every book he had ever read from this world. He even put in his own personal note that he wrote when he had free time.

Most of them are from his own perspective and knowledge.

And then in his study is his personal note of this world legend, lore, myth, and magic.

The study is full of books of legend and the occult, each book had a personal note on them.

After the study is finished Kyle slows down and takes a break. It was night.

From refining the altar, acquiring the equipment to installing them, it takes him more than a month to complete the altar.

He decides to check the business that he left for Lucy. He made Wox help her in any way he can.

“How’s the business doing?” He just got out of his room and he sees both Lucy and Wox in the living room.

Lucy is watching the TV while Wox is ‘sleeping’. His soul is visiting his family and friend that is inside him.

“Hmm? Hey Kyle.” Lucy notice Kyle and smile at him. “The business is doing okay. Everything had been great, the animal is all healthy and the field is growing fast. It’s all just as you said.”

Even before he said anything Lucy already knew what he wants to know first.

Kyle already laid everything out for her, she just needs to make sure that everything is going as plan.

“Good, make sure to inform me if anything happens.” Kyle nodded and went to the kitchen.

As he ate he remembers something ‘I should put a kitchen in there.’

“Hmm?” While he ate he suddenly heard a humming.

The humming wasn’t loud but it is constant and flat.

He turns his head to the living room to see if it come from any of the electronic devices, but as he observes he notices that Anna didn’t seem to notice the humming.

As for Wox, he suddenly wakes up and keeps looking everywhere as if he is looking for something.

“Did you hear it as well, the humming?” Kyle stops eating and goes to Wox.

“You hear it too?” Wox is a bit surprised as he thought he is the only one who hears it.

“Let’s go.” Kyle suddenly tells Wox to follow him.

“Where are you guys going?” Lucy who can’t hear the humming is confused by what they are doing.

“Wox going to help me for a while don’t worry about it. Don’t wait for us.” Kyle.

Kyle and Wox go to the source of the humming, the altar.

There is no change to the altar but Kyle and Wox are sure that it came from it.

“What is it doing?” Wox.

“I thought you had that answer for me. Does this never happen before?” Kyle.

“Not that I could think of. Most of the time I was inside the altar, now I’m hearing while I’m outside, it could happen during I’m inside the altar and I just didn’t notice it.” Wox gives a plausible answer.

“Is there at any time a change happens inside the altar? Anything at all evens the smallest detail.” Kyle.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t remember any. Most of the time I just pace around and wait until I can get out.” Wox.

“Then we can’t let this thing here. We need to move it.” Kyle decides to move the altar as he didn’t know what will happen.

There could be an explosion, a sudden burst of energy that affects the surrounding environment, and most importantly whatever is happening might affect the house, he couldn’t let that happen.

Wox gets the car and Kyle carried the altar with him using his telekinesis.

He didn’t want to touch it as he is afraid that touching it might cause a sudden change or trigger something.

Wox drives as fast as he can to outside the city.

While he drives Kyle observed the altar both inside and outside.

On the inside, it was like Wox said there is no sound or any change. It was quite.

On the outside, the humming is still the same and there is no change to the inscription on the altar.

Kyle is trying to find out where did the sound comes from so he uses his soul scan so search every inch of the altar, inside and out.

Kyle already did this before and he didn’t find any abnormalities but at that time he is still hasn’t studied the altar so he could miss something.

As he is doing his scan he separates some of his soul to figure out why did this happens now.

Is it because of the environment, the moon, and the accumulation of energy that the altar had inside it, or was it something external that making it act likes this?

His soul is making multiple possibilities as he also observed his surroundings.

When they arrive on an empty road outside the city Kyle tells Wox to stop the car as they are far enough and he knows that the road is empty at night.

As Kyle is scanning every inch of the altar it takes some time for him to complete it.

Wox starts to pace around outside as he is afraid that whatever is happening to the altar might affect him.

Only he and Kyle can hear the humming so it might be because of him. He didn’t want to return to the altar, at all.

Before Kyle did some experiments on him he requests that he will never step foot in the altar ever again and Kyle agrees to it.

“Is that…” Minutes later Kyle finally found something.