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Edward is surprised to know that the altar is now in the shape of a ball and that there are a fully equipped forge, workshop, lab, and a study room with its own library.

That ball is basically a portable base.

He really wants to see the inside of the altar, he never even seen the one before it was changed. All he knows is that Kyle once tells him that the inside uses to have a huge maze and countless obstacles that are meant to train you.

Kyle said that the maze is still there, he just tweaks the training material a bit, the rest he left undisturbed.

They make a couple of shortstop on the way to the condo.

Anna and the children are at school and staying in the orphanage, Anna knew that Kyle is here in Hong Kong but the children didn’t.

So the condo is empty as Edward spends most of his time at the orphanage, he even sleeps there most of the time, he only goes to the condo from time to time.

Everyone in the orphanage, from the other orphan to the workers, knew that Edward is rich enough to have a condo of his own, and seeing him spend most of his time in the orphanage baffle them.

The worker in the orphanage just turns a blind eye on his stay as they all still remember seeing him and Anna beating men and women, left and right, on the day the riot happened.

All of the girls and boys of the orphanage idolize both of them.

The men can only admire Anna's beauty from a distance and the same goes for the girl with Edward, as all of them knew that both of them are in a relationship.

But most of the girl is still braver that the boys as they still try to get close to Edward, while the boys didn’t even dare to get close to Anna anymore because one of them once get beaten badly by her.

That is Anna's solution to make sure that the boys didn’t keep bothering her, but for Edward, that is a very big problem as he will not hit a girl just to make sure that they didn’t bother him.

Anna said that she can do it for him but he said to just let it, it’s a teenage crush it will go away, despite being a teenager himself.

The girl sees Anna as a love rival instead of a monster that will eat them so most of them are a bit bold in their action.

Edward is handsome, rich, and also very nice and gentle to the people in the orphanage so he becomes the dream man of every girl in there.

This problem didn’t just happen at the orphanage, it’s even worse at school.

Even Edward who didn’t go to school faces it.

When they got to the condo Edward couldn’t wait to see the inside of the altar.

Kyle takes the ball out and suddenly Edward felt like his entire body is being compressed and expands in a blink of an eye.

Before he knows it he suddenly arrives in a very dark place. His head feels a bit light and he had a bit of a hard time maintaining his balance.

He almost pukes but he manages to hold it.

After a few seconds, he manages to get himself together.

As he looks around he could barely see his own finger. It was all blurry.


Then out of nowhere he suddenly heard a whooshing sound but before he could find out what or where the sound comes from he is hit with something at his back.

The thing that hit him, hit him with enough force that he falls to the ground but not injured him badly.

He feels a bit of an itch on the spot that was hit but a second later the feeling disappeared, he barely felt anything.

Before he manages to get himself up, he hears another whooshing sound and he quickly tries to locate where it’s coming from but he was hit again, this time at the side of his arm.

He’s tumbling on the floor for a bit and then quickly gets up and run toward a direction without knowing what is in front of him.

He manages to run for a couple of seconds and then the whooshing sound comes again.

He takes a guess and turns to the left to try to dodge it and he is hit on his left thigh before he even manages to make a complete turn.

Once again he ends up tumbling on the floor.

He’s a bit disoriented this time as he runs his hardest.

As he tries to get himself together the whole place suddenly lights up.

He can finally see where he was, he is in a rectangular room. The room is empty and as he looks around he couldn’t find any door.

“Kyle!! Let me out!” Edward knew that whatever is happening has something to do with Kyle.

One side of the wall suddenly makes an opening and Kyle walk in from it.

“You still need more training.” Kyle shook his head as he looks at Edward.

Edward gets a bit of hint from what he said and looks around the room and said “This is the training room?”

“One of it, come on, you want to see the rest, right.” Kyle beckons Edward with his chin to follow him.

Edward quickly gets up and catches up to him.

Kyle takes him around the place and shows him where each place is and where he can and cannot go.

He could go anywhere inside the altar except for his study.

If Edward wants to go to the lab, workshop, or even the forge Kyle just asks him to be careful of himself and the tools inside as they could really hurt someone and he could also damage the equipment.

Edward is in awe throughout the entire walk as he couldn’t believe how huge the inside of that ball is.

Then question after question pop into his head.

“What about water, food, and power? How is the air here is breathable, is there a huge oxygen tank in here? Can I get inside on my own? Can we take a car inside or how about a truck….” His question keeps on coming on and on and on.

“We have to resupply food and water, the power comes from the core of the altar. As for the air, the altar takes the air from outside and filters it. I will teach you how to use the altar later and as for how much and big the things that the altar can take, you just have to see it….” Kyle answer Edward's question one by one calmly and explain everything he is curious about.

Kyle didn’t think it’s as a hassle as he already knows that anyone from this world that enters the altar will have tons of questions, some they couldn’t even put to word.

It was evening when they get out of the altar and that is because Kyle wants to go eat and then do something inside the altar.

When they get into the car Kyle told Edward to tell Anna everything later about what that he just see and ask as he didn’t want to explain twice about the same thing all over again.