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Edward quickly goes back to the orphanage and went straight to find Anna.

After seeing and experience what just happen he wants to tell someone and everyone about it, but the only one that understands and believes what he’s going to talk about is Anna.

Nowadays Edward is the one that sends and takes everyone to school, including the other orphan.

He already tells the other that he can’t pick them up today as he had other arrangements to attend.

To him, if he didn’t do something here he feels out of place as he will just sit there doing nothing except to wait for everyone to come back from school.

He might need to monitor and manage the UNKNOWN organization but it doesn’t need his constant attention.

He only needs to make sure that no major problem occurs and only if something major happens then will he and Anna act and if it something that even the both of them can’t handle, then they will call Kyle.

He just needs to follow the chain of command, if it a small problem let the other handle it if it’s a big problem he and Anna will handle it, if it’s a bigger one then Kyle will see to it.

When he arrives at the orphanage everyone is already back and doing their own stuff, so he quickly looks for Anna.

After asking around he found Anna in her room doing some homework.

Anna seeing a big smile on his face couldn’t help but smile as well and think, ‘he suppose to go pick Kyle’s up, did Kyle give him something?’.

“What with the big smile?” Anna chuckled as Edward drag her somewhere there are fewer people.

“Holy shit! You would not believe what happen today.” Edward is too excited to even describe what he is feeling right now.

 “Okay, okay, deep breath, deep breath. That’s it, now tell me what happens.” Seeing that Edward is too excited she first tries to calm him down.

“Huu, ah… okay, you will not believe what happen. Okay, I pick up Kyle at the airport….” Edward tells her everything that happens from the point they are at the airport, to the port, back to the condo, and then the altar.

Like Edward, Anna also knew about the existence of the altar and its wonder, and she too never been inside it.

This is the things that only exist in novel, myth and legend, to see it for real is mind-blowing.

When Kyle first tells her about the altar she is a bit skeptical about it as to her something like that cannot exist in the real world, but then again she is talking with a man who comes from another world, so it’s a bit hard not to believe him as well.

Now hearing it from Edward, who she knew that will not lie to her had been inside the altar, she couldn’t wait to see it herself.

“Can we go now?” Anna too becomes excited and wants to see the altar for herself.

“We can’t go now, he said he will be busy and don’t want to be disturb. That why he kicks me out.” Edward can only shake his head as he knows how she feels.

“Can we go tomorrow then?” Ann really wants to see that altar.

“You have school tomorrow, how about the weekend, it just two days away?”

“Okay, but you can’t go there until the weekend as well.” Anna is pouting and if she can’t go then Edward can’t go as well.

“Alright, alright, but if he calls me to go there I will have to go, you know that right?” Edward can only give in but he also had his loophole.

“Fine, but you have to prove it that he did call you or else.” Anna even threatens him as she is already jealous of him being able to see the altar first.

“Okay, I promise.” Edward utters that promise but what in his mind is, ’please call, please call, please call…’

He couldn’t wait to get back in there.

Anna knew that she couldn’t go there now so she can only ask him a whole bunch of questions about it.

Most of her question is the same question that Edward asks Kyle, so he just gives the same answer that Kyle gives him.

The more he answers the more she is awe with it.

They talk about the same thing over and over again until curfew but they both are not bored by it.

That night they both are too excited to fall asleep.

Anna tries to make a picture in her head about the altar from Edward's description. She imagines the size of it, the room inside it, the tools and the most out of place in the world, not just inside the altar, the forge.

According to Kyle, 90% of the item in there is from his world, it was his personal belonging. That means that most of those things are not made from this world.

The entire forge is supposed to be power by magic, literally.

“Otherworldly item”, she had to see it with her own eyes. Edward tries to describe it as best as possible but she had to see it to know it.

Out of all the thing that is inside the altar, the forge is the first thing she wants to see.

That night she keeps on turning to left and right as her mind didn’t let her sleep.

Edward is also facing the same problem as Anna. He too keeps turning left and right as he tries to fall asleep. They both are made for each other.

But the thing that excites Edward is different than Anna.

Kyle told him that he still has another room that he already prepare but for now, it’s empty and will be filled later, it’s the armory.

He said that he will fill it with the firearm that he had and anything that had an edge.

The reason that the armory is empty now is that most of the gun that he had, he left it in Hong Kong for Edward and Anna as he didn’t really need it.

On their journey from the port to the condo, they made a couple of stops to a few of the organization armory that Kyle had made before, and then he takes every weapon in there and just leaves.

At first, Edward didn’t understand but after Kyle told him about the armory he understood.

In his mind right now is, ‘what will the armory look like, will it look the same, what will the first thing he forges, is it a weapon, a tool, will it have magic on it, can I even use it…’.

His mind wanders so far that what’s supposed to be hours before morning feels like minutes.