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Kyle then sits and waits for the rest of them to finish with their conversation before he makes his move.

Pushing this body too far with his soul power is not the best thing that he is supposed to do right now.

So he is waiting for the woman to be alone so that he could conserve the usage of his soul power and then he will start with his plan.

Even though the roof is hot he didn’t feel a thing as this is one the cloth abilities.

Kyle then split his thought into two and makes one of them keep on watching the woman and the other one to nourish his body like what he did last night.

He watches every movement that the woman is doing in the warehouse. It is so that he can find out whether or not there is someone else in charge of the warehouse.

After about ten minutes all of the people in the office left and only the woman is there working on some paperwork.

Kyle sees his chance and he goes to the right side of the roof and then uses telekinesis to open the window to get into the warehouse.

Telekinesis is the ability to move things with the power of your soul instead of your mind. The gods in Grand Dey all have this kind of abilities much less Kyle.

He didn’t want to use his power to become invisible again so that he can save some energy.

He also has the whole warehouse on his scan, so he can plan every movement and uses his invisible spell in short interval so that he didn’t have to waste too much of his power.

After entering the warehouse he just walked to the woman's office while dodging the guard and become invisible when he can be seen by the camera.

It is also easier to sneak past the place because his body is still small and short.

The woman is checking some inventories that just come in today when there is a knock on her door.

Knock. Knock.

“Come in. What is it?”

The woman didn’t even look up to see who it is.

“Nothing much.”

Then she heard a child voice reply to her, she is stunned by it and quickly look at the person who just comes in.

“God damn it, whose kids is this? What the hell this place looks like, a kindergarten?”

“Nope, a piggy bank.”

Kyle waved his hand and takes the woman's soul. The woman then falls from her chair and she didn’t move at all with her eye open, her breathing starts to slow down and she is not responsive.

Kyle didn’t control the woman's body because the most important thing he needed is her memories, not her herself.

“Let’s see how much money this place has.”

Kyle then starts to search for her memories regarding this place and the money. From the looks of it, that pile of money is the only cash in here.

The woman is also the one who is in charge of the whole drug operation. This is her drug operation.

He also found out that the entire warehouse security measure including the camera can be accessed from this room.

Kyle then turns off the entire camera and security measure in the vault. He also put the woman's body into his soul space.

Then he just walks into the vault and opens it as he had the combination from the woman's memories.

In the vault there are not just money on it, there are drug, diamonds, and weapons. The weapons in the vault are the newest and some of the most expensive weapons out there.

Kyle envelops the entire vault with his soul and takes everything on it with him into his soul space.

Kyle even takes the drug with him as it might come in handy in time.

Finally getting what he came for, Kyle decides to leave a gift to all these people in the warehouse.

He goes out using the same way he comes in and goes at the roof to prepare his gift.

The warehouse had all kinds of machinery and vehicle to make the operation more smoothly. They also have a fueling station of their own on the far end of the warehouse so that their delivery vehicle will make less stop.

Kyle cannot use his magic spell to start a fire, but with the fuel in this place, all he needs is his telekinesis abilities.

That woman who is in charge is a smoker so she had a lighter with her. Before he left with the woman in the office, he takes the lighter that she had with her.

From the beginning, he plans on using it for this.

He moves the lighter to the fueling station and in there he can see there are a couple of guys who are working on some of the vehicles.

There are more than tens of barrel of fuel in that station, all of their lids are seal tight.

Kyle opens one of them and then light the lighter up and let it fall to the fuel.

By the time Kyle light the lighter up, he is already on the ground and at a safe distance from the warehouse.


As Kyle walks toward the exit of the port the explosion started, he didn’t even care whether the person who died is an innocent person or not.

He already stops thinking whether the people he kills are innocent or not long ago.

He had killed so many people that he even lost count of it, and then he just stops caring why he kills them.

There a couple more explosion afterward, big and small.

The whole port is shaking from the explosion and most of the drug is destroyed.

It didn’t take a while for many vehicles to rush toward the warehouse.

While walking Kyle stop a woman who is riding a golf cart toward the warehouse to see what had happened.

Before the woman can even say anything, he uses the charm spell on her and makes her send him toward the exit.

When he got to the exit, he can see many vehicles are stopping and people are using their phone to record the explosion.

One of the vehicles that stop is a bus that makes a round trip from the cities toward the port.

While people are busy with the explosion, Kyle just walks inside the bus, sit down and wait for it to move, he is not in a hurry.