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Wox touches the water to feels the heat and the water are warm.

It’s no longer boiling but it’s not cooling down as he hopes.

The ice is melting still but it’s a lot slower than before.

Wox decides to sit in the bathroom and watch Kyle as he talks with the soul inside him.

The soul is all very interested in what happened to them after Solomon complete his spell.

That is when Wox realized why he is the one in control of his body or vassal.

He is the only one that is awake among thousands of souls after thousands of years and he manages to become the main consciousness of their body.

He can feel all of their emotion but they are not awake.

Only today did they manage to be awakened.

He shares all of the stories of what happened after his awakening until today.

The soul finds out more detail who Kyle is, Wox new name, and they are more grateful to him than ever before.

After that, they start to talk about modern technology that Wox had seen.

All of the soul in awe and curious about it, in fact, the bathroom alone had amazed them.

Water can come out with just a turn of a tap, beautiful and highly decorated bathroom and most importantly, ice.

Wox starts to become smug with the soul all become awe at everything he said.

Wox check Kyle and everything seems normal. The water temperature had gone cold and Kyle is breathing normally.

With everything seem normal he goes to bed and jumps up and down on it.

With the rest of the soul can feel everything that he feels, they know that the bed is so soft and springy.

Most of the soul inside him is so comfortable with it they almost fall asleep but Wox wakes them up as he needs to keep a watch on Kyle until he wakes up.

Then the real commotion started when Wox opens up the television.

Every single soul in him asked him about it, screaming about god, devil, magic, and everything.

Their reaction is the same as Wox is when he first finds it.

Then Wox completely forgot about Kyle who is submerging in water in the bathroom as he goes on for hours explaining what television is.

There is all kind of soul inside him, from different gender to different ages.

So when a show that targeted children comes out, the children inside him wants to see it but the adult, want to see a show that had drama, a handsome man and woman in a skimpy and sexy outfit.

The elderly want to see a documentary about the other side of the world, about the environment, the animal, the unique plant life and everything else.

As Wox only had a pair of eyes, a fight began inside him on which show they are going to see.

The children are whining and kicking, the adult is trying to trick the children so they can watch their show and the elderly that keep telling everyone that they should learn more.

This argument went on for another hour until they come to a decision. They made a guideline.

Firstly is what kind of show is on at that moment. If an important show is on, it will be prioritized.

Second, the schedule is children show, drama and then documentary.

Third, a group can make a specific demand but it must be concise with the other.

Other rules will be makeup later as they learn more but for now, this rule will be the main guideline.

As they are arguing with each other Wox just talks with his family about everything that he had been through.

He had been alone for thousands of years and to be able to talk with his family is a gift he cherished every second.

His daughter and wife are scared when they are first killed by Solomon men and then like him and the other, they all are in a state of anger, confusion, and total aggression.

The only thing they know is that they hate Solomon and his men. They forgot their family, their memories are blurry, and they didn’t recognize each other as their focus is on Solomon as he prepared his spell.

Wox only awoke with his mind clear a week before the spell is finished.

His wife and daughter both pity him as to spend thousands of years alone stuck inside the altar.

When the decision is made Wox change the channel to a children's TV program that had both cartoons character in colorful costumes.

The soul of a parent enjoys watching it with their children as they laugh and have fun with it.

To make it more enjoyable, Wox call room service and order every meal on the menu.

The food is not just beautiful but it also delicious. They never taste anything like it.

As they eat and watch TV, Wox and everyone inside him just lose themselves.

They forget about Solomon, the other question they had and they even forgot Kyle who they didn’t even think to check after they lay down on the bed and watch TV.

The TV show they watch is in Cantonese and everyone else inside him can’t understand a word of it.

As for Wox, Kyle put the knowledge of language from all over the world that he had learned himself.

So each show they watch Wox had to translate it for them.

They are so engrossed with the TV that they didn’t even notice that it’s already morning.

At this time they are watching a TV show about a collection of silly and funny videos.

Every soul inside him is having a huge laugh over it.

Then they heard the sound of a door being open.

Wox and everyone else is surprised by it.

Wox immediately stands on the bed and make himself invisible as he takes a stand to attack.

When he saw what make the sound, his eye is wide open and the color is drained from his face.

It was from Kyle. He is coming out of the bathroom.

He is wearing a robe that is prepared in the bathroom and his hair is still wet.

‘Oh my god, we forget about him!’ Wox said to every soul that is inside him.

The soul inside him also surprises as they just then remember about it.

“Are the rest of them settling down yet?” Kyle asks Wox casually with no anger visible on his face.

“Who?” Wox who feels guilty for forgetting about him a bit confused, there’s no one else here.

“The souls that are inside you, you can communicate with them now,” Kyle asks the most obvious question there is.

Well, he is the one that makes the spell.