Under an Iron Mask
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Tony Stark or what everyone knows him as, Iron man. He and his team have a mission to deal with hydra and no this isn't going to end well or cleanly. "Hey cap, need a bandage for that little cut?" Tony joked at Steve. 


"Not now Stark" Steve groaned at Tony's joke. Tony just shrugged and continued with the mission. 


"Is it just me or-" Tony got cut off by an explosion that sent him flying. He groaned in pain. He tried calling for F.R.I.D.A.Y but his suit was all damaged. Tony was getting suffocated by his suit. He didn't know what to do. Until someone ripped open his suit so he could breathe properly. 


"You okay?" The strange woman asked, helping him to check if he had any injuries. Tony nodded while coughing for air. 


"Who are you?" He asks never to have seen this woman in his life. But the woman didn't reply. The only thing that came out of her mouth was 'nobody'. Before Tony can ask more questions the woman told him something he wasn't expecting. 


"I have the promise to keep you safe and that's what I am doing" Tony was even more confused by her comment. What did she mean by promising to keep him safe? Does he even know this woman?


"I'm sorry but who did you promise to? when I never saw you in my life" Before the woman could reply, Tony heard Steve talking in his earpiece.


"Tony, where are you?"


"I don't know cap, but I'll be back with you in a minute" Tony went back to look at the woman only to see her gone. He still didn't get why someone would say such a thing. 


After the mission


"Tony, what pushed your buttons today?" Nat looked at Tony with concern actually all the team did. Ever since they saw Tony get flung by the explosion something was off about Tony.


Tony sighed in frustration, he was still puzzled by the whole situation. 


"Tony I swear if this is about your sex life" Clint gets annoyed with Tony's sexual joke. Tony shooked his head telling them that this isn't a joke. He told them the story about how the woman helped him and about a promise. 


"A promise to protect you?" Bruce was now very curious as to what this woman is. But they’re all puzzled like tony. Tony even asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to research the woman but it resulted in nothing.


"I'm not stopping until I know what her intentions are!” Tony hasn't slept or eaten for a week now, the only thing he did was research her. The team was starting to get worried about his state.


"Tony you need rest at least" Nat tried to persuade Tony to take a break but it didn't work. So they all left him to do his little work on finding her. Then Tony heard a knock.


"not now Bruce" Tony didn't even once look at who was at the door.


"Who?" Tony's head snapped in the direction of the familiar voice. There he sees her just beside the door. "Tony you need to sleep and eat" Tony only snickered at her response. 


"You didn't answer my question" The woman looks at him debating if she really should tell him or not. She sighed in defeat.


"I made a promise from the future" Tony only looked at her in disbelief.


"So what? you just have a time machine sitting around?" The woman only groaned at his remark and shook her head.


"No, someone from the future came to me to make a promise"


"Then who?!" Tony was starting to feel impatient; he just wanted the answer, not another riddle. She looked at Tony to show him she was not gonna say anything. "You want to protect me then I have the right to know who made you keep that promise!!"


The woman only stared at Tony which made his anger increase. He walked towards the woman until they were face to face. "Whoever made you that stupid promise is an asshole. I can take care of myself, I'm not fucking 6. I have my suits to protect me, I don't need you to keep that fucking ass promise!!" 


"You," the woman said which confused Tony. Seeing his confused state the woman explained "You were the one who told me to keep this promise" Tony only laughed at her in disbelief.


"Why would I ask such a stupid promise?"


"Because you wanted your daughter to have a father '' Tony stood in front of the woman in shock. He couldn't believe what this woman was saying. "Your daughter Morgan needed a father and that's what I am doing" Tony only had one question for her.


"Then what are you to me?" The woman only looked at Tony with pain.


"I am the mother of your child."