Chapter 7 – Imprisoned
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I immediately turned around and ran. However, before I could get far, two burly men dressed in coarse clothing appeared before me and grabbed my arms.


With an effortless grunt, the two lifted me off my feet and carried me before the girl who was being taken care off by an elderly man.


“Hmph! To punch our Young Lady in the face, you sure have guts! Speak! Who hired you? Was it…Duke Cu?” The elderly man dusted his sleeves and examined the young girl.


“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! I had no ill intentions!” I tried to explain myself.


“Oh? Then why did you run?” Noticing that I didn’t recognize the name, the elder sneered and changed topic.


“I…I really didn’t mean to. It was the gods’ fault. They made me do it.” I started to reason but realized too late that the words might cause some misunderstanding.


“To push blame onto the gods, how cowardly! If you weren’t a kid, I would have killed you where you stand!” The elder slapped me in the face.


Suddenly, the young girl stirred. As the elder bent down to check on her situation, the girl fluttered her eyes and sat up. She rubbed her cheek and winced at the tingling sensation of a bruise.


“Young Lady, we caught the person who did this to you. What should we do to him?” The elder bowed.


“What to do? Beat him up! I want him to feel my pain…no, I want him to feel tenfold!” The young girl snapped as she caressed her swollen cheek in frustration.


“Yes milady!” The two burly men saluted and proceeded to beat me with their fists.


I tried to protect my vital parts while I was beaten black and blue. Nevertheless, I felt like I was dying.


As if hearing my cries of pain, my father rushed out of the Magic Pavilion. Upon seeing me on the floor cowering as blow upon blow landed on my body, my father rushed to my aid…or so I thought.


For some reason, when my father’s eyes landed on the girl, he paled in fright. My father – a cultivating expert of the Core Expressing Stage – quickly kneeled before the young girl. At that moment, I knew…that I fucked up.


“Please, young lady…no! Please, your graciousness, spare my son. Whatever he did, he didn’t mean it!” My father begged the young girl.


The girl stood up and pointed at her wounded cheek. “Even when your son did this?”


My father paled once more upon the sight and quickly pleaded some more. “My idiot of a son was born with weak potential and a weak blessing. He is weak and clumsy. Just treat him as a fart and let him go.”


Maybe the girl was young and innocent or maybe she truly felt sorry for my father, but the young girl nodded and declared. “I won’t kill your son. But, no matter if it was on accident or on purpose, my face is wounded. I will lock your son up in the city prison until my wound healed.”


“T-This…thank you for your kindness.” My father replied after a pause.


Locking me up in the city prison, though it won’t kill me, it would surely cause me plenty of problems. Nevertheless, I could say I dodged a bullet there. When father called the young girl ‘your graciousness’, I knew right there right then that the young girl was from a Duke family.


To punch a member of a Duke’s family, no matter if it was on accident or on purpose, I would surely have been killed. Thank goodness the young girl was kindhearted. If it had been a young master, ugh…I don’t want to imagine the outcome.


As father watched on, the two burly men lifted me up once more and dragged me towards the city prison.