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This girl was dressed in a beautiful exquisite shirt, sleeves were lanterns, trousers, she looked so neat.When she arrived, she turned over the documents in front of the table, Esten immediately began to help. she quickly gathered it all up without looking.And when we were all gathered, Mrs. Mirage said:

"You can go to Esti's training, if Beya says something, say that Lady Edezhia sent you."

Esten bowed and went to the coaching room..


Meanwhile Esten did it.

When she arrived at the place, General Elibeya immediately drew attention to it.Here is Elibeya approaching me/Esten.

"Why aren't you a knight of Esten?" said Elibea with a threatening face.

Esten was startled by such a look from Elibei, but she was not at a loss and immediately said:

"Lady Edezia, she said I was released!", Esten replied very firmly.

"Where is she now?" Elibea asked.

"The lady came to her with documents in the gazebo where I was cleaning," Esten replied.

"Okay, take the sword, you can practice today so that you can be at the construction site before everyone else tomorrow!" she said with a serious face and headed towards Elibei's gazebo.


Esten, standing in the same place, looked after Elibei.