3.Way of Life and Goals
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A few days have passed by now and not much has changed other than my head no longer hurting anymore. I also realized that not all my memories are there, only those that I figured were important appeared first. I think the rest will come back slowly for now.

On a different note I figured out where I am at, it seems I'm in the United States I still haven't found where I'm specifically at there.

As for the orphanage I haven't talked to anyone if none at all, most just avoid me so I cant really get anything from them except Ryan. The orphanage itself is not that big I would say only around the size of a normal two story building just with the second floor being more rooms than anything.

What I have been doing these past few days was mainly waking up in the morning having breakfast then chores followed by lunch which would leave me free time to do what I want. So I have been thinking of what my plans are for the future I still haven't thought of much just some goals I would like, such as traveling around but since the world is currently not very safe I've put that on hold for now.

As for other things it would be figuring out how my abilities work but that's for later since that can cause mistakes to happen easily with world travel, so I've been focusing on what I want to do when I have figured out how to use them. Such as traveling to another world for a bit to train so that I wouldn't have to worry about not having combat capabilities.

Well that's not all what I'm doing now so its more important to get myself in order, after all I still have to figure out what I want to become and goals I want to accomplish for now that's what I have been figuring out. I have thought of some but not sure how I feel about it but the only major one is Traveling, I want to see new places and this orphanage isn't helping so I have worry about that.

While I've been sitting outside on the grass in front of the orphanage building Ryan calls out to me.

(Ryan)"Yo Dale what you doing out there day-dreaming for."

When I look up and see Ryan walking towards me I begin to pull my head out of my thoughts.

(Dale)"Nothing just thinking that staying here is somewhat boring and I cant leave."

(Ryan)"Well with others watching us you cant really leave and you have already tried."

Its as he said, I've noticed it that the past few days that whenever we are around, that there is at least someone near us and can see what we are doing. I think it also became worse after I tried leaving by myself before and got dragged back. Its making us feel more like prisoners' sometimes as we also cant leave the place without permission. 

Ryan likes to draw and paint so he is not that affected but when you want to explore it becomes easily capable of being hell. Lately I have primarily been reading books that are about random different things and sadly there aren't a lot of them so this will only last me for so long.

As I was thinking Ryan tapped my shoulder since I stopped responding and went off in my head again.

(Dale)"Sorry sorry, just thinking to myself again."

(Ryan)"You have a problem of spacing out a lot lately is everything alright?"

(Dale)"Yea just thinking about what I would like to do in the future but I'm not completely sure yet."

(Ryan)"Isn't that obvious, from what I know your pretty smart but too lazy to take that somewhere."

(Dale)"HEY! That's not nice I'm not lazy just lack anything to do there is a difference."

(Ryan)"Sure well back to what I was saying, from what I know you like to explore but you also cherish peace and silence so why not have a goal to have a home based off what you explored and seen?"

After Ryan finished that I thought about what he mentioned, most of it was true I like when things are calmed because its the only time I don't feel confined in here. 

But while he's right on that making a home is not really possible right now and I don't even know how long I will be here and if ill be able to come back at all. So making a home will be like placing a flag on a mountain and leaving it, was there but wont last long before its gone again which isn't a home but a mark and that's not what I want.

(Dale)"Your idea is good but it has flaws."

Ryan looks at me like I cant use my on head to think anymore.

(Ryan)"Just because it has flaws doesn't mean it cant be a goal, after all goals are not always meant to be possible to achieve."

After saying that Ryan gets up and off the grass and walks back inside the orphanage, it seems while I have been out here its almost dinner time so he came to get me.