Drachenmagd #12
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A Deluded Illusion

She was a woman who was always beautiful in Rita's eyes. From a young age she had gained a maturity that was hard to put one's finger on. Heh, she remembered times in high school when her sibling was confused for an older woman, something that angered her often. But in their college years, she fully came to appreciate her mature looks.

Her eyes were always sharp and slender, cool too, their brown color being so bright and illustrious. A wink here, a look there, and she often had others melting beneath her feet. And with a figure like hers, she had the body to match her cool mannerisms. Growing up though, Rita would have to say she was most jealous of the woman's hair. Where as her hair was black, this woman's hair was brown, lending a bit to a more reddish color. It's why her son – who is a blond – seemingly has orange hair in certain lights.

Ah yes; her son, the reason for her growth in beauty. She remembered when the woman got pregnant, gaining that amazing maternal glow. How it only made her more radiant, widening the gap they shared. Not made any better by the fact that Rita herself was seemingly incapable of having children, despite her many attempts to do so with her husband. Further increasing the gap between her and this woman who was seemingly perfect in all regards.

But, right, who is this woman that Rita found herself thinking about? This woman whose looks and grace was almost angelic in nature? A woman who – even in death – she still harbored such jealousy towards? That woman... her name was--

“Mai, you can't!”

“Really... you say that now?”

She had a coolness in her voice, one that stirred and drew attention to her immediately. Hearing it, everyone's heads would turn; she was just that much the life of a party. And when those cool brown eyes look at you, you find yourself tensing up, like gazing into the eyes of a powerful wolf. Even though they were sisters – ones who've spent all their lives together – Rita still felt intimidated by the gaze. Such as now, where she shivered in place, though she puffed out her cheeks and stammered in her feet, trying to appear bigger than she was. But if Mai was a wolf, then she was a hare; small, weak, jittery.

Rita remembered that morning so vividly, even though it was fifteen years ago now. How dusty the main corridor of their home was, how the early morning sun was just barely peaking over the horizon, casting everything in an amber light, and the cool, chilling morning mist that flowed through their open door. Her sister was wearing a puffy jacket, one with a furry trim, and the car was audible outside. She looked so cool, so nonchalant, as if she wasn't about to fly across the globe to meet up with a mysterious man. Was she scared that morning? It was a question Rita always wanted to ask her sister, but never got the chance to.

“Look, our flight is in a few hours, so there's no turning back now,” said the older woman as she tugged on her luggage.

“But... can't you just go alone? Leave Sebastian here!” Rita cried, before averting her eyes in an abrasive manner, “That man... Klaus? I... I don't trust him.”

“You haven't even met him,” Mai replied as she too looked away, “Klaus... he's not... he isn't...” she shook her head then looked back, “Listen, he's Sebastian's father, got it? For four years I've been trying to work him open enough to speak to him, and it's only until I got in contact with his maid Igrene that we've finally set up this meeting. I'm not going to risk this chance, Rita.”

“Haah... but Mai!” she reached out for her sister, grabbing her hand, “What do you expect will happen? Do you think he'll just... accept you two? Just like that?” she shrugged her shoulders, “Are you hoping for money? Is that it? Is that why you're going to him?”

“Rita! Klaus is Sebastian's father!” Mai replied, a sharpness in her voice, “This has nothing to do with money! What? Do you think I'm some sort of gold digger?”

“No, that's not what I'm--”

“That's what it sounds like!”

Rita wilted, her sister's sharp tone feeling like a punch to the gut. But as much as it pained her, she was not so foolish to ignore Mai. Her older sister was clearly emotional, and it was visible on her face. Those eyes pained, her teeth gritted, the intensity of her facial features.

But even Mai realized she was being harsh on her sister, so her face softened and she looked down. Taking in a deep deep breath, she eventually looked back at Rita with a softer smile on her lips, her free hand reaching out to wrap around her sister's shoulders. She then pulled her in, hugging Rita tightly.

“I'm sorry... I shouldn't have yelled at you like that,” she apologized, though her sister shook her head.

“No it's... it's fine...” Rita said before pulling back, “But Mai... this Klaus man. You said he was rich, right? Hm... this just all feels so... so sketchy.”

“You're overreacting, Rita,” Mai replied, “He's not some murderer or something. Klaus is... Klaus is...” she shook her head, “Ah... it doesn't matter; I've got a flight to catch anyway. Keep looking after mom and dad while I'm away, okay?”

“Aah... but Mai...”

Her sister pulled away, leaving Rita to sit there, stammering in place. Her lips continued quivering as Mai walked towards the door, waving goodbye to sister as she started on her quest. She slipped right through the door, with Rita continuing to stand there, frozen solid like a statue.

She blamed everything that would happen to Mai on that morning. Maybe if she fought harder, her sister would still be...


His rampant snoring echoed throughout the bedroom, bouncing off the wall and ceiling. However, that's not what woke Rita up. No, when you've been married to a man for over a decade, his snores eventually stop sounding so annoying, and become like music to her ears... or maybe she had become deaf to it.

Regardless, Rita found herself staring up towards the ceiling, wide awake as she was visited by that old memory. Funny how times have changed. She fought her hardest to keep Mai at home, and now she herself was at the very same estate... an estate Sebastian was earl of. Did that make her hypocritical in some strange way? She hoped not...

But that's not the problem, is it? No, the problem was the racing heart that pounded and pounded and pounded against her chest. Why did she remember that morning? It's not like she was known to have flashbacks like someone with PTSD. Perhaps you could call Rita a fretful person, but is it possible that dream was there to remind her of something?

Ah, but what? What would such a memory try to tell her? That even after all these years, she still felt inadequate in comparison to Mai? No, that's not it... even if it was true. Then was it trying to tell her something else? But what? But what? But what!?

“Igrene...” Rita whispered to herself, her eyes widening.

Yes, that's it; Igrene. That's the name of the Head-Housemaid; the woman who greeted them and led them to this bedroom. She was also the woman Rita saw in the halls after lunch, where she was filing her nails. Igrene was the woman Mai got in contact with that finally led to Sebastian meeting his father.

Who is Igrene? She was one of Sebastian's servants yes, but she seemed to carry with her a greater sense of power and importance. Look, Rita's not knowledgeable on the hierarchy of servants and the like, but being a Head-Housemaid did sound important. Is that why Mai and Sebastian came here in the first place? Igrene held some sway over Klaus that led to them finally meeting one another?

But... what was with that glare she gave in the hall earlier? The one where her eyes were suddenly slit like a reptile's? No... no... Rita was seeing things. She could be hysterical sometimes. However, that doesn't chance the fact that Igrene was strange, and clearly had a great power over the estate as a whole. Did Sebastian know that? Rita needed to know...

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Mistress Rita? Master Jack? Dinner is read!” came a voice from the door... Larsine's from the sound of it.

SNOOO-- Wait... did someone say dinner is ready?” Jack said as his eyes popped open.

Leaning up in his bed, the burly man looked over to the door, a grin spreading out on his lips. He then looked at his wife, still grinning like a gleeful fool.

“Here that, Rita? Dinner's ready!”

“Haaah... are you always hungry?” Rita replied in a partially annoyed manner, though her husband chuckled.

“Ritaaaaa! You know the answer to that question!” he replied whilst grinning, “C'mon! Let's see what that Kitchen Maid of Sebastian's can cook! If lunch is a lobster tail, then dinner's gotta be great!”

On one hand, it was annoying that Jack was salivating over another woman's cooking. Why? Well... they say that the quickest way to a man's heart is his stomach; speaking from experience on her on. However – and on the other hand – Rita was curious to what this Kitchen Maid could cook as well. And her stomach too gave a rather cute sounding--


“Heh heh! See! You're hungry too, Rita!” Jack said whilst poking her stomach, much to her chagrin.


“C'mon! Let's get going! I'm sure Sebastian's there waiting for us!”

Well, he had her there. Even if Rita was a bit flummoxed by her dream, she did want to see Sebastian again... did that make her come off as clingy?

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Mistress Rita...? Uncle Jack...?” Larsine called once again, though she was noticeably concerned, “You... you are there, right?”

“Yeah, we're here! Just got done fucking is all!”


“WHAT!? JACK!!!”

“Heh heh heh!”

Tink... tank... tink... tank... tink.. tink...

“Is... something the matter, Master Sebastian?”

“Huh? Oh... um... yes, kinda...”

Sebastian's eyes leered out across the dining room towards the doors, waiting for the moment his aunt and uncle would appear. In the meantime, he casually fiddled with his fork, knife and spoon, trying to occupy and take his mind off of things. Why was he so antsy?


He wasn't alone of course. Honestly, even when Sebastian was alone, he felt like he had eyes on him nowadays. And if he had to say whose eyes it was always looking at him... it would be Igrene's. Just a feeling he got.

Ah, but it's not Igrene at his side, but his Parlor Maid Mylene of course. As usual she had her mischievous and cat-like smile on her face, and kept a silver platter balanced in hand.

“How does it feel?” Sebastian suddenly asked whilst looking at her, causing Mylene to cock her head.

“Nyah? Beg pardon, Master?”

“Your horns and... your tail...” he cocked his head at her in a quizzical manner, “Even your eyes. You got rid of all your draconian appendages. Heh... it makes you look 100% human! I was just curious if doing that hurts or something.”

“Nyeh heh heh! Of course not, Master!” she replied with her hips swaying, “Hiding my appendages isn't difficult! I hide my true form all the time!” she looked over towards her back, “Although... it is a bit uncomfortable stuffing my tail away.”

“Ah... don't worry... once Aunt Rita and Uncle Jack go to bed, I promise you can let your horns and tail free,” his eyes then slid into a soft glare, “Maybe... somewhere where I can see it.”

“Nyaaaaah~ Masterrrr,” she replied, her tone equaling his in shear desire, “I'd love to reveal my horns and tail for you! Nyeh heh heh!”

His eyes looked down, specifically towards Mylene's honestly short skirt. Courageously reaching a hand out, he slipped it right under her skirt, causing her to stiffen. But the Parlor Maid grinned, her yellow eyes regaining their slit shape. She didn't say a word, but her hips continued to wiggle, taunting him further, more and more.

“Masssterrr~” her voice called out to him, right up until 'Clinch!', “Nyaaaah~”

His hand palmed her ass, feeling its smooth and youthful shape. Gently rubbing it around and around in taunting circles, he had Mylene's legs closing together, as a lemony odor began flowing from her. Teasing her like this felt so wrong... but Sebastian just couldn't help himself. He kept touching her, more and more, up to the point that Mylene was biting her bottom lip. How far would things escalate? How far would things go before--


“Master Sebastian! Here are Mistress Rita and Master Jack!” Larsine's voice called from the entrance to the dining hall.

Sebastian's hand immediately left Mylene's butt, the Parlor Maid giggling as she patted down her skirt. They were both blushing, though said blush faded the closer his aunt and uncle came.


“Oh my...”

Pure astonishment.

Here they were in this long, grandiose dining hall, like something straight out of a fantasy story. Jack was impressed, with Rita taking the time to look at everything she possibly could. It was so big, so spacious, the table having so many chairs wrapped around it. And of course, at the head of the table sitting upon what was more a throne than a mere chair, was her beloved nephew.

Sebastian smiled at them, waving them closer. They complied, with Larsine leading them to chairs at his direct right. When sitting down, Jack was already more than ready to start eating, while Rita continued being a bit on the abrasive end. All this opulence... all for her meek nephew... it just felt wrong.

“Sebastian,” she whispered lowly to him, drawing his attentions to her, “Are you... are you really okay with all of this?”

“Mmm? Really okay with what?” Sebastian asked in a confused manner as he looked around.

“With... this!” she said whilst placing her hands down, “This table... these walls... this everything. This money...” she stopped, looking around herself before returning her eyes to him, “It's all so maddening, Master Sebastian. I almost can't take it.”

“Oh Rita! You're just having a bit of culture clash!” Jack said as he wrapped his burly arm around Rita's shoulder, pulling her in close, “All this money is too much for your country bumpkin self!”

“What? I-I'm no country bumpkin!” she replied whilst blushing.

“Heh heh! I think it's all great, me personally, Sebastian,” Jack continued, “I've only ever seen places like this on TV! Heh heh!”

“Yes, I'm sure. I felt the same way when I came here. Although,” he replied whilst cocking his head, “I remembered seeing this place when I was a child too.”

“You never... you never spoke much about your visit here as a child,” Rita said, “Do you remember much about it?”

“Hm... at times,” Sebastian replied, “Heh heh. It happened fifteen years ago, Aunt Rita, so I can't remember everything! Besides...” he shook his head, “It doesn't really matter. I'm more focused on making new memories here as oppose to thinking about the old ones.”

“Good man, Sebastian,” Jack remarked, though Rita shook her head.

“But... Sebastian... what... what about Mai?” she asked, making him cock his head, “When you were here with your mother, how did she feel about this place?”


Sebastian curled in, thinking about his aunt's words. Normally, such words about his mother would immediately bring him into a sour mood, something Rita was all too aware of. But now... no, he wasn't defeated, nor was he dismissive as he typically was. No, he faced his aunt, staring deep into her eyes where he said,

“I... can't really remember.”

And Rita found that to be so odd. No, no, his question wasn't odd; that made sense! It's hard to imagine what a four-year-old boy would and wouldn't pick up on at such a harrowing time. No, what Rita felt was odd was Sebastian's response to it. He wasn't sad, wasn't trying to avoid it, no, he faced the question and answered it to the best of his abilities. He never spoke of Mai in such a manner, wishing to instead deflect the topic as best as he could.

But now...

“My mother... she spent a lot of time talking with my father during our week here,” Sebastian continued, “And I... I spent a lot of time with the maids of the estate,” he smiled at his aunt, “They've all been so kind and nice and nurturing to me, Aunt Rita. I feel... better than I have in a long, long time here!”

“Heh heh! If I had a place like this to myself, I'm sure I'd feel the same!” Jack added.

But Rita? She looked at her nephew, gazing at that smile he had. It was all genuine, all so warm... and yet it felt so strange. What? Was she unhappy with Sebastian's sudden gaining of bravado and masculinity? It was hard to separate her nephew from the meekness he's exuded all his life.


The woman at his left; Parlor Maid Mylene, and the one who served them lobster tail earlier that day. She was watching them talk from out the corner of her eye. Rita gazed at her, staring at her somewhat emotionless and stoic face. Specifically those yellow eyes. Those yellow eyes.

Briefly they turned slit, like a reptile's. Rita pulled back.

The doors behind Sebastian opened.

“Ah! There's dinner! I hope you're ready!” said her nephew as Rita wilted slightly.

“You bet! I can't wait to see what you eat here on a daily basis!” Jack added.

“Y-yeah... of course...” Rita muttered weakly.

What is wrong with the women of this estate!? Their eyes! Those eyes! Even though she had seen it a while ago now, Rita could still feel their gaze! Mylene and Igrene; they're snake-like eyes! Once she could brush off as her merely seeing thing, but twice now!? That horrified Rita, threatening to give her nightmares for the rest of her life if they continued!


Did Sebastian know? Jack clearly didn't see it; he was more than happy to stay ignorant of things and merely enjoy the beauty and luxuries of the estate. And Sebastian, did he know? He'd have to know if he was spending all this time with them!

Naturally it left Rita in state of confusion... even if the food she indulged in tasted sooooooooooo good.

Maybe its her, but in spite of her attempts to sleep, she just couldn't. She did sleep earlier before dinner, so is that why she's so awake right now? Or maybe it had something to do with the gaze she got from Igrene and Mylene, the mere thought of which still floated in her head. Huh, Jack certainly had no qualms with sleeping, for he was dead to the world right next to her. He did eat a lot at dinner, being incapable of putting away Nadine's foods. Rita however could only enjoy a plate, not made any better by Mylene's hawk-like gaze.

But now that they were back in their bedroom, the older woman felt a sense of bravery and agency imbue her. She no longer felt scared, and that drove her to rise up from her bed, resting beside her snoring husband as her eyes fell on the door.

And she heard something call out to her.


“Guklh... wh... what?”

Okay, scratch what was said earlier; she did not feel a sense of bravery, not anymore! In fact, she felt utterly horrified as that ghastly voice seemingly called out to her. But, no, it didn't call out to her, did it? It called for--


Yes, it called for her sister! Was Rita hearing things, or was there someone out there speaking like a ghost? Wait... could it have actually been a ghost? Was this place haunted!? Well, it is big and mysterious; having ghost didn't sound that far out.

But if it was a ghost, why did it call out to her? Did it think she was indeed Mai? Or did it know they were sisters? Whatever the case may be, Rita did rise from her bed, albeit begrudgingly. She then meekly made way over for the doorway, opening it up slowly as her eyes looked one way, then the other, and back again.

“Hel... hello?” she called, “Is... is someone there...?”

“Maaaaaaaaaiiii...” the voice continued calling out.

Stiffening in place, Rita looked over to her right, eyes leering down the hall in the direction the voice came from. Her gaze fell on a woman; another maid. Silver-white hair, white and black uniform, and the faint light of a glow around her. She exuded this spectral light about her, making it hard to tell if she was human at all.

And when her eyes stared ahead to meet the eyes of the woman before her... Rita saw that her eyes were bound by leather.

“What's going on...” she whispered weakly to herself, “Who... who are you?”

But the woman did not answer. She just stood there, staring at her, endlessly. Gritting her teeth, Rita began approaching her once more, her heart racing a mile a minute. She then asked even louder than before,

“Who are you!?”

But the woman once again remained silent. That is until Rita approached her, slowly but surely. It must have taken several minutes, but she was finally here, standing face to face with this woman, looking up at her bound visage. Rita stiffened in place, wishing desperately to run back to Jack and their room, but this woman speaking of Mai kept her in place. This Faust Estate was as cursed as it was mysterious, but in spite of this, Rita desperately wanted answers. So she said,

“Who are you, and... how do you know Mai?”

And the woman cocked her head.

“You... you are not Mai...”


The woman then began moving back, sliding across the floor as if she was on ice. Utterly mortified by what she was seeing, Rita couldn't even speak, let alone follow. She just watched this woman slide further and further away, before pivoting and vanishing around the corner of another hall. All as Rita watched, dumbfounded, confused, and above all else, horrified.

“What is... what's going on here? Is this place trying to drive me insane?” Rita muttered to herself, her head turning to face her bedroom door, “Jack! Jaaaaackk!!!”

She tried to play it off as a dream, truly she did. She tried to say it was nothing more than her imagination brought on by the terror of staying in such a weird place. Why else would she not only dream about that morning with Mai, and then move on to meet a mysterious woman who was also calling out for Mai? Yes it had to be a dream! Even Jack tried to convince her it was nothing more than her imagination, seeing as how her words were incredibly fantastic. But despite all of that – despite his and her own attempts to quell her...

No... she still believed in what she saw.

It was the next morning, the sun peering through the windows of the Faust Estate, bathing everything in a golden-red light. Sure, the estate was creepy and mysterious, but Rita would be lying if she said this wasn't beautiful. Its baroque architecture, its wooden halls, the design of dragons etched into the walls and arches; it all made for a place that was utterly unique.

Hmmm... did Mai travel through these same halls? Standing still for a few moment, Rita thought he could perhaps feel her sibling's energies. But... no... she felt something from the Faust Estate, but it wasn't anything related to Mai. No, this place made her feel far too uncomfortable to possibly be related to her sister.

Pushing on, Rita began heading into the direction of the one person who could possibly answer the questions she had surrounding the mysterious woman she saw the previous night. Igrene? No, of course not. Rita was looking for Sebastian. If she found him, she knew he'd tell her the truth. Sebastian was too good a boy to possibly lie to her. His servants? Well, maybe its cruel to say this, but Rita didn't really trust them that much. For now she kept pushing forward, knowing his bedroom would have to be the one with the largest, most impressive doors around. The living quarters of the estate were as plentiful as they were extravagant, but it ultimately didn't take her too long to find his doors. And once she did...

Knock! Knock! Knock!

“Sebastian! Are you there!”

“Huh... what...? Mmm...”

That... that didn't sound like one of his drachenmagd.

Brown eyes fluttered open, followed by a tired groan. Reaching his arm up as he awoke from his rest, the young earl dragged his eyes from one end of his bedroom to the other. The glowing morning light peered through his windows, falling upon him in this bed. The curtains on said bed were opened as well, allowing him to gaze all around his bedroom. Giving a yawn, Sebastian tugged on his left arm, only to feel someone tug back.

“Nyaaahhnnn... Masterrrrr...”

Looking to his left, Sebastian's befell the nude form of a certain Parlor Maid. For a change her twintails had been undone, allowing her blonde-green hair to fall freely along her body. It was a beautiful sight, one comparable to that of a dainty princess, and painted her in a different light from usual. He was used to her being so cat-like and playful.

Placing a hand on her smooth shoulder, Sebastian gently rubbed her with a smile on his face, rousing her from her rest. Tired yellow eyes opened to look back at him, a smile adorning her lips as well.

“Mmmm... good morning, Master,” Mylene said as she tugged on his arm, “Nyaaaaha... you were so much fun last night,” gently she snuggled more into his arm, “Nmmmmnnn... I still feel a bit numb down there... nyeh heh heh...”

“Jeeze, Mylene. Heh... you're making me embarrassed,” Sebastian replied with a sheepish chuckle, “Although... hmm...” he looked at the door, “I could've sworn I heard someone. It sounded like--”

“Sebastian? Are you there?” Rita called through the door, making his eyes bulge.


He immediately regretted his cry.

“Ah-ha! You are there!” Rita said, with Sebastian covering his mouth. Well, no point in even trying to hide anymore.

“A-Aunt Rita? Wh-what are you doing here?” Sebastian asked.

“Hm? What are you talking about?” she replied as she grabbed the doorknob, “I came for you, silly!”

The door opened, and either time began to move slowly, or Sebastian began to move that fast. One moment Mylene was snuggling up to his arm, not caring at all that Aunt Rita was right there. After all, Larsine had already caught them once, and she and Igrene had caught him with Selene before as well! Why even act coy about things?

But Aunt Rita is not one of his drachenmagd! Aunt Rita is much, much worse! No hesitation then! He placed his hand right on Mylene's head, making her eyes bulge, and then--



“Sebastian! Ah, there you-- oh!?”

“Oh!? Uh!?”

They looked at one another, Sebastian's face red, and Rita's face turning red as well. All of time seemed to stop as they looked at one another, with Sebastian fearing that his aunt realized they were not alone. But...

“Are you... naked...?”

“Huh? What?”

Sebastian looked down. Yeah... yeah, he was naked. Placing his hand on his chest, he rubbed it gently, before bringing his gaze up to his aunt with a sheepish grin.

“Yes, heh heh... uh... is... is that a problem?” Sebastian asked, making her shake her head.

“Uh... you... you don't sleep naked. You have pajamas for that,” Rita stated, noticing how strange this was, “Did you... start sleeping naked when you moved here?”


Honestly, he still wears pajamas. But considering the fun night he and Mylene had, he naturally fell asleep without bothering to put on clothes. Of course, he couldn't tell his aunt this! So he scrambled to come up with a good enough lie.

“Ummm... n-not really! I just felt like sleeping naked last night! I wanted to try something a little bit different! Heh... uh...” he shook his head, “I didn't expect you to come in of course...”

She looked at him , taking note of how he averted his gaze. Now, look, Rita herself is not yet a mother, but she has spent the past six years raising Sebastian alongside her husband. She could tell when he was being a liar and – more importantly – when he was trying to hide something. This was certainly one of those times.

And yet...

Grumbling in an annoyed manner, Mylene pulled her head up from beneath the blankets of his bed, staring Sebastian in his face. The bed were so big, so spacious, and Aunt Rita was so far away, she hadn't noticed her slight movement. Sebastian certainly did, his eyes snapping down to see the yellow eyes of his Parlor Maid, and the impish smile her lips were adorned in. Confused, he mouthed out 'What are you doing', but his answer came soon enough.


It took everything in his power to not wail out in sensual pleasure.

Mylene had worked her way down to his legs, her head and cheek pressed up against his morning wood. Gently stroking it, she caused even more blood to pump and circulate through his cock, rousing it further and further.

What the hell was Mylene doing!? She knew his Aunt Rita was right there, right? Right!? Then why was she trying to get him harder? It had his heart racing, knowing that – at any moment – Rita could discover just what was going on. The kinkiness, the pleasure, the sexual drive; it was not lost on Sebastian... and it showed with how honest his body was being.

He may have been afraid, but that glistening pearl of precum said otherwise.

“A-Aunt Rita... hahhh! Wh-what's wrong?” Sebastian asked as he forced the covers over Mylene's head, hoping that would help him contain his lusts, “D-did something happen?”

“Hmm... well... uhhh...”

Rita laid her finger on her cheek as she looked upwards, thinking about Sebastian's question. That bizarre ghost she saw last night... she was still trying to debate with herself on whether or not she was real. And – let's face it – Rita does have a slight reputation of being a bit hysterical. Saying she saw a ghost last night probably won't go over so well.

But this was Sebastian's home; if anyone had the answers she sought, it would be him! However, instead of speaking to him from across the bedroom, Aunt Rita began to slowly approach her nephew, much to his shock and fear. He tensed up... which naturally made his cock do the same.

A soft 'oh!' noise left Mylene's lips, one that went unnoticed against the other sounds of his bedroom. Having noticed her Master's more energetic body, the Parlor Maid began kissing along the side of his cock, making it throb all the more. He wanted to look at her, but knew brushing aside his covers would only reveal the fact that she was there. And with Aunt Rita getting even closer! Yeah, that's not something he wanted to do.

But it's not like he needed to look at Mylene to know what she was doing. The kisses of her soft, thin lips against his dick that made his toes curl, followed by her slippery, serpentine tongue. It wrapped fully around his dick, capturing it and trapping him in place. Oh, that's just unfair! He already knew that his maids had impossible to match tongues! If she truly subjugated him to her superior fellatio, he feared he may start climaxing even in front of Aunt Rita.

And that's exactly what Mylene wanted.

“Haaah...! Oh my...!”

Sebastian felt a depression upon the bed, his eyes gazing over towards his Aunt Rita. She was sitting on the edge of his mattress, gazing away from him though he could tell her face was a forlorn one. It had him worried, wondering if his aunt was hurt by something. But before he could ask, she began speaking.

“This place is weird, Sebastian,” she said as she felt the softness of his bed, “Your servants... they scare me. I feel like... like they're...” she shook her head, “I don't know, it's hard to describe.”

“Aunt Rita-aaaaah!”

“Huh? Is something wrong!?”

He shook his head, trying to play off his wayward moan as a mere morning groan. Of course upon hearing Aunt Rita speak about them, Mylene decided to redouble her fellatio. Her tongue stroked along the veins of his dick, coaxing more precum to come oozing at the tip. Sebastian himself remained defensive, trying his hardest to stow away his ever rising orgasm. Would it be better to cum quick, or to hold it back and hope his Aunt Rita left by then? He went with the latter...

“H-hey, Aunt Rita! D-don't say anything mean, okay?” Sebastian said, trying to stop his aunt from saying anything too incriminating with one of his drachenmagd around.

“Oh, but I feel like I must!” she replied, “Look at me, I'm here in this strange estate... you and Jack like it but me?” she shook her head, “Haah... Mai must have hated it then...”



Oh that was just cruel!

It seems as if the stronger Aunt Rita's words became, the stronger Mylene's blowjob did in retaliation! His Parlor Maid did know that he wasn't to blame for her opinion, right? Yet she punished him as if it was his fault!

Mylene guided his cock into her mouth, slobbering and spitting all over it. He shivered as his manhood was held in such a warm and wet place, with his Parlor Maid even giving a hard – and near audible – suck. Sebastian bit his bottom lip, trying his hardest to not let out a loud moan that Rita could hear. His balls meanwhile began drawing up close to his body, that surging of life threatening to come out.

He was so hot, that sweat had started streaking down his body. Rita didn't seem to notice as she continued on with her rant.

“Your maids... they don't like me,” Rita continued, “Or maybe I'm crazy, and I'm just seeing things! Last night, I saw Igrene in the halls...” she looked at Sebastian, “And her eyes were like a snake's!”


“And then later on at dinner, that girl beside you did the same thing!”

“Th-that girl? You mean Mylene-- oh!?”

Rita didn't notice that reaction, because she was far too focused on herself. Just thinking about their snake-like eyes had her shivering, as if she saw something she shouldn't have. She still doubted it actually happened, and feared that she was just losing her mind from all the stress she was suffering!

And then there was Sebastian, who was still being assaulted by Mylene's skilled mouth. Her lips ran up and down his girthy length, her hands keeping his legs appropriately spread as she kneaded him. He couldn't fend it off anymore, not with Aunt Rita right there. The shear kinkiness of the situation was not lost on him. Here was this beautiful blonde sucking his dick, while his Aunt Rita sat idly by without any knowledge of it happening. If Sebastian was a more courageous person, perhaps this wouldn't be so problematic. But, right, there's a difference between Aunt Rita and his drachenmagd! He really didn't want her knowing what he was getting up to his his servants!

“But that doesn't compare to what I saw last night!” Rita continued, “Sebastian... is this place haunted?

“H-haunteeeeed... haaah! Wh... why would you ask that?”

“Because I swear I saw a ghost last night.”

“A-a ghost!?”

That... actually caused Mylene to stop. There's only one being at the estate one could call a 'ghost'.

“Yeah... hmm...” she closed her eyes and thought, “I couldn't really sleep much last night after those eyes your servants gave me. And that's when I started hearing a voice. It was calling out Mai's name, I'm sure of it! So I got out of bed and went over to the voice and... I saw a ghost floating through the halls! She hovered above the ground with white hair, her eyes were bound by like... like... I don't know what! I couldn't see it and...” she shook her head, “Whoever the ghost was, she realized I wasn't Mai and then left and... I went back to bed...” she shook her head, “I told Jack, and he thinks I was just dreaming. And really? I might have been dreaming but... it all felt so real! Hmmm...” she took in a deep breath, “I'm afraid that... that... hmm... maybe it was just a dream,” she looked back at her nephew, “I had a dream about Mai earlier yesterday; before dinner in fact. I remember that morning when you and her came here all those years ago. Hmm...” her face began quivering, “Sebastian... ever since that morning, I always felt like Mai's life was on a downward spiral. I... I don't like this place. I want you to come home.


He winced as if he had been stricken, causing Rita tense up as well. Of course, she didn't know that Mylene's fellatio had grown to a level so intense, it was like Sebastian had the nozzle of a vacuum cleaner pressed up to his cock. It took everything in his power to not jerk up or moan! Instead he took in a deep, deep breath, his eyes even closing.

Emiline certainly never taught him how to fake something like this! Maybe he should ask her that on their next practice session.

“Aunt Ritaaaaaa”

“Y-yes, Sebastian?”

“M-maybe we should... hah... t-talk about this later, okay?” he said, flashing her a sheepish smile.

She looked at that smile, showing a bit of hurt on her own face. Then again, it was rather childish of her to think that he'd instantly be okay with leaving all of this behind. At least he was giving her the chance to explain her own position, they'd just need to save it for later. Perhaps after breakfast.

“Okay, Sebastian. Okay. We'll talk later... uh...” she cocked her head at him playfully, “Though... you might want to talk to your nurse,” placing her hand on his forehead, she gently rubbed him, “You're burning up.”

“Heh heh... y-yeah... uhh...”

On the inside he truly felt conflicted. Like... what does one say to her question? It's not like he could say no now, that would upset Rita. And the last thing Sebastian wanted to do is upset his aunt.


What, is he going to say yes to her? Is he going to really leave the Faust Estate behind, especially when one of his maids currently had his cock in her mouth right now? That sounds equally as ridiculous, doesn't it? Hell, even more so!

Is it wrong to say Sebastian had already made his mind? It's not like Mylene was giving him much of a chance!



He once more clinched in with his thighs, fighting as hard as he could as his Parlor Maid again intensified her blowjob. Sucking and sucking and sucking, her tongue having wrapped around the full length of his cock. Grabbing a handful of his blankets, he fell back in his bed, trying not to moan as Aunt Rita stood up from his bedside.

There was certainly something weird going on with her nephew, she's not blind! But of course, it's not like she had 'getting a blowjob from his maid' at the top of her list of weird things. Just something else she'd ask him about later; for now, she focused on returning to her husband. And Sebastian watched, his face threatening to crack under the pressure of Mylene's fellatio. He even waved at his aunt as she opened the door, having gotten away with something so incredibly lewd right under her nose.

And then the door closed...



Quickly throwing open his blankets, Sebastian stared down towards Mylene. Her yellow eyes were looking back at him in a playful manner, her lips in a smirk despite being full of cock. Finally she began to slow on her blowjob, but this was only to taunt her Master more. Pushing down, pulling up, pushing down, pulling up, nyeh, even giggling for the fun of it.

Sebastian wasn't laughing...

“Come here you...” he grumbled as he grabbed her hair, and--



He pushed Mylene down on his cock, feeling it slide into her throat with very little resistance. Her eyes bulged briefly, her grip on his thighs also increasing, only to quickly relax. Growing loose, the Parlor Maid allowed him to do as he pleased with her body, her eyes even sliding downward in a demure manner. She didn't move, save for her tail which squirmed upon her back.

With her hair in his hand like handlebars, Sebastian began thrusting his cock into Mylene's awaiting mouth. His moans filled the air shamelessly with his every penetration, feeling her tight throat quivering upon his length. It pulled him in deeper, with Mylene pressed up against his pubic hair. Throbbing, pulsating... hah! Twitching! Until finally.

“Mmmfff!? Haaaaahh!”


Sebastian clamped his eyes shut, his balls drew up to close, and he unleashed all his pent-up seed this morning straight into Mylene's mouth. Her eyes bulged again, the bitter yet spicy taste of her Master's spunk completely filling her. It shot into her throat, it shot on her tongue, it shot on her teeth; it shot everywhere! And Sebastian shuddered, his teeth biting against one another as he began falling from that blissful, sexual high.



“Ooooooh... gaaah... oh... oh dear...” Sebastian muttered weakly while Mylene pulled her lips slowly off his cock.

He looked down at her, watching the sinful sight of her retreating from his dick, some of his cum dribbling from her lips to his cock in a thick, gooey bridge. He wanted to say something, but her serpentine tongue licked upon her lips, cleaning the cum off so that she could swallow it all down. And when it did, her playful and mischievous smile returned to her lips without a moment's hesitation.

“Wow, Master! Nyeh heh heh! You were really hard just then! That's the hardest you've ever been with me!” Mylene remarked, causing his eyes to swell.

“WELL I WONDER WHY!” he sarcastically shouted, much to her glee.

“Nyeh heh heh! What? I didn't know you'd get so dirty with your aunt there! You really are a bad boy, Master Sebastian!” Mylene teased to his chagrin, though he steadily calmed down.

“Why'd you do that... you knew she was right there,” Sebastian groaned.

“I knew my Master was so good he wouldn't break...” she placed her hand upon his cheek, “It's fun teasing you, Master! Besides...” she then looked away, her face becoming visibly... upset, “I should have showed her what we were doing... that would have shut her up. Such disrespect...”

“Such... disrespect? Uh... oh... right...”

Yes, his aunt did say some unflattering things about the estate. He stopped her from saying anything too bad, but the fact that she was afraid of this place was out in the open, as well as her disdain towards his servants. However...

“You and Igrene showed her your reptilian eyes?” Sebastian said, causing Mylene to gaze skyward in a playful manner.

“Mm? Did I? I don't recall,” she replied before looking back, “Your aunt seems like the kind of woman with a few screws loose, Master Sebastian.”

“Myleeeeneee,” he growled in a scolding manner.

To think... Sebastian scolding and berating his maids. He never thought he'd come across such a day.

“Aunt Rita is my aunt!” he said forcefully, “She and Uncle Jack took care of me when my mother died; I owe her so much!” he shook his head, “I don't want you, or Igrene, or anyone for that matter scaring her! I... she... I love her, you do realize that.”

Mylene looked back, her eyes quivering, before she averted her gaze in a frustrated manner. Despite that, she did realize what she had done was in the wrong, though it was hard to tell what angle she viewed things from. Was she wrong for doing so in the first place? Or was she wrong only because she was caught?

Sebastian couldn't tell, but... he gave her the benefit of thinking she felt genuinely bad. Mylene was playful and impish; she loved taunting and teasing people, him above all else. Perhaps she only meant to tease Aunt Rita, and his aunt being... well, his aunt, took it as a threat. Then again, if he saw someone give him snake eyes who he didn't know, he'd probably be naturally afraid as well.

That being said, even if it was just a playful act, Aunt Rita's own words didn't smooth things either. Mylene looked irritated at the woman; to have her and her home insulted by someone... if she wasn't her Master's aunt, there's no telling what she would have done.

“She said Mai hated this place,” Mylene said, taking Sebastian off guard, “I can't believe she'd lie about such a thing!”

Huh... for all the time he had spent here, Sebastian never asked his maids how they felt about Mai. Why would he? Bringing up his mother was always a source of emotional turmoil from him. Having realized this, his maids made sure never to bring up her name around him. He had also focused so much on Klaus' opinion of his mother, desperately searching for his diary to get that answer as well.

But the face Mylene had, the words she uttered... she looked visibly pained. As if the idea that Mai of all people hated this place was just too great an insult to bare. Sebastian didn't understand it, and he was close to ask her why she felt that way...

But the door opened.

“Good morning Master!” called a certain Chamber Maid, “I've come for your morning-- WHAT!? MYLENE!?!?”

The room shook from her roar, the two looking over towards Selene who stood at the doorway. Her purple eyes were furious, her teeth clinched, and even some embers of fire could be seen bubbling at the back of her throat. Sebastian was honestly frightened, though Mylene was more or less indifferent.

“Good morning to you too, Selene,” said the Parlor Maid dismissively.

“Mylene! What are you doing here!” shouted the Black Dragon as she stomped up towards them, “You know Master's mornings belong to me! It's one thing that he has to rush off and be manhandled by that brute Carmeline! I will not allow my mornings with him to be further ruined by the likes of you!”

“Look, I'm not washing Master Sebastian! Nyeh... unless he wants me to!”

“Don't even joke about such a thing!” Selene shouted as she suddenly – and I do mean suddenly – swiped Sebastian up into her arms.

Seriously, how'd she even get up to him that fast? She's like a blur!

“Ack!? S-Selene!” Sebastian groaned as he was pulled up to her chest.

“What are you even doing here, Mylene?” she questioned as she ignored Sebastian's cries... if anything, she only squeezed him in harder.

“Jeeze, you take things so seriously, Selene! We only slept together last night...


“Ow! My ears!” Sebastian groaned.

“What do you mean you slept together last night; how often do you do that!?” she snapped at the Parlor Maid, who merely rolled her eyes.

“Not often... we just did it last night, that's all,” Mylene answered nonchalantly, which caused Selene to puff out her cheeks.

“Good! Then that means we'll sleep together tonight, right, Master?” the Black Dragon asked whilst pulling him away so she could look at his face.

“W-what?” he replied, confused by what they were even talking about.

“Yes! We will sleep together!”


“Right? Right!? Right!”

“Selene, I don't even know what you're-- ah!?”

“Okay! Let me wash you and... huh? Sniff... sniff... huh!? What!? Is that... is that Master's semen?” her eyes turned to face Mylene, noticing the cum that continued to dribble down her chin, “Did... did you take Master's morning seed!”

“Yeah... so? What of it?” Mylene replied coyly.

Oh, that really set Selene off.


“She was so disrespectful... I don't think I've been that angry in a long, long time.”

“Now now, Mylene; please do calm yourself. Mistress Rita is just being... overly protective...”

Mylene's eyes gazed out the window, staring upon the estate's main courtyard in the center. She could see Carmeline in the distance, no doubt preparing to take care of the gardens as per her duties. Would Sebastian join her today? Doubtful; he had to play gracious host for his aunt and uncle.

His aunt...

Such a vile woman; she frustrated Mylene just thinking about her. To say such terrible things in secrecy. What? Did she lack the courage to just come out and say it? She was a meek and pathetic woman.

It had been some time already since her morning with Master Sebastian; perhaps thirty or so minutes at least. She had redressed herself in her uniform, even gathered her silver platter just in case someone needed a drink or meal. But instead of waiting on Master Sebastian – who was no doubt being rammed against the wall by an incredibly affectionate Selene – Mylene was here in this random hall standing next to a table.

And who was sitting at said table?

“What are we going to do, Igrene?” Mylene asked as she looked at the Head-Housemaid, a worried pout on her lips, “Sebastian loves and respects his aunt, though I can't understand for the life of me why. She's skittish and weak. Nothing like Mai...” she looked back out the window, “To think they are sisters... it's cruel unto itself.”

“Skittish and weak you say? Fufufu! Those are words that could be used to describe Master Sebastian too, Mylene,” Igrene said before taking a sip of her tea, “Mmm... you aren't trying to disrespect our Master, are you?”

“Nyein! Never!” Mylene said as she looked at her superior, “But it's cute on Master! And he is still a young man; he has many years to grow. In fact, he is growing already; you should have seen him when he held my head down this morning! Master would have never done that over a week ago!” she looked back at the window, snarling, “To think, in under a week he has already grown more than he ever has under Mistress Rita's watch,” looking over to her empty hand, she clenched it, “Mistress Mai was an amazing woman. To think Mistress Rita would try to imply that she hated our estate! Haaaah... I'm so angry just thinking about it!”

“You forget, Mylene. Mistress Rita is Mai's sister...” she took another sip of her tea, “And now that we have Sebastian... ah... she must feel as if we're tearing her family apart. Ara ara... poor Rita Savannah.”

“Hmmm... still... to think she'll try and convince Master Sebastian that he should leave us to go home with her. He no longer needs her...” she looked back at the Head-Housemaid, “Igrene... will you talk to her?”

“Oh, but of course!” she answered whilst standing up from her table, where she handed her now empty cup of tea back to Mylene, “I'll have a nice, concise conversation with Mistress Rita. She'll come to our way of seeing things soon enough.”

“Nyeh heh heh! Thank you, Igrene,” Mylene said, her emotions having done a complete 180, “Hah... I don't even know why I'm so worried! I know Master Sebastian will never leave us! Not now... oh! But before you go Igrene! Mistress Rita claimed she saw a ghost last night.”

“A ghost last night? You don't mean...?”

Mylene nodded.

“Yes, I think Katherine mistook Mistress Rita as being Mai. Mistress Rita claimed so herself. She said she was awoken at night by a woman calling out Mai's name, and when she realized she wasn't Mai, she left...” Mylene shook her head, “Mistress Rita and Master Jack play it off as if it was a mere dream, but I'm sure of it; Katherine thought she felt Mai's presence.”

“Ara ara...”

Igrene closed her eyes and leaned her head on her hand, thinking about this new information. For Katherine to make such a mistake... it only compounded the issues Igrene was having with her recently. What is wrong with her fellow drachenmagd; just what is she up to? Well, she had an idea, or – more accurately – a fear. And with Katherine seemingly avoiding her as she was doing now, that only further confirmed Igrene's suspicions.

But one thing at a time...

“I'll go and talk with Mistress Rita right now!” Igrene said with a jovial smile as she placed her hand upon Mylene's cheek, giving it an affectionate rub, “I'm sure Master Sebastian will be finishing his bath with Selene soon, so go meet up with Nadine and gather breakfast. I'm sure my talk with Mistress Rita won't go on for that long!”

Mylene nodded, her face a beaming smile that looked to be more appropriate for the typically cat-like Parlor Maid. She even giggled as she began walking off, her tail and horns vanishing in the blink of an eye. Igrene's did likewise, retaking that human visage as she turned to face down the hall.

There's a certain woman she needs to talk to...

Had she always looked this sad? Always looked this... defeated? If she had, it hadn't been for a long, long time. Right now, gazing at her reflection in the mirror, she felt so... weak.

Gently Rita brushed down the center of her sundress, looking herself over once, twice, thrice, before relenting. She even stepped back and shook her head in a dismissive manner, before noticing the rather energetic movements of her husband behind her.

“Woooooo! I gotta say, Rita, that was one of the best sleeps I've had in a long, long time,” Jack said whilst pumping his arm through the air, “I swear, that makes our bed feel like crap!” he sighed, “Though... I do miss the smell...”

“Jaaaaaaack...” Rita groaned as she shot her husband a leer.

“Hey! C'mon, Rita. You gotta admit it; this is... this is a king-sized bed!” he sighed whilst looking at it, “And I bet Sebastian sleeps on one larger than this one...”

“Hmm... he does,” she admitted, causing him to look back at her.

“Huh, what was that?”

“Oh nothing. Come on and let's go. I'm sure breakfast will be served soon.”

“Oh yeah! And after diner last night, heh heh! It's probably gonna be a great!”

He could really be childish at times, despite his burly stature. It was eye roll worthy... but Rita loved him nonetheless. Besides, she'd be lying if she said she wasn't looking forward to what the Kitchen Maid could whip up for breakfast, considering how great dinner was last night. Even if she still held on to some animosity towards the servants of the estate. Was that wrong to say? They were all just so perfect... why would anyone choose boring old Riverside compared to this? Jack himself had said that much!

Which is why Rita was so defeated before. She already knew what Sebastian's answer would be; a simple and straightforward 'no'. He'd already told her he agreed to be the earl of the estate, and bar a few visiting trips and vacations (even though the idea of someone vacationing away from Schonheit was laughable at best), she knew he'd call this place home going forward. Perhaps it was even foolish for her to even think about trying to convince him otherwise. And yet she attempted to do so regardless. The Milieus family may be a forgettable and ultimately normal clan, but they weren't cowards... even if it took them a while to show their courage.


The door opened and the two stared at it, being greeted by Larsine... and Igrene. Together the Valet and Head-Housemaid bowed before the two.

“This way!” said Larsine as she pulled back up to usher them out of the room, “Master Sebastian's just finished his morning bath; he's heading towards his personal dining courtyard as we speak.”

“Heh, you hear that, Rita? 'Personal dining courtyard'... that sounds so unbelievable!” Jack quipped as he began walking for the door.

Rita followed... but an arm suddenly separated her from her husband; Igrene's arm. Shivering in place, Rita stepped back as she came face to face with the Head-Housemaid, who gave her that affable smile she always had on. So kind, so warm, so affectionate... why did it all feel so wrong then?

“If you don't mind... may I have a word with you personally, Mistress Rita?” asked Igrene, taking her and Jack aback.

“Huh? What? Wh-why me?” she asked, to which the Head-Housemaid cocked her head.

“I just wish to talk to you about Sebastian's mother and your sister, Mai,” Igrene answered, “I'm sure you have so much to share about her, if you don't mind.”

“Oh! Uh... umm...”

Rita stammered in place, her eyes quickly darting away from Igrene and instead towards her husband and Larsine. Jack looked back in a concerned manner, though it was clear he thought nothing strange of the moment. Igrene just wanted to ask her a few personal questions about Mai; that's all! Though Rita's face did look a bit... desperate.

“Rita,” he said, his concern for his wife growing, “Is... is everything alright?”

“Uh... y-yes, Jack,” she said, her eyes darting away, “Promise... heh heh...” she looked back at him, giving a smile, “Go ahead; I'll be there in a short while.”


He continued looking concerned... but Larsine suddenly grabbed his arm, drawing his attentions towards her. And when he did, his eyes stared into those starlight eyes she had. How bright they were; black eyes that seemed to sparkle like lights and diamonds. Whatever it was in those eyes, it calmed and relaxed him, even made his shoulders slump downward. Saying nothing, he allowed Larsine to tug him along down the halls.

Which left Igrene and Rita all alone.

Slowly the Head-Housemaid stepped into the room, where she closed the door behind her. Rita's heart had begun racing, for she couldn't force out the image she had of Igrene and those reptilian eyes. And now she was stuck in a room with this woman, one whose kind veneer seemed to hide something... sinister. Honestly, Rita wasn't sure what was real and what was fake anymore...

“You look a bit parched this morning,” said Igrene as she produced a cup of tea from seemingly thin-air, “Are you okay, Mistress Rita?”

“Uh... yes... I am...” she said, though she denied the cup of tea when offered to her, “N-no thank you.”

“Mmm? Okay... suit yourself,” Igrene said whilst bringing it to her lips in order to take a sip, “Mylene makes the perfect tea, I'm sure you'll agree when you have your own cup.”

Igrene took another step forward, her green eyes peering hard upon Rita. As if frozen by the gaze, the woman remained erect, allowing the Head-Housemaid to scan her. Her face, her eyes, her form, her age, her everything. And when she was done, she pulled back to take yet another sip of her tea.

“Looking at you... it's hard to understand how you and Mai are related,” Igrene remarked, causing Rita to let loose a deep breath she hadn't realized she was holding.

“Wh... what is that supposed to mean?” Rita asked.

“It's just that... Mai was very... how you say... assured of herself,” the Head-Housemaid answered, “She walked with power, and had this amazing look in her eye that I've rarely seen come from others...” she cocked her head at Rita, “But you lack that, Mistress Rita. You don't have her sharp eyes, her powerful stance... ara... you don't even have the same brown hair.”

“Mai... Mai took a lot from our mother!” Rita explained in some desperate attempt to defend herself, “Not... not me...”

“Oh, I see,” Igrene replied, “Hmmm...”

Igrene took yet another step forward, though Rita held her ground... foolishly. With the Head-Housemaid now only a mere foot away from her, she came to realize just how stark the difference in height they had. Igrene was a woman whose beauty was Olympian in level, with a statuesque build to match. A sharp, coy look in the eyes, this tight figure of athletic proportions, and this mature beauty to her that was absolutely flawless.

And Rita was just normal. Normal black hair, normal brown eyes, she wasn't fat but she wasn't fit, hell, the sundress she wore wasn't even all that amazing compared to Igrene's tight dress. And with her height towering over her in such a looming fashion, it only enhanced this feeling of inferiority Rita had towards Igrene.

And those eyes...

“Did you honestly think Sebastian would choose you over us?” Igrene asked, her voice this chilling, cold, callous boom that seemed to echo from everywhere all at once.

“Wh... what?”

“Look at you, Rita...”

What? When had Igrene started touching her? One of her hands laid on Rita's shoulder, the other hand was gently stroking her cheek, as if framing it how a mother would do a child.

“You are so... pathetic,” the blonde continued, causing Rita's eyes to shake, “You are in your 30s, yet you have no children despite your many attempts to do so. Even though your sister has been dead for six years now, you still compare yourself negatively to her. Even the bakery – which you are so proud of – was not created by your hands. You needed your husband's father to pay for it, a loan you continue to pay off to this very day.”

“How did you--”

“Face it, Rita. You were never Sebastian's mother. At best, you are a poor imitation. At worse, you only held him back,” Igrene pulled away her hands, leaving Rita to start panting desperately, “Mai was a brilliant woman, one whom Sebastian should have felt honor to have inherited his blood from. But having met you, I now see that she was a unique case. The Milieus family are only barely above nothing because they continue to exist. And Sebastian understands this. Through his lineage as a Faust, he has the world opened to him, as oppose to the nothing you would have given him. So – and I do want you to know this – Sebastian no longer needs you, Rita.”

Why did that last bit hurt the most? It was like a pinpoint strike, straight to her heart. Rita shook in her stance, her wide eyes quivered, and a glob of spit left her lips like she was a toddler about to start throwing a tantrum.

Igrene's words continued floating around her head; especially how she called her 'pathetic'. And right now, feeling as weak as she did, Rita truly felt pathetic. She was even struggling to breathe; it was like the air was getting thinner and thinner and thinner!

But Rita was not to be defeated so slightly. In that sadness and pain grew anger; how dare Igrene say such things about her? Insult her! Belittle her! Make it seem as if all the hard work she had put in throughout the years were nothing! Not just in terms of her business, but also when it came to taking care and raising Sebastian. Was she the best mother? No, only his actual mother could be the best mother to him. But, dammit, she did the best she physically could!

It was a conflict within Rita; this desire to fight back on one hand, to defend herself as best she could. But on the other hand, this fear that Igrene was right. Perhaps she had inadvertently held back Sebastian with her subpar parenting. She did continue to compare herself negatively to Mai, even after all these years. Maybe there was something wrong with her; that's why she and Jack couldn't have children. Perhaps it was even best if she did just leave Sebastian here; being a Faust gave him the world, while she could only give him a position at her bakery at best. A bakery that didn't even wholly belong to her...

But be it from shear determination, spirit, or just plain old hardheadedness, Rita fought back. She dismissed these claims of her own weakness, her hand curling as she picked herself up off the ground. And with such anger in those brown eyes, she looked at Igrene and shouted--

“How dare-- urckh?”

Only to stop.


Reptilian eyes.

Slithering tail.

Igrene continued holding this sweet, kind, affable face, one that felt so sinister. And with those dragonian appendages that appeared out of nowhere, it made her look like some sort of devil. This beautiful devil, one who continued to belittle Rita not only with her appearance, but with her words that still floated about in her head. They felt even stronger now, truly ramming home just how minuscule and hapless Rita was. It weakened her... drained her of almost all will to keep fighting back.

Like a mother berating a child for doing something foolish, Igrene placed her hands upon Rita's cheeks. Even her tail came up, slithering upon the woman's chin. The touch was soothing, masking just how vicious and cold it could be. But Rita couldn't even focus on it, not when her brown eyes were pulled to meet Igrene's green ones.

“Do you understand?” the Head-Housemaid asked.

Rita began hyperventilating.


It was October 17th, 1768 when we finally arrived in Schonheit. It was all so very spacious and empty, though even as we came over the rolling hills on our horse-drawn carriage, I could smell and taste the sea salt on the air, and feel its breeze grace my skin. Far different from my home in Knittlingen, though it reminded me of trips I'd taken with Gretchen. Only now it was not Gretchen with me, but Oskar.

We came to a certain hill that overlooked the rest of the village and even some of the beach; this was where we were to place our laboratory. Construction had already started before our arrival; my mysterious benefactor was a speedy fellow. The fact that I had yet to meet them made it hard for me to gauge what exactly was their purposes for helping me in the first place, and Oskar's silence on the matter did not make things any better.

'Our benefactor enjoys his privacy,' Oskar would always explain, 'Be thankful he is a kind man in the first place!'

About the only thing I knew of my benefactor thus far was simple; he was a man, and he was rich. That is all.

I did not agree with my colleague's assessment, though considering how quickly Projekt Gottheit was coming along, I was not in a position to argue against him. Alas, my desire to see my life's dream through won over my need for immediate answers. As I look back on things now, I wonder if I was always coerced to do this; as if my benefactor was already aware of what would happen.

Alas, it's best to focus first on my arrival at Schonheit proper.

To break through the barriers of life, I'd need a great amount of power. My benefactor was already well aware of this, having constructed what I can only call an amazing mechanism beneath the ground. Great gears were being embedded into the walls as we made our way through the skeleton of a building, some were already turning. To what end would they work, I was not yet completely sure. My job was to merely overlook and officiate everything, whilst refining my experiments and numbers to hopefully make sure everything goes off without fail.

I was scared beyond all belief, not helped by thoughts of Gretchen no doubt toiling at my home without me. But in spite of all my fears and apprehensions, a certain thrill of excitement also funneled through me. In the coming days I'd find the answers that many, many, many people before me have questioned and also tried to prove. Does God exist? The Devil? Angels? Demons? With the conveniences of modern technology, I would unearth the truth.

Heh heh... 'modern conveniences' of the mid 1700s. It's cute how gleeful Heinrich was about such a thing. If he saw a smart phone in today's day and age, what would he think then? Speaking of which... maybe he should have asked if Faline could transfer these records to his phone or tablet. Would make reading it a lot easier.

But what of this strange laboratory Heinrich claimed was being built in Schonheit? Something about gears being moved into place? And a great amount of power? Sebastian wondered where such a place could be in all of Schonheit; it was a pretty large city now, though was incredibly small back then. However, he felt as if the truth was far closer than he knew it to be. As if it was right beneath his feet.

“Hey! Sebastian!”

“Huh? Oh, Guten Morgen, Uncle Jack!”

His morning courtyard... he had come here so many times, he no longer needed Larsine or Mylene or anyone to lead him here. Speaking of his Valet though, there she was, standing right beside Jack as he ate at a table, a kind smile on her face.

“Guten Morgen? Heh... what's that mean?” asked Jack as Sebastian walked up to join him.

“It means 'good morning',” he answered with a wry grin on his lips.

“Good morning? Guten Morgen...? Yeah, that sounds about right,” Jack said with an affirmative nod, before wildly going back to eat the glorious Belgium pancakes he was given.

“Apologies, Master Sebastian. I tried to get him to wait for you and Mistress Rita, but he couldn't deny the food,” said Larsine, though Sebastian shook his head.

“No, it's fine, Larsine,” he said with a chuckle, “Trying to stop Uncle Jack from eating is as difficult as pulling him away from a job. He won't stop--”

“Till it's finished! Heh heh!” Jack said with his mouthful, before swallowing what he had within, “Mmmph! Never do anything fast and easy, Sebastian. Do it right!” he looked around, “Though I understand saying that to you may be unnecessary with all this cash.”

“Heeeey!” Sebastian said back as he sat at the table, only for the two to laugh.

To sit here and laugh with his uncle; why did it feel so alien to him? He had only been at the Faust Estate for little over a week, yet he already felt as if he was becoming incorporated with its very existence. Maybe its because a day here just feels so long; like time slows to a crawl within these walls.

But... it didn't really matter. They were here now, enjoying themselves and having fun; that's all that mattered! Although...

“Hm? Where's Aunt Rita at?” Sebastian asked.

“Oh, your Head-Housemaid... uh... Igrene! Right! Igrene asked to speak to her personally!” Jack said, which had Sebastian leaning back.

“She... did...? Hmmm... why would she do that...? Hmm...”

His eyes shifted about, already sensing something was off, just by the way the air felt. And remembering what Aunt Rita had said earlier that morning, about both Igrene and Mylene giving her their reptilian eyes, they were clearly acting malevolent towards his aunt. Well, maybe not Mylene; he did believe it when she said she was merely teasing his aunt. That's just the way she is.

But Igrene? Igrene's not the playful, mischievous type. She's graceful and elegant and mature, like a woman. So if she flaunted her reptilian eyes towards Aunt Rita... why? What would she gain from such a thing? And if she was talking with her one on one right now, then--


“Ah! There you are!”


Turning to face the entrance to the courtyard, he saw Igrene, giving him that warm, kind smile that could instantly warm his heart. And at her side was Aunt Rita, she too with a smile on her face, though with eyes that looked...


Aunt Rita's eyes have always been bright, always been filled with light and life. And when she's baking something that smells good in the oven, something she's really proud of, those eyes of hers can brighten up a room.

But right now, her eyes had this dullness to them, similar to...

Cold emotionless hospital room.

Toys he didn't want to play with.

It was night outside.

A frothy window he could barely see through.

The doctors who walked left and right.

He remembered that day. Aunt Rita stepped through the door just like she did now, with a doctor leading the way just as Igrene was doing now. And she looked into his eyes and--


He came back to reality as he stood up from his table.

“What's wrong?”

The courtyard grew silent, with Sebastian being the center of attention. Maybe it triggered some latent feelings he had that faithful night, but now he was on high alert. However, his Aunt Rita's face looked confused... as well as Igrene, and Uncle Jack, Larsine, and even himself after a few moments.

“Sebastian...?” said his aunt, “Is something wrong?”

“Uh... umm...”

He looked at her, going over her body once or twice, making sure everything was okay. Nothing about her came off as wrong, save for the vacant look in her eyes. That... that complete lack of light. It was the same look in the eye she had when his mother died.

“Aunt Rita... you're okay, right?” Sebastian asked, to which she nodded with a smile.

“Of course. I have to say, your bed was the best bed I've ever slept in!” Rita exclaimed, before noticing the silver platter filled with food on the table before them, “Oh! Is that breakfast? Lovely; I'm starving!”

She walked past Sebastian, sitting at the table next to her husband. Did Jack notice the lack of shine within his wife's eyes? From the looks of things... no. He gleefully accepted her beside him, where they quickly began eating it together. But Sebastian wasn't so keen on joining them, and his eyes swept over towards Igrene.

He looked at her, square in the eyes and upon that beautiful face.

She looked back.

“Igrene... may I have a word with you.”

“Fufufu! But of course, Master!”

Slowly he exited the courtyard, entering into the hall with Igrene before him. When the door was closed he took a few glances at his aunt through its glass sheen, still seeing those lifeless eyes she had. Her vocal tone was much the same, but Sebastian knew Rita was skilled at masking her feelings when she needed to.

His eyes snapped back to Igrene, desperate and needy, wanting to placate the fears he had. Maybe his aunt stubbed her toe, or maybe someone played Sara Smile; that song always seems to make her sad and dismal for some reason. Anything to make him think Igrene hadn't done something bad.

“Mylene told you, didn't she?” Sebastian asked, causing Igrene to nod.

“She had information she felt was pertinent to share, so she did so,” Igrene answered without hesitation.

“Hah... hrrgh... sh-she shouldn't have overheard that!” Sebastian stammered whilst looking away, his hand curling into a fist, “She was upset too, by what Aunt Rita said...” he looked back at her, “But Aunt Rita told me some things too. Why did you show her your reptilian eyes?”

“Hmm... so she did notice that,” Igrene said in a thoughtful manner, causing Sebastian to tense up.

“Ah-ha! So you did do it!”

“Yes, Master, I did, and I accept responsibility for it,” said the Head-Housemaid without even an attempt to hide her actions.

“Then why did you do it?” Sebastian asked through clinched teeth.

“Well... hmmm...”

Igrene stopped, her expression becoming forlorn as she turned to face the windows before them. Placing her hand flat against it, she gazed through it to look at Rita in particular. Her hopeless visage remained for a few moments, before regaining that mature professionalism once more as she looked at Sebastian.

“I remember years ago when you and your mother first came here,” Igrene said as she approached her Master, “Your first night here, I did the same thing to Mai as I did to Mistress Rita; I flashed her my reptilian eyes. Think of it as a test, Master Sebastian. I purposefully attempted to intimidate your mother.”

“You did...? What did she do?”

“She glared back,” Igrene replied with a smirk, her eyes closing as she blissfully thought about that day, “I've scared many people in my years, and only a handful have every attempted to intimidate me back. Mai wasn't horrified in the least bit. Imagine that; a woman comes face to face with a dragon, and she glares down the dragon. Was it because you were there, tugging at her hand? She needed to protect you? From that moment on, I knew Mai Milieus was not an ordinary woman. All of my sisters did. We held a level of respect for your mother that's rare for those outside of the Faust family.”

Her eyes reopening, she stared Sebastian in the face who grew more placated... but not fully.

“That... that doesn't explain why you spoke to my aunt alone,” Sebastian said.

“Well... I wanted to ask your aunt about Mai... as well as clear out the air surrounding your staying here,” Igrene explained, “Mylene made it known how your aunt was scared of the estate. So I made her understand that you were in the safest pair of hands in the world, perhaps the universe. She'll never have to fear for you, Master Sebastian. We are your servants, and I helped her understand that. There was nothing for her to fear, and that you no longer needed her there to dote on you. Fufufufu! We can do the doting from now on!”

Was that really all there was to it? Looking back at his Aunt Rita through the glass, he saw she was laughing at something Jack must have said. That lifelessness in her eyes were still there however... had really just one conversation with Igrene been enough to do that to her?

Honestly? Yes.

Rita was an excitable and emotional woman, as anyone who knew her would tell you, Sebastian being no exception. And with how convincing a woman Igrene could be... she must have said something to Rita that caused her to do a complete 180 when it comes to her outlook on the Faust Estate. That would explain the soulless look in her eyes...

Still, Sebastian didn't want to see her look so down. Perhaps he'll take her out to the city today, let her explore Schonheit and take her mind off of things. It's not like him choosing the estate over her was him being disrespectful, was it? That's not what he wanted to show! But he'd be lying if he said he didn't gain a sense of purpose from the Faust Estate that he didn't get anywhere else, especially Riverside.

This feeling of disappointment appeared on Sebastian's face. Walking up behind him, Igrene placed her hands upon his chest, where she pulled him in towards her bosom for a gentle hug. Feeling her warmth against him, her body, her touch, even her smell, all helped relax and calm Sebastian down. He needed her embrace.

“It's okay, Master Sebastian,” Igrene whispered into his ear, “If she truly loves you – which I know she does – she'll understand that this is for the best.”

“Yeah... nnnnhhnn... for the best...” he closed his eyes, “Igrene...”

“Yes, Master?”

“Can I... kiss you?”

“Fufufu... of course, Master. Of course.”

He turned to face her, gazing into those green eyes. And – just for him – they turned to their slit-like form. Heh, to think he'd find more safety in her reptilian eyes than he would in her more human ones; guess he was just more used to it. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to Igrene's, who bent over to meet him. Their eyes closed, and all the tasted, all he felt, all he smelled...

Was her...