3. The Status
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“The first thing you should know, it takes a little bit of concentration to alter your status. You can’t just change it while you’re doing complex tasks or running a marathon. It only a takes a few moments, but it’s sort of like trying to remember something you forgotten. It’s difficult to do so while also concentrating on other things." V nodded, considering that viewing his status felt sort of like a flood of memories, that made enough sense. "Eika is not very good at it, it takes thirty seconds or so for me to change my status. Most people can do it in under ten." Considering her personality, V was not surprised at all by this fact.

"Next, after your concentrating on your status, just focus on the parts you want to change. Kind of like when you are looking at a picture, but then you focus on only one part of the picture." Eika trailed off for a moment as she thought. "It’s strange, I never really thought about it like this before. Most of us grow up just knowing how to do all this. You know how you don't have to teach a baby to use their arms? They just sort of learn? It’s a lot like that..."

V nodded "I suppose if you're born into it, it’s like an instinctual memory or something. So, is that all? No special chant or silly hand motions?" It's not as if V was into movies or games much in his old life, but he had seen a few movies and games. Those characters often had some special action or motion needed to activate these sorts of things. "No. I think that is all."

Shrugging, he envisioned his status screen.

Name: V
Age: 20
Race: Human | Other
Class: Divine Champion Lv 1   0/100000
Skills: None
Blessings: Blessing of the Mother Goddess.

Might as well start with the biggest problem. He focused on his class "Divine Champion." Attempting to empty his mind of distractions. After a moment, the status changed.

Class: Divine Champion
Lv 1
Experience 0 / 100000
Attribute Scaling
Hide [  ]

As V focused on the "Hide" option, a small "x" appeared in the box. He was curious about the other displays as well. He attempted to ask Eika what they referred to, but found it difficult to speak and maintain the status window at the same time. Considerably harder then he would have expected. Well, whatever. He focused upon "Attribute Scaling," hoping to gain some insight. Once again, the Status Screen changed.
Class: Divine Champion Lv 1
Attribute Scaling:
Strength: B
Agility: B
Constitution: B
Awareness: B
Willpower: B
Interesting, another thing to ask Eika for details on. However, there was one more thing he wanted to check.
Class: Divine Champion Lv 1

"Awesome" No skills. No Abilities. At this point, he would be happy to just have something to work with. He doubted he would be able to outrun every problem.

Returning his focus, to the world, "Can you see my class now? I think I have set it to be hidden" Eika checked, then shook her head. "Hooray! You figured it out fast! Guess I'm a good teacher!" She took a prideful pose, hands on her hips, chest out. "Uh, sure. You did a great job. What does a "B" mean in the attribute scale status?" Not picking up on his somewhat dismissive words, Eika quickly responded "Oh! Well, your class determines your bonus to things like how strong or fast you are. The letters are how good of a rank it is of course! E is the worst you can have. But I doubt you have any Es. I’m sure as a Divine Class you have great rankings! Probably even an S or two, right? Maybe even something better? I don't know if something better than an S exists but maybe a double S? If those exist a Divine Class would have it I'm sure."  Cutting her off before she started rambling again, V inquired "Nope. Every attribute is a B."

"All Bs? Eika is a little surprised. I would have thought that a Divine Class would have high rankings." Eika spoke in a cheerier voice "Well still though, all Bs is not bad! Most classes give you one or two high ranks, and the other three are average or worse. Since everything in my status is public, you should be able to see my Tracker's attributes! Tracker is considered a middle of the road class in terms of scale." V checked her status, it seemed to require less concentration than editing his own status did.

Class: Tracker Lv 5
Attribute Scaling:
Strength: C
Agility: C
Constitution: D
Awareness: B
Willpower: E

Well, compared to that, all Bs looked pretty good. He also decided to look at her abilities.

Class: Tracker Lv 5
Directional Sense
Environmental Resistance
Monster/Beast Lore

Curious, he wondered if he could acquire a description if he focused upon her abilities. Directional sense was self-explanatory, it also explained how she knew which direction was east after waking up, even unable to see the sun.

Ability: Environmental Resistance
Effects: Grants medium resistance against detrimental effects
caused by environmental hazards such as heat, cold, rain, and mud.

"Interesting, can everyone see what an ability does, if it is not hidden?" Eika shook her head. "Not exactly. Everyone can see the more generic abilities. However, at higher levels, many classes gain abilities that are much more complicated or special in some way. Those types are not commonly able to be examined, the difference in level also plays a roll. To be honest, I do not understand the specifics of looking at abilities very well." V nodded, he doubted the Gods’ game world would allow everyone to quickly learn of each other’s secrets.

As they approached the edge of the forest, V took a moment to hide the other elements of his status. "Oh, hey. I understand that getting "experience" seems to be the way to increase one's class, but how do you go about gathering experience?" Eika started "Oh! That is very important! It mostly depends on your class. A Swordsman would gain experience while practicing the sword, a Farmer when farming. Most every class gains experience if they slay a monster or overcome a great personal trial as well." Welp, that mantis gorilla certainly was not dead. He was rather glad he decided not to investigate its body. "Also, the amount needed to increase your class depends on the class, and increases as your level goes up. A Farmer needs around one hundred experience to increase their level the first time, that is a bit more than average, since "farming" is a fairly easy thing to do, it requires more experience. A class like mine, tracker, requires twenty-five to increase from one to two. Because it’s a-lot harder to track or kill a monster." V nodded along before suddenly realizing. Double checking his status: Yup. His status said one hundred thousand experience to level up. "Hey uh… Eika, are there ever Classes that take a lot of experience, but are also difficult?" Eika thought for a few moments before responding "Yes, the more advanced classes can take up to five thousand for their first level! I heard that is what the "War Lord" class requires!"

"This just keeps getting better," V complained to himself. As he broke through the treeline, a concerning sight awaited him. The Champion of the God Of Slaughter, O, stood over the bodies of two young men. One was already dead, it appeared as if his head has simply been crushed open. The other was vainly struggling against the foot on his chest. "Please! We thought you were a bandit, preying on the woodsmen! We were just trying to hel-" The massive woman applied pressure, pushing the air from the man’s lungs. "Fight first, ask questions later? I can't say I blame you" As Eika followed behind V and emerged from the trees, she let out a squeaky voice "Oh no! We should help that ma-" V grabbed her, hand over her mouth. Quickly he retreated back into the tree line. "Shh, dont move or talk, and I’ll let you go." Eika nodded, her eyes wide with surprise at the sudden change in V's attitude. "Stay here, I will make sure she did not hear us." Eika wanted to respond, but V's intense gaze and stern voice shocked her into a quiet huddle. 

V spied at O from behind the trees, he could clearly see her status. It seems she did not learn to hide it yet. Or, maybe more likely, did not feel any reason to.

Class: Divine Berserker Lv 1 
Attribute Scaling:
Strength: S
Agility: B
Constitution: S
Awareness: E
Willpower: D

Ya, that's about what V expected. O had just pushed her foot through the man’s chest, and was laughing as he died. V really wanted to check her abilities as well, but there was no way he was going to push his luck now that she had finished with the man on the ground. He retreated, Eika was hiding exactly where he dropped her. He wondered if she, as part animal, had a stronger self-preservation instinct then a human. As Eika saw him she whispered "Whats going on?" V explained the scene he witnessed, adding "I saw her in the forest as well, she killed an elf by punching him in the chest, once." Eika had not moved yet "Are we...are we safe now?" 

"Im not sure, it’s probably best if we stay here for a little while before leaving the forest" Eika nodded "That makes sense to Eika. However, we should not stay long. It’s starting to get dark. This forest gets way more dangerous at night. They waited in silence for a few minutes, Eika's large ears twitched at every sound from the forest, eyeing the trees. After a little while, V spoke up "I was wondering, what is the difference between skills and abilities?" V figured that O had moved on, so it should be safe to speak again, plus he wanted to take Eika's mind off of O, he did not want her to panic and do something stupid, this seemed the best way. She always seemed excited when teaching him.

"Oh, skills and stuff. Uh, well skills are, for the most part, abilities that you can keep even if you change classes. A Farmer gets the Skill "Endurance Lv 1" skill at level one. It helps them work long hours on manual labor. They also get the ability "Weather Sense" at level one. Now, if the Farmer became a swordsman later on, He would keep his skill "Endurance Lv 1" whether he was a farmer or swordsman. but he would only be able to use the "Weather Sense" ability if he switched back to farmer."

"Ah, that is interesting, can people switch classes easily?" Eika made a "uhmmmm" noise for a moment, her head tilted "Sometimes it’s easy.  Sometimes it’s not. Each class has certain requirements. For a farmer, you have to own farmland. After that, you simply change your class the same way you change your status to hidden. I guess it’s possible to switch classes quickly enough, I don't really know..." V nodded. As the light within the forest had started to fade he headed back toward the treeline "We should get out of here, I’m sure that woman is gone by now." As they walked out of the trees, Eika spoke up "Ah uh, I know you want to get to the guild to return me, but maybe we should stop and do something about the people that got attacked?" She was looking over in the direction of the two dead men.

V sighed, "We don't really have the tools to give them a proper burial" Eika looked down at her feet, V heard a wet sniff come from her "We don't know what god they followed either, but we should still *sniff* try to see if they have identification, we can tell the town guard, they can recover their bodies. I dont want to leave them to get eaten by something" V considered for a moment, helping the town guard was something he would not mind. Getting on the good side of local authority is never a bad thing. Besides, Eika had helped him immensely, he owed her this much.