101. The Center
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"Would you care to elaborate?" V spoke first, before L could react to Namkuzu's words. "Not really. But it seems the only way forward. Though... perhaps it is best if I speak to The Archdemon of Honor alone about this subject. She might prefer that, over our little group conversations." V shrugged. It’s not like he would have to leave the room or leave her alone with the Archdemon of the Mind, so he saw no issue with the idea. L's scowling grimace deepened, but she did not say anything. Eika set her food down and hugged L's legs, carefully avoiding the hole in her midriff. "If you need help, we will be right here!" Eika did not really understand what the Demon wanted to talk about with L, but she wanted to make sure L knew she could count on her. L shrugged painfully, "I suppose the situation cannot get any more aggravating." Namkuzu's voice sounded suddenly strangely exhausted. "Alright well, you tw-three can just sit here for a bit I guess." Luna continued eating, sad that her pocket ice had turned into pocket water.

After a few moments of contemplation, Namkuzu spoke to L. "You must realize, demons don't normally damage themselves with their own powers. Your situation is, to my knowledge, unique. Demons, that is to say, every demon other than you, were born/created knowing who we are, who we are meant to be. We understand our purpose, the meaning of our lives, who we are now, who we might become later. There are no questions of self. This is virtually opposite of every other known, to me, form of life. Take for example, what you would call "mortals."  You are born/created knowing nothing. Both intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. Your only knowledge is the scraps of genetic instincts used to make sure you don't forget to eat or breath. Later, when you are capable of having these types of thoughts, you wonder who you are. You wonder your place in the universe. Should I be a poet, a soldier, start a family? Perhaps your only skill is an exceptional mind for medicine, but you wanted to be an artist, and you regret that fact. Mortals look at other mortals who "have their life together" and "know what they want" with respect and admiration. It is an achievement in most mortal societies to know who are you, what you want, what your future will be.  However, even the most "together" mortals occasionally have doubts. "Should I have started a family?" or "Was starting a family a mistake?" Demons never wonder these things. We know why, what, who, where, and when we are and will be. That is not to say we know how our future will play out; I did not expect to be imprisoned for who knows how long. But we have no doubts about ourselves and our place."

L was silent as she listened to the Archdemon of the Mind speak. She had no umbrage with anything he had said so far, so she had nothing to add. "You are a demon. With the plague of uncertainty that is endemic to most of creation. This is a paradox, a paradox of existence. An uncertain demon is impossible. One of the reasons we are able to subvert that which should be unsubvertible is because we are certain we can. We do not simply "believe" we can do something. We either know we can or cannot. This gives us a strength that all other creation lacks. When you fight a lessor foe, even if you know you will win, in your mind you 'try to win.' However, if a demon was to fight a lessor foe, the do not 'try' to win the fight. They simply win. It is not a matter of trying or effort. If we are certain we will win. We do not try to win, we simply win. Unfortunately, that is an incomplete explanation of our kind’s mindset. However, as we are different than the rest of creation, the rest of creation cannot truly understand us. I suspect you will never be able to fully wield your demonic powers at the same level as a true archdemon. However, your condition may have certain advantages as well. Because of our nature, we are extremely slow to adapt to new situations, to evolve and change. You lack that... limitation. In-fact, your mortal tendency to change as needs demand is why you may be able to overcome some of your mortal soul's, and nature as a hybrid creation's, limitations. It’s somewhat paradoxical but-." L cut him off a moment, a question had come to her that seemed important in the current situation. "Why does your lack of "trying" give you strength? How does that factor into the demon's..." a short pause followed before she continued. "Our, abilities to do what others cannot?"

Namkuzu spoke to the entire group when he responded. "I suppose an explanation is in order. I would rather not waste time explaining this, but it is important to the current situation." V had been lost in thought, considering what their next move would be, but was jolted out of it quickly. "Go on." V looked at L, the expression on her face had not changed much, so V was tentatively hopeful that their conversation was going well. Namkuzu 'cleared his throat' before beginning. "You have noticed by now that perceptions are powerful things on this world. In some cases, believing something to be true may cause that truth to manifest. The Mad Champion is an extreme, and abnormal example. However, let me give you a hypothetical situation based on your experiences. You fought the Champion of Life, although you do not know what her blessing's exact limitations were, you know enough that it was "life" centric. Let us say her blessing evolved, as yours have. In this hypothetical scenario, let us say her new blessing's power was "control over life." Her powers would be considerable obviously, but something that nebulous could be interpreted many ways. What is life? What does control over life mean? The narrowest view might interpret it to mean she can bring anything she wants back to life. However, what if you interpreted it in the broadest view? Maybe she could control the minds and actions of every living thing. Her blessing's power would be based on her perceptions of what "control over life" really meant." V and L nodded, this mostly lined up with what they already knew, but Namkuzu seemed to wish to make sure there were no misunderstandings, so they listened without complaint.

"I can feel your questions. V, for example, has an extremely relevant question. 'Is this world always like this? Or is it part of the 'game?'' That question is the crux of... everything? Everything that ever was, and ever is, and ever will be." Namkuzu paused for dramatic effect. V furrowed his brow as he listened. He doubted Namkuzu was just being dramatic, but he was unsure how his question was that important. "You see, this effect is not confined to this world. Oh no. That effect permeates the entire whole of creation. The gods gain strength the more worshipers they have. Why is this? Because prayers somehow empower a god? What a stupid notion. No, it is because they believe in their god. They perceive their god to be the greatest, or only, or strongest, of the gods.  The more of creation that perceives this to be true, the stronger the god becomes as reality itself is warped to fit the perceptions of uncountable numbers of minds and perceptions. V, on your world, your top psychologists believe that if someone thinks they will fail at a task, then they will fail. They explain it by saying that you will subtly work against yourself in ways that might not be obvious. However, in reality, this is because your perception is that you will fail, and so the universe is subtly moved to make such a thing true. The same can be said about positive encouragement. Positive encouragement helps because those who give it believe in who they are speaking to. Their perceptions are one of success for their individual, and so the universe is subtly moved closer to that perception."

L silently listened, but V spoke up. Even though everything Namkuzu was saying 'could' be true, it was a lot to take in. "If that is true, what about those that believe in things that I now know to not be true? Gods that don't exist, Demons and ghosts probably don't work the same way as people from my world think they do." Namkuzu chuckled a little. "The answer is the same reason that none of the gods care about your backwater universe. You're far away from the center. Far away from this world. The further you get; the less dynamic creation becomes. You could consider all of creation to be a desert, and this world to be a city built around the oasis that gives everything that exists its life and strength. The further you are away from it, the less healthy you are, the less powerful you are. Take for example magic. Magic is simply the perceptions of the mage becoming reality. However, V, your world, your universe is too far away from the center for such power. The best you can hope for is the subtle changes to luck and chance. In some ways, you could consider the universe your world resides in to be 'dead' bereft of the life-giving energy of the center of creation. A withered husk on the edge of the desert.... This world however, is the richest. The most powerful. That is why the level and status system exists. Did you think the system was made for this 'game' of the gods? They lack the power to enforce their will on this world to that level. Perhaps however, that is only because they believe to be the case?" Namkuzu chuckled before continuing. "Although the demons were created with the knowledge of why it was created, I was never aware who created it. Regardless, the status system was created for this world in order to keep it orderly. In order to stop the mortals of this world from tearing their own world asunder with their perceptions."

V nodded slowly. If Namkuzu was telling the truth, that made a lot of sense to him. As well as answering some questions he had regarding the whole status system. "You see. If someone is told they are a level 1 farmer by a system that has existed as far as anyone can remember, they will believe it. At its core, the system keeps people orderly. Keeps things on this world from spiraling out of control. Unlocking classes is based partially on the population at large's perceptions of it. That is why some classes seem to have varying unlock conditions. Not because the system was made poorly, but because the people’s perceptions still influence it..." Namkuzu paused for a few moments as he considered something. "This system, this world is what we demons were created to gain control of. The side that opposed the gods that created us were fighting to keep this world 'free' of the god's control. I have no desire to judge my creators or their opponents, but that is the state of things. Now you know how the universe works. Now you know you tread upon the world that is the center of creation. The energy that sustains everything in creation is just below your feet. Somewhere in the center of this world. As for why this was relevant, it was to answer the Archdemon of Honor's question. The demons are able to do what others cannot because they do not perceive the world around them, they merely know it. Only certainties, no beliefs or varying perceptions. Unfortunately, I cannot explain it more comprehensively than that. Your very beings simply cannot understand any better."

As V absorbed and digested this information, Eika's pupils looked ready to overtake her whole eyes. "But that means the gods! Wait could Eika be a god if everyone thought Eika was a god! Wait, if we know that can we use new powers that are not part of the system? Gahhh no but Eika knows the system is made to restrain us, so I still think I’m a tracker or chosen one or whatever..."  Eika ruffled her own hair in frustration. Luna was staring at her food intently, and L seemed a little unsettled by all of the information. Speaking only to L, Namkuzu continued "Unfortunately, I fear we don't have the time to allow you to come to terms with the true nature of creation. We must continue our conversation. Now, as I have said, I am nearly cert-" L cut him off. "I thought you said demons do not deal in uncertainties?" Namkuzu paused, and 'sighed.' "While true, I must admit that my own abilities, coupled with a nigh on infinite imprisonment has resulted in some degradation to my person. Additionally, as I said it is difficult to explain. Demons did not think we knew "everything." If you ask a demon 'What will happen in one thousand years from now.' They will not be able to tell you, they will be uncertain. However, they would be absolutely certain in their uncertainty. Look, I could spend a million years trying to explain this to you and you would not understand. It is beyond a mortal soul to grasp, of that I am certain." L shrugged, if Namkuzu was lying, there was no way for her to figure it out. Besides, L was convinced the demon did wish for his freedom, so at-least as far as gaining that freedom was concerned, she doubted he would betray them.

"If I may continue?" When L did not raise any more issue, Namkuzu resumed speaking. "It is impossible for you to ever think and feel like a true demon. Your powers will never be like the great archdemons of old. Nonetheless the reason you damage yourself can, theoretically be fixed. You are at odds with yourself. You have no inner peace. You cannot accept who you are. A demon who cannot accept who he or she is would, inevitably be unable to tell themselves from everything else. Because you are not certain of yourself, because you cannot accept yourself, because you are not whole in spirit and mind, your powers cannot determine the difference between you and the rest of the world. Once you are whole, once you have accepted yourself, once you know who you are, and accept it; only then will you be able to use your powers without harming yourself. As a divided being, as someone who refuses to accept themselves, your power sees you the same way as everything else. You are simply a part of 'everything.' Once you are whole, you will be a demon. Standing apart from 'everything' else."