Chapter 49: A reactor worth reaction
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Planning to finally upload 10 chapters of a yandere gyaru in Love Heart Online... Well at some point she'll get in there. 

Unfortunately it's a patreon only release; replacing new Midas chapters.

Anyways, enjoy~♥


A couple days had passed since Midas had arrived at her oasis while being busy working on the next innovation which they would sell.

The plan was simple; create a new product while preparing the medicine needed to hide from the little black cat's vision so she doesn’t get scratched. After doing some simple testing, make a few test samples then head off to the wedding ceremony for Cobra & lord Drenched Pussy where the crème de la crème would gather. Of course it was being handled by Violet(‘s advisors since let’s be honest) as well as that Longinus hero girl so Midas could feel absolute confidence in their talents.

During the afterparty, with all the events out of the way, she would simply walk straight up to the yakuza team with a front of talking about inviting Violet to ‘stay a night’ in the future. From that point on people would get interested in the fact Violet was talking with someone while the plucky hero would no doubt approach at some point - it was then she would strike. It would be as simple as just saying ‘well this is something I have been working on’ and all eyes would turn to the brand new innovation in medicine…


<Sometimes even I find my genius terrifying. With some smooth talking it wouldn’t be hard to convince the yakuza to not only invest in my crystals but I’ll also be able to use them as a gateway into the {Demon Realm}. If little Alice is present that’ll allow me to market all the way up to the pantheons of gods… If I get really lucky I would be able to ride this high all the way to the banks and then to the stars themselves ohohoho.>

While thinking so she had her right hand slowly stroke down her chin as she sat back in a golden throne, legs crossed with the little golden ribbons barely hiding anything. Not to mention how tightly they clung to her allowed for her sensitive parts to be not left to the imagination while a sultry smile stayed grafted upon her face. In front of her was a mountain of different variants of those ‘crystals’ with what they were engraved upon the crystal's face.

Between the crystals & Midas was the large wagging butt of Ulwazi as she picked up the different crystals to study while cooing. Quite obviously she was showing a lot of interest in her mothers work yet Midas turned her attention from that large toffee rump that kept jiggling to begin admiring her own multi-coloured nails which she began to file with a golden file.

“Sso you’ve managed to make usse of the principle of crysstallization sseen with the different formss or qi ass well ass sspirit in a medical ssetting… Thiss… Thiss iss geniuss! To think ssuch a method wass posssible in the realm of medicine. It truly iss revolutionary for thiss entire realm and beyond mom~!” <Ulwazi>

“Of coursse it iss dear, I’ve been conssidering thiss matter for awhile now sso it only makess ssensse I would achieve ssomething of thiss level. More than that you sshould ssave wagging your butt for ssomeone other than me Ulwazi - sshaking that pointlesssly reekss of wassted money which I disslike innately. Tell me when your finisshed and I can finally check out that reactor of yourss~.” <Midas>

Hearing her mothers judgmental words caused Ulwazi’s bubbly butt to stop swinging for a moment while she was in the process of checking a [Sky-Rank Regeneration Crystal]. She was seriously considering what to do next while feeling like she could blush - as a snake it didn’t matter how she felt though it was possible to imitate blushing. Since it was just mother & daughter she didn’t actually do that.

Still, in a sedated manner, Ulwazi slowly knelt down in a seemingly reserved manner. Yet considering her breasts and pussy were covered in a similar manner to her mother she didn’t seem particularly reserved in general. One difference in the embarrassed daughter's appearance was a bulky white lab coat that paired well with her new pair of gaudy framed, large thick lensed glasses.

With her carefully going through the different crystals she only looked more and more suitable for her white lab coat; even if her large breasts and plump black areola were visible to the world to see which many would no doubt be thankful for. Her current job was to slowly put the crystals in different rows according to which line of medicine they followed. The start of the row would also be the lowest ranked  while the further along the higher ranked the crystal would be ranked.

The crystals were ranked in the same manner as other artefacts were since Midas had no need to update that system. At the very lowest ranks were those that didn’t even require any talent, in Midas’ all so humble opinion, since it didn’t require any kind of understanding of the ‘dao’. These talentless treasures were ranked (lowest to highest) red, blue and purple.

Midas only made one of each of these due to her distaste for such useless treasures.

From then on they would be ranked with words instead of colours with these being Earth, Sky, Immortal, Heaven, Divine and lastly 9th ranked treasures were granted a prefix. This title changed depending on who appraised the item so if Violet thought it worth it it would get the prefix ‘Absolute’ while Mother would grant it ‘True’. Most confusing obviously being Sohn-Tochter who would grant it the prefix of ‘Heavenly’ despite heaven already being a rank.

Unfortunately Midas didn’t put too much effort in so the maximum rank of these treasures was only within the Immortal rank yet there was a shocking amount of them. The treasury of one of the {Immortal Emperors} may not be so impressive… Not that Midas cared about her since all these were merely the results of primitive testing.

<Actually with the Dong empire becoming the first true blue demonic empire they may have gotten some nice treats for being good dogs ohohoho~!>

Ulwazi didn’t worry about any of that though as she happily did the job assigned to her by her mother in sorting out the medicines. There was a wide array of different medicines whether they were for regenerating the body, rejuvenating  qi, gaining plumper lips, revitalising soul, gaining longevity and even recovering Life Force. She had also created a crystal version of the ever sought after dew of eternal life yet since she already had eternal life why would Midas care?

To the daughter this also was the case so only saw these as something akin to free samples though these two went against common sense. There were far more Immortal ranked crystals than there were Earth ranked crystals, however that was simply Midas knowing what her first market would want to see; potential. Thus, with nimble hands, Ulwazi expertly sorted the medicine with impressive speed.

Little did she know that Midas was watching with narrowed eyes with a hidden amount of warmth in them as if just watching the girl play around was a great pleasure to her.

Midas leaned back into the golden throne with her slovenly rested elbow upon the coiled serpents that made up the armrest. No doubt that the Lord Cobra would feel jealous of Midas’ gaudy snake themed golden throne that practically exploded with qi which Midas body swallowed up like the hungry snake she was. She wasn’t focused on that but her own deep thoughts though that, as always, looked far into the future.

<She really is a silly girl but she’s competent in her own ways so I’ll just need to guide her according to her strengths and more importantly weaknesses. Under my tutelage she’ll be able to no doubt become the best merchant that has ever swindled her way to a fortune while hopefully not attracting the little black cat. If we do end up attracting her… Well I suppose she’ll have to follow the agreement with baby salamander Alice - under my own authority - that they can’t target the newest generation directly.

Even should I be chased away I can be sure that, at the very least, this girl will be fine. In fact with the knowledge I’ve already hidden discreetly in case of something happening to me she should be able to prosper. At least with the chief of staff in place I could feel at ease… When did I get so soft because of a single girl that I’m worried about helping someone prosper in case I suffer a defeat?

I should be planning how to preserve myself instead!>

Shaking her head softly as Midas slumped slovenly in her throne to let her hand come to instead cradle her sensual face while letting a sigh exit her lips. Despite that she could have her eyes leave the image of that hard working girl so she decided to instead distract herself from her; heading towards the area with the reactor. Something that is easy to discover with a long, drawn out, hiss with that forked tongue of hers that was once again proving itself to be the ever useful sensory organ.

With swaying hips and arms crossed under those large funbags she headed to another area in the laboratory; it was a bit of a walk yet not too far for the high ranked {Heavenly Beast}. When she arrived the most noticeable thing was the high quality [Gold Eulogy Qi] filling the entire area which could be enough to drown the foundation of a weaker being. In front of her was three snake-like heads made from metal which appeared to be swallowing a molten golden sun which was a design which made the older serpent amused.

“I ssee want an inventive dessign~! Sshe actually had me, our demonic brat Jourmengander and the dreamy grandsson  Ouroborus… Hm~ I hope that Violet at leasst bringss Ouroborus ass it would be nice if Ulwazi can get ssome help from them ass they are older. I did help that brat Jourmendanger eat ssomething nice even if it wass a tree shashasha~!” <Midas>

That sultry grin of hers getting a little bit crueller yet didn’t appear to be malicious - sadistic sultry grin at most. It didn’t change the fact that she clearly remembered something about her past in this world quite fondly… At least it was a fond memory for her yet it didn’t seem like it would be the case for Jourmengander.

“At the very leasst I sshould be conssidered kinder than Violet wass right~? Well it doesn’t matter ssince it may be too obviouss if I meet with either of them - on the other hand I have to commend thiss [Gold Eulogy Qi-Reactor]. I gave her hintss and sshe gave me exactly what I wanted pluss ssome. Not to mention sshe managed to do it with style shashasha~!” <Midas>

Shaking her head Midas walked around to see a terminal standing a bit away from the device that contained many different graphs & charts to keep the user up to date on the reactor. Below the display was a keyboard with characters written in their own amphiptere language that was able to share all the knowledge needed on the keys function with her. Similar runes on the ‘scales’ of the trio of legendary serpents which held the general knowledge for the usage of the powerful energy reactor.

Running her fingers over the keys Midas promptly turned to a peripheral connected to the reactor that was filling the batteries she had spotted above.

“Hm… In fact sshe went sso above and beyond it’ss quite dangerouss yet that’ss fine ssince sshe hass already found a ssolution by ssyphoning off the extra power for future usse. Now I think it’ss about time that girl finisshed with ordering all the crysstalss. Let uss prepare to head off towardss the wedding.” <Midas>

With the same sultry smile as always Midas turned around to begin heading out.