The remote
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I had a normal, happy life, I was a fairly attractive guy with good grades, in my second year of college on a full scholarship. Although I was interested in women, I’d never slept with anyone. Always too focused on achieving my academic goals. Instead of falling to the temptations of my lust I’d always remind myself, education, a good job and then focus on a love life. This was the order my priorities were in. 

Everything was great until I got an odd text from my twin sister, Hannah. We weren’t identical twins but we were the same age. It was late Saturday evening, about 1 in the morning, I’d been up all night studying. I looked down at my phone with an annoyed expression. ‘Bought a new universal remote, can’t figure out how to program it, be there in 20.’ The text read. 

I hadn’t heard from my sister in 8 months and now all of the sudden she decided to hit me up for some tech support. I sighed and made a noise of irritation deep in my throat. 

I sat there deep in thought, my twin and I had never been close, she was always reserved and closed off from everyone, even me. 

She barely spoke growing up, and when she was a teen she almost always locked herself in her room, never coming out unless absolutely necessary. 

Once we both got into college, she never attended classes except for on test days, she had no friends, stayed locked away in her dorm and was overall just odd. I sighed as I heard a loud knocking on my door, breaking me from my train of thought. 

I slowly got up and made my way to the door, the knocking continued, Agitating me further. I opened the door and looked down at my sister. She beamed at me and gave me a big hug. 

“Hey mark! It’s been forever I know but listen I’m in a hurry can you look at this?” She said looking up at me and holding out an oddly shaped remote with blank red and blue multicolored buttons. 

“Sure.” I sighed as I led her into the living room. She sat down on the couch and handed me the remote. I looked at it and arched my brow in confusion, it had no brand name, no logos, no info on the buttons. “Where did you buy this thing? I’ve never seen anything like it before?” I asked Hannah. 

“Just some random pawn shop, the guy said the power button is the big red one at the top, maybe try that one?” She said with a little too much excitement in her voice. I nodded and pressed the button. Suddenly a huge flash of white light emitted from the remote and I blacked out.

I woke up with a splitting headache, everything seemed strange but I couldn’t understand how. I sat up on the couch and was startled to see an extremely handsome brunette man about my height standing above me. 

He had a huge grin plastered on his face as he looked down at his body, he lifted his shirt and that grin grew even wider. He practically screamed with excitement as he stared at his toned and athletic stomach. 

I awkwardly cleared my throat, attracting his attention. “Oh you’re awake.” The man said in a deep baritone voice. “Who the fu-“ I stopped talking as my eyes widened from shock at the sound of my high pitched voice. I cleared my throat and tried speaking again. 

“What are you doing in my apartment!” I said in the same tone. Panic started filling my thoughts as I grabbed my throat and squeezed softly. “What’s.. what’s happening..?” I said quietly. 

I looked down at my body and almost gagged from the bizarre sight that greeted me. I had tits, big ones, they bounced and jiggled every time I moved. I started to hyperventilate as I looked down and saw that I was absolutely stacked. 

I had a small waist, followed by wide hips that jutted out from my sides and thick plump thighs. I noticed that I had quite a bit of padding on my soft behind and came to the realization that my ass must be huge. 

I looked up at the smiling man staring at me and gawked. “I suppose you’re freaking out a bit aren’t you ‘sis’” the man said. Sis? What the fuck is this guy talking about. 

“I’ve lived with a horrible secret my entire life, mark.” The man continued and my eyes widened with shock at the mention of my name coming from this strangers mouth. 

“I was never a girl, never your sister, imagine being stuck in a tiny female body knowing you’re actually a man inside. Well judging by your initial reactions I’m sure you’ll soon become very familiar with the feeling. I’m so glad I won’t have to deal with that anymore, thanks to you and my remote I have a body to match who I am inside.” 

The man finished speaking with a wide smile on his face. 

Realization begin to dawn on me and I looked up at my former sister, now brother with a shocked expression. “Hannah! You’re the reason for this!?” I practically screamed gesturing towards my body. “Oh course I am.” He laughed. 

“Are you so dense to think I’d actually show up on your doorstep needing help with a fucking TV remote?” He started laughing In a deep baritone and I felt my face flush with embarrassment, humiliation and anger all at once. 

“Change me back now! You can’t do this!” I said standing up and glaring at him, immediately regretting it as I experienced a nauseating sense of vertigo from being so small. 

I probably stood around Hannah’s old height of about 5’4 maybe a little shorter. “Of course I can, it’s already done.” He laughed. I noticed he was still holding the remote and I lunged at him trying to grab it out of his hands. 

He easily swatted my hand away and laughed at my pathetic attempt. “Woah, calm down ‘little sis’” he laughed again. 

He held my arms behind my head with one hand as I squirmed and he dropped the remote to the ground, crushing it into a million tiny little pieces under his foot. 

I stopped moving as I stared at the broken remote on the floor. He let go of me and I felt tears streaming down my face. 

“You can’t do this to me.. you’re ruining my life.” I said between sobs.

 “Oh stop being so dramatic, that body suits you anyways, always acting like a moody little bitch. Besides you make a very attractive women, I’m sure you’ll have no problem finding a boyfriend to take care of you, or girlfriend if that’s what you’re into.” My brother said with a chuckle. 

“Go take a look in the mirror, you’re very pretty.” I started crying harder at his words. “I don’t want to be pretty! I don’t want to be a woman, I want to be me!” I screamed through my sobs. 

My brother looked down at me and a flicker of guilt flashed across his face before quickly disappearing. 

“Well now you know how I’ve felt my entire life. Get used to it I guess? Not my problem anymore.” 

He said in an apathetic tone. He turned to leave, walking towards the door. I ran after him, grabbing the back of his shirt and pulling as hard as I could while screaming and crying. “Hannah!! Please don’t do this!! Fix this please!” I screamed and begged. 

He grunted in annoyance and pushed me off of him causing me to fall hard on my ass. “Stop it you’ll rip my shirt you little cunt.” He sneered at me as he walked out the door slamming it behind him. 

I stared down at the ground in a state of pure shock. After what felt like hours I slowly got up and walked to the bathroom, only stopping for several seconds to stare at the crushed remote in pure devastation. 

I looked at my reflection and started sobbing again. I was a small blue eyed brunette with massive tits and a titanic ass. I looked like a bimbo bombshell and I hated it. No one would ever take me seriously again. All my hard work studying was useless now. No one would ever believe this short busty woman was me. 

I tore my eyes away from my reflection and curled up in a ball on the floor sobbing. 

I’d have to gather the pieces of my shattered life sooner or later but for now I just sobbed and grieved over my lost life and promising future.