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I went down to the dining room and asked for the food that was included with the stay, it was not bad at all, the cafeteria was full, the waitresses were pretty with provocative outfits, but not too much, all these girls were on the night services tab.

Certainly this inn does not earn money from the lodging but from the night services, again I reiterate it is a great business model, but before my head filled with these bad thoughts I finished my dinner and approached the reception.

- Hi, can I ask you some questions? (Evan)
- Of course, Mr. Evan, what do you need? (Receptionist)
- First, can I ask your name? (Evan)

The truth is that I had already seen it in the night services file, but I don't want to sound rude.

- Neris, but you can call me aunt nene. (Neris)

- So, aunt nene, I am new in the city and although I am a merchant, I am lacking in resources, do you know how I could earn some money? (Evan)

- Hahaha, well there are many ways, most of the merchants here trade with carnations, that's why we are famous, however, you need a lot of money and connections to get into that business, however, there are other things. (Neris)

- As which? (Evan)

- To the west of here there is a rocky canyon, it is a monster mine, hunting them and bringing valuables and selling them to the guild is an option, there are also the missions set in the mercenaries guild, good rewards are earned, although they are dangerous, apart from that it only remains to establish a business of what you are good, crafts, sewing and others. (Neris)

- Aunt nene, thank you, you are a great help. (Evan)

- No problem, I hope you have a long stay at the inn, we are not the best, but I assure you we have our good points. (Neris)

- Since you mentioned it, I don't know if I can ask, but your business model seems interesting to me. Is it exclusive to you or is it something from the city? (Neris)

- Hahaha, it does not bother me at all, but it is not exclusive, most of the inns in the city use it, Mr. Evan probably has not traveled much, but I do not think it is something of the inns of our city, I think it is something of all the inns in the world. (Neris)

- Ehh? It is true that I have not been to many inns, but if what you say is true, what is the function of brothels? (Evan)

- Hahaha, it shows that he is still young, the night services of an inn consist of only pleasure, the brothels provide accompaniment. (Neris)
After listening a little, everything is clear, in the inns you come to rest, but if you want to have pleasure you can have it, but in the brothels you will have company, a girl who accompanies you to drink, eat, chat and pleasure is secondary.

It is incredible in this world, the brothels that in the modern era are to seek pleasure here has another purpose, although you seek pleasure there that is secondary, the logic of this world is different from my old world, I must learn more not to put the paw in the future.

With that I went up to my room, took a shower and went to sleep, too many strange revelations tired my brain, so I fell asleep early and woke up early, to the point that the sun had not yet risen.

Therefore, I took a shower, although with cold water, the hot water kept it for the night, then I got ready and when I went downstairs the dining room was already open so I ordered my breakfast and when I finished I left the inn.

It was just after 7:00 a.m. so I stopped by the merchants' guild to see what materials were most in demand and could earn money, Fabio attended me again and told me that the materials with the highest demand and the highest reward were pens. of the drill condors.

The borer condor is a bird one meter high and 3 meters wide when it spreads its wings, its beak is long and rounded like a cone and very hard, so it can pierce rocks, they can also fly for what they are difficult to hunt.

Apparently their feathers can be turned into a fine and expensive cloth, the problem lies in that, they must be killed without damaging the feathers, in short from an attack to the head and due to being flying beasts it is difficult to fulfill that condition.

However, I will not give up, as a gamer I know how to attack these beasts, maybe in this world they do not know, but as a gamer this type of monsters always have nests in high places and live in groups, if I find the nests of these beasts I could have great loot.

Without delay I took my horse and went to the rocky canyon, unlike all those who were heading there, I did not enter the canyon, I just continued at the top of the canyon looking for nests.

The canyon was huge, and I hadn't seen anything yet, however, I didn't give up, I kept going and after an hour my efforts paid off I found a nest, there were only two problems.

First, the nest was in the middle of the canyon, which made it difficult to go down, although it was not impossible this led to the second problem, there were about 50 condors, going down without being noticed was difficult, if they all attacked while going down it would be certain death.

While I was evaluating the situation, a solution hit me, to move forward and go down where there were no condors and reach the nest without being seen, with this idea I rode forward and followed the plan in my head.

I got to a place where I could go down easily and made my way to the nest, I was very careful not to be noticed, I approached the nest with stealth, breathed deeply and without noise cut the head of one of the birds.

It was fast and without noise, so the others did not realize it, I followed this pattern until I hunted 10 condors, then I realized the third problem that I had not thought about, how am I going to take my loot to the city?

When I thought about this, all the birds took flight and I thought they had discovered me, but then I noticed that the birds flew in the opposite direction, surely they went out to look for food and did not realize that I was close.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I went up to the nest with the intention of collecting as many birds as I could carry, perhaps I could not carry all the ones I hunted, but carrying 3 or 4 was possible.

Fortunately, when I picked up the first bird I realized that they weighed practically nothing, these birds were bones and feathers, they were very light, without wasting time I took a rope from my survival kit and tied all the birds to my back and climbed up to the place where it comes down.

When I got to the horse, I put all the birds on its back and rode back to the city, the sun was setting when I got there, but it was still light, when people saw the amount of birds it was carrying, they all seemed amazed.

I showed my guild ID to the soldiers at the entrance and I passed smoothly, I quickly reached the merchants guild and introduced myself to

Fabio with the birds and he was as surprised as the others in the city.

- Awesome I didn't know you were that good at this. (Fabio)

- I was just lucky, I don't think I will have a harvest as good as today ever again. (Evan)

While he was talking to Fabio, a well-dressed man approached the two of them, he had some gray hair, but he did not seem old, a serious expression, without arrogance, as if he were thinking of something and when he arrived in front of us, Fabio realized it and began the introductions .

-Evan, this is Mr. Carlos, he is the person who owns the best luxury textile factory in the city and the buyer of the condor feathers. (Fabio)

- Nice to meet you, Mr. Carlos, I'm Evan, a pleasure to meet you. (Evan)

- Likewise, Mr. Evan, could we speak in private? (Charlie)

I said goodbye to Fabio and followed Carlos to a clothing store that had some very luxurious clothes, although I could not evaluate them well, since we entered through the back door and it was not possible to see well.

As the guard entered, he greeted us and made way for us, I gave him the birds since Mr. Carlos asked me to do it so that they could evaluate the merchandise and we quickly arrived at an office that looked very luxurious, Carlos sat in the chair behind the desk and invited me to sit in front of him.

- Mr. Evan I will be direct with you, I know that the birds you brought are in good condition and can be sold for 10 gold coins each, therefore, I will not prolong that matter I will buy them at their price of 100 gold coins at 10 . (Charlie)

- I like doing business with a direct person, we save time that way, I agree with the deal, however, I feel that Mr. Carlos wants to discuss something else. Am I right? (Evan)

- Indeed, I know that when someone arrives with a loot like that there are only two options, the first one found a herd and managed to defeat it or found a nest, if it were the first they would not have that quality, therefore, Mr. Evan must have found a nest Am I correct? (Charlie)

- May I ask why you want to know? (Evan)

- That is simple Mr. Evan, I want to buy the information about the location of the nest, see, buying a bird for 10 gold coins does not generate losses, but if I can reduce my costs it is better, also the whole city saw your feat today , so tomorrow he will have many people following him and even causing him a misfortune. (Charlie)

- Mr. Carlos is a far-sighted person, indeed, the question here is how much will you pay for that information? (Evan)

- Does Mr. Evan have a proposal? (Charlie)

- Then I will make you an offer, the nest I found has about 50 birds, with the 10 that I brought there should be around 40, therefore, give me each bird at half price, that is, 5 gold coins per bird and I assume that are 40 would be 200 gold coins. (Evan)

-It seems like a good offer to me, the problem lies in whether or not there are 40 birds, it is not that I distrusted, but these are business I can not only take his word for it. (Charlie)

- I'm also a merchant, I perfectly understand your point, how about this, I take your team to the nest, if there are less than 40, each bird pays me 5 gold coins, but if there are more than 40, it will still only pay me 200 coins. so you alone can win. (Evan)

- Sounds like a good deal. (Charlie)

- However, Mr. Carlos, I will not help in the hunt, I will only guide you and the values ​​do not change regardless of whether they are able to hunt them or not, they are not 5 gold coins per captured bird, they are 5 coins per bird in the nest. (Evan)

- I have no problem with that, I am direct and fair, I do not take advantage or let them take advantage that is my principle. Shall we sign a contract? (Charlie)

It may seem that he did not trust him about everything he said, but quoting him himself, business is business, so we signed a contract with the spoken conditions and tomorrow he would guide them to the found nest.

When signing the contract, I took my copy and left the office and went to Fabio and asked him where I could find a storage ring, the one that Alan's father left was very small and could have problems in the future because of the space as a step this time, if the birds weren't so light, I wouldn't have been able to bring them.

Fortunately, there was a store in the building for magical items such as storage rings, so without wasting time I went there to buy a new ring.

I entered the store and a very neat and well-dressed middle-aged man attended to me, clearly seeing me with dirty and poor quality clothes, he looked at me suspiciously, but as a professional that expression did not last long and he asked me what I was looking for.

To avoid problems I told him that I wanted a storage ring of at least 5 cubic meters of space that was simple, without ornaments that would go unnoticed, the manager showed me one that was similar to the one I had in design and with the space I requested.

The ring cost 50 gold coins, without hesitation I bought it, the manager seemed surprised by my decision without hesitation, but again quickly corrected his position and continued with the purchase procedure.

I left with the new ring and the purchase invoice from the store and returned to the inn, upon entering aunt nene greeted me and congratulated me on the good harvest, apparently everyone found out about my capture and also warned me that I could have problems tomorrow However, I told him not to worry and thanked him for the warning.

I quickly went up to my room and went directly to take a hot bath, when I left I was refreshed, I put on my clothes and I realized that it was quite damaged, so I decided to buy new clothes tomorrow.

I went down to the dining room for dinner and it seemed like everyone was staring at me, trying to figure out how I got my booty today, as I didn't want to attract more attention I raised my voice and said.

- Do not look at me that way, I actually found a nest, however, Mr. Carlos already has that information if they want to steal the nest, they will take it from him, not from me. (Evan)

After that statement everyone put a face of resignation, Carlos was the buyer of the condors if someone stole the nest from him it was the same as being banned from the business, so they all resigned and followed their food, from the reception he saw the aunt nene smiling as if she were telling me "Well played".

I finished my dinner and went up to my room to rest, tomorrow I would have to go with Carlos's team to look at the nest, after that business

I would earn good money, while in bed I opened my status to see if I had raised a level, since I felt a strange sensation today after the hunt, but hadn't checked it because I was in alert mode.

Former Name: Evan Mayer
Current Name: Alan Black
Race: Human 

Trader's Apprentice Lv 15
Samurai Lv 20
Assassin Lv 5

Sense of Danger Lv 1
Rapid Cut Lv 1
Stealth Lv 1

Without Titles
Without Titles
Without Titles

When I saw my state, I realized that I had a new job, that of an assassin and the ability to stealth, then I understood, how I killed birds by approaching silently and without prior notice as an assassin would do, I obtained that job and that ability.

Apparently the jobs and skills are obtained according to how you do things, although I used my katana to kill the birds by not doing it according to the samurai fighting style, it did not level up.

The next morning I met with Mr. Carlos's team that had about 20 people and in fact Mr. Carlos himself was there, after greeting him we left the city on horseback towards the nest.

As I no longer had to be aware of looking down looking for nests, we arrived at the nest location after 2 hours, without much noise we saw the nest and Mr. Carlos counted the birds in the nest and there were 42 condors.

After verifying it, he immediately gave me the 200 gold coins that had been agreed in the contract, as Mr. Carlos kept his word, I told him about the place later where he could get off easily and not alert the birds, so My impression on Carlos's mind increased, after thanking me we parted, he with his hunting equipment and I back to the city.

When I got to the city I went to the inn to leave the horse, I asked my aunt nene at the reception about where she could buy cheap clothes, but of good quality and she gave me the street address of the popular market.

In this street it was where the common person bought the things that he needed, while the merchants' union was where the wealthy bought, when I arrived I could hear the bustle of the people.

It was a very busy street, there were stalls in the street and small shops everywhere, many people walking and doing business, I quickly went to the store recommended by Auntie Nene.

It was a small shop that was attended by an old woman of about 50 years, but very energetic, she did not appear her age at all, when she entered she approached me and after telling her that the aunt nene recommended me and mentioning what she wanted she attended to me as The best way.

I bought 5 garments of each, sweaters, pants and underwear, they did not have much design, they were flat designs, work clothes could be said, however, they looked very durable, although the underwear was not the most comfortable it was not like If it was unbearable, I also bought a new hood to hide my face and only spent 5 silver total.

In order not to attract attention, do not keep them in my storage ring, if someone finds out that I have those items they might think that I am wealthy and try to steal me, so I decided to carry the bags with clothes like any common person.

After finishing my purchase I returned to the inn, I went up to my room and organized all the clothes in the closet of the room and I went back out, as the whole city found out that I found a nest of condors, surely they will think that I can find more, so I can't make money out of it anymore, so I went to the mercenaries guild to see if there was any quest I could do.

Since I had my merchant guild ID, I didn't need to get one out of the mercenaries guild, so upon entering I went straight to the quest bulletin board to see if there was anything I could do.

The missions on the bulletin board ranged from cleaning houses to subjugating bandits and monsters, the missions were graded by levels from 1 to 5 with the first being the weakest and with the lowest payouts.

While I was reviewing, there was a mission that attracted my attention, it consisted of subjugating monsters, giant bees to be exact, as Carnation city grew flowers, in summer the giant bees leave the nearby forest to look for pollen, the problem is that being so large they damage the flowers, so at the end of spring a mission is placed to kill the bees before they leave the forest.

They pay a copper coin per dead giant bee, it may sound little, however, it is said that there are millions of giant bees in the forest, so this mission can generate a lot of money and it can also help me to level up.

As it is an open mission, there is no need to notify that this mission is being done, you just have to go to the forest, kill the giant bees and show the wings as proof, so without thinking I decided to take this mission from tomorrow.

With that decided, I asked the receptionist for details about the giant bees, who told me that the danger of the giant bees is that they can shoot their stinger from a distance, which has a strong penetrating capacity, but after doing so they will have to spend 3 days to generate another, plus they always walk in groups of no less than 5 bees.

With that information I returned to the inn, had dinner and went up to my room to rest, since tomorrow I would go hunting for giant bees.

The next morning I got equipped, went down to breakfast and took my horse towards the forest where the bees were, there were many people who were going in the same direction, to do the same mission as me.

The forest was not very lush, but it was very large, because this mission affected the economy of the city, Count Gates established a position to take care of the horses of those who were going to do the mission, so I left my horse and between In the woods.

Half an hour after entering I could see the bees, they were as big as a dog and the number was extreme, it was more a forest of bees than trees, without wasting time I ran towards them with my katana in hand.

Although they were big they were not that fast, on the other hand, they did not fly very high so with a small jump you could hit them, so I did that, I jumped and brandished my katana reaping a life with each blow.

As there were so many, the other mercenaries did not try to steal the wings of the others, since they could hardly carry the ones they had obtained, which was good, since they saved the problems.

After more than an hour of fighting, the bees were exterminated and I had about 200 wings in my possession, as I did not want problems, I quickly and stealthily withdraw from the others, when there was no one around, I kept them in my storage ring and continue my hunt.

It was an easy mission, the bees did not represent any danger and I eliminated them like cutting grass, at noon I ate a lunch ration and continued for a couple of hours, at the end of the day I had 700 pairs of wings which were 7 coins of gold, it was not much, but if you consider that this would be the livelihood of a common family of 4 for 3 and a half months, you would not think that.

I left the forest, took my horse and returned to the city, when I entered I went to the mercenaries guild and presented the wings and received my payment, the guild staff did not seem surprised with the amount of wings I brought, later I found out that that number It was not big at all, there were people who brought more than 5,000.

All that week I spent in a routine, I got up, bathed, dressed, had breakfast at the inn and went to hunt giant bees, I claimed my loot which was 10 gold coins a day, that is 1,000 bees, I returned to the inn I bathed, went downstairs to dinner and to sleep.

At the end of the week the mission was withdrawn, since more than 2 million bees had been eliminated and there were not many more, at the end I won 77 gold coins in that mission and had 368 gold and 5 bronze coins in my ring, also my condition had improved a lot.

Former Name: Evan Mayer
Current Name: Alan Black
Race: Human 

Trader's Apprentice Lv 15
Samurai Lv 28
Assassin Lv 5

Sense of Danger Lv 3
Rapid Cut Lv 4
Stealth Lv 1

Without Titles
Without Titles
Without Titles