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Upon entering the city we were all surprised by its majesty, not only the children were impressed, even Lily and I were in awe, although we had seen it from the viewpoint outside the city, being inside it was something different.

Honestly, it was nothing inferior to the big cities of my previous world, lots of people on the streets, huge buildings of up to 20 floors, wide roads and shops of all kinds, if there was something different, it would be that there were no cars, or buses, or trains, that is to say, the transport vehicles were still wagons and carriages.

Even so, there were many types, from the simplest like ours that was drawn by horses, to automatic ones, the latter were not different from the automobiles of my world, surely they moved with some kind of magic or runes.

There were also no monitors like in large metropolises, where you could see large screens with advertisements and television programs, but still it did not take anything away from the big city.

We all advanced with astonished looks on our faces trying to assimilate everything we saw, especially the children, at the end of the day they lived in a small town and when they were in Lacos it already seemed like a great metropolis to them, so when they saw Liber they could be just in shock.

Although we wanted to take our time to look at the city, the truth was that we had to move constantly, we could not stop and cause traffic, although the roads were wide like highways, the number of carriages was not less than the number of cars in a big city of my old world.

As we did not know the city, we had to stop on several occasions to ask for instructions to get to a comfortable and inexpensive inn, which we were able to locate after 2 hours of travel.

The inn we arrived at was a bit far from the main road, but because of this it was cheap, at least for Liber, it was a 4-story stone and concrete building, it did not seem very old, but as we learned it was more than 100 years old, so this world's architecture was definitely not inferior to my world's, maybe even better.

Upon arriving at the door of the inn, a young man of about 20 years old approached us and cordially welcomed us and invited us to go to the reception, while taking our cart to the back of the building where there was a stable that took care of the animals of the guests.

We entered the reception, which was very spacious, like a large hotel in my world, there were sofas to rest, many plants and paintings as decoration and well lit, surely with some magic stones that produce light.

The children sat on one of the sofas in the reception, while Lily and I went to the counter to reserve a room, this counter was large and there were 3 nice and uniformed young women attending the arrival of the guests.

Approaching one of them, we requested a room, which was more like an apartment, it had 3 rooms, each with a bathroom and a living room, since food was one of the posada's businesses, it had a restaurant, for what the rooms had no kitchen.

After paying 30 gold coins, a young man similar to the one who received us, guided us to our room, which was located on the third floor, it was the furthest from the stairs, upon reaching the door the young man placed a metal card on the door lock and it was opened.

Upon entering the room, the young man handed me the card explaining how it worked and how everything worked and then he left.

I have to admit it looked like a 5 star hotel from my world, but here this was a mid-level inn, that was what surprised me, plus it was too futuristic for a medieval-style world.

This world seemed more advanced than my previous world, the applications of magic could be applied to everything and this made it seem much more advanced than my previous world.

The room had everything, comfortable furniture in the living room, with a dining room for 8 people, the bedrooms had what was necessary, there was a master bedroom with a large bed, a desk and a closet to store clothes, the bathroom was spacious and had a toilet, a shower area and a sink, not to mention that unlike other inns we had stayed in, the hot water here was unlimited.

The other two bedrooms were doubles, the difference with the main one was that there were two personal beds and the bathroom was smaller, everything else was similar.

Another thing that surprised me was the fact that here there was no sexual service like the other inns, but there was room service, in the living room there was a small table, where there was a small black box which served as a telephone, although it only served to communicate with the reception.

After touring the room, we all sat in the living room, no one said a word, we were still assimilating how amazing the place was, but after a few minutes, the silence was broken and the girls got up and went to shower and when they finished we boys did the same.

When we had all showered, we met again in the living room and then I ordered the food to the room, it only took about 20 minutes when a young man pushing a cart entered and served the table, canceled 2 gold coins and then the young man he retired.

We all sat at the table to eat, the food was the best I had eaten since I came to this world, this made me think, if this is a mid-level inn and the service is this good, how would the service of the best inns.

When we finished, we sat down in the living room again and began to discuss the city.

- I can't believe how amazing is all of this. (Christopher)

- Right, everything is so incredible (Alice)

- Well, calm down, we must think about what we will do from now on. (Lily)

- Certainly, we must make a plan. (Evan)

Although that was our intention, the truth was that we could not think of anything, Lily wanted to come to this city because she was full of opportunities, but she had not made any specific plan, so silence reigned.

- Well, it's not like we can make a plan without knowing the city, I think we should rest today and go out tomorrow to explore the city to search for ideas and get to know the customs and the terrain better. (Evan)

Everyone agreeing with my comment, we went to the bedrooms, as always Lily and I took the main bedroom, Cris and Jonathan took another bedroom and Alice the one that was missing.

We must have been very tired, since neither Lily or I were in the mood for night activities and so the night passed and the new day arrived, we met again and had breakfast, only this meal was included with the stay, so we went down to the first floor where the restaurant was and had breakfast.

Having finished, we divided, the women on their own and the men on their own, so in the company of Cris and Jonathan we walked through the city, looking at everything trying to get any information.

Before leaving, we had agreed to return to the inn at dinner time to discuss if we found anything special, but we were actually doing tourism, rather than research.

The city had everything, I was really surprised, I thought that, with my knowledge of my previous world, it would be easy to find something to do business with, but Liber surprised me, the city had everything, factories, hotels, casinos, bars, restaurants , big buildings, honestly they had everything, this frustrated me a bit.

All economic sectors were covered and without finding any business idea we returned to the inn when the sun was setting, Lily and Alice were already in the room when we arrived and sitting with them we started the meeting, but before we ordered dinner.

After paying another 2 gold coins and eating we went back to the living room and started the discussion.

- Does anyone have any ideas? (Evan)

- Honestly, I can't think of anything, Liber seems to have it all. (Jonathan)

- I think we should delay this conversation a bit and clarify some things before. (Lily)

- What do you mean sister Lily? (Alice)

- At this time there are many things that we are missing, I think that I must first share with you some general knowledge, since I have noticed that there are things that you do not know about this world. (Lily)

- Like what? (Christopher)

- Before that I have to tell you my story, so that you understand where I learned everything I know. (Lily)

Then Lily began to tell the story of her life, I already knew this, because she had told me a long time ago, but the children did not know.

The story took about 2 hours to be told, Lily was very detailed with her life, explaining each event, but her story could be summarized in a few words.

Lily, is an orphan, when she was a baby, she traveled with her parents in a merchant caravan, however, one night the caravan was attacked, thanks to her being asleep her parents were able to take her and hide her in a nearby forest allowing her to live.

As every baby woke up the morning after the attack and began to cry, thanks to that she was found by an old man who was passing by, the old man had seen the remains of the attacked caravan and confirmed that Lily's parents had died, as she had a photograph of them when the old man found her and confirmed that they were both among the dead bodies from the attack.

The old man who collected it belonged to the sect of the silver bow, which governs a small duchy near the country of the light elves, to be more exact they are a sect under the control of the light elves.

In other words, they are like the exclusive mercenaries of the light elves, although they are subordinate, it has its advantages, in the end they are one of the biggest powers of the subcontinent, so under their tutelage they have developed very well.

However, they had to have certain conditions, this sect specializes in archery, therefore, they required that the members of the sect to be level 25 archers at the age of 15.

Lily being the adoptive granddaughter of the old man had made good progress in his early years, but when she was 12 years old, the old man passed away and then she was left without support, being so young and without support, leveling up on her own was impossible, so which was soon lagging behind.

In the same way when losing her grandfather, she was isolated and humiliated by the others in the sect, so her childhood was not easy, however, Lily was very intelligent, knowing that she would not reach the required level and that she would be expelled, she used her last 3 years in the sect to learn the best she could from the library.

Being a sect supported by the light elves, their library had a lot of information that was not easy to get in the subcontinent, she thought that this information would help when she was banished from the sect and thus when she turned 15 the sect banished her with a simple wooden bow and 20 arrows.

After telling her story the children had tears in the corners of their eyes, they too had suffered from the goblins attack, but they had not had a life of suffering like Lily.

When she saw them, she just smiled and reassured them, letting them know that she was fine and then the conversation returned to the beginning.

- Well, knowing my history, you will know that I know many things and what I want to teach you is about the status of this world. (Lily)

- Status? (Alice)

- Yes, as you know in this world everyone has a status where the blessings, abilities and titles granted by the gods are established. (Lily)

- If that is clear to us. (Christopher)

- Okay, so what I want to tell you is information about these jobs, skills and titles, Evan, could you tell me your status? (Lily)

The status could only be seen by the person who owns it and it is not advisable to tell it to others, since they could know your secrets, in a battle if you know the status of your opponent you have an advantage, but as in this place there were only Lily and the children, I had no problem saying it, so I opened my status and told them however I omitted the fact that I was a transmigrant and the Sex Lover job since it could bring problems, especially with Lily and Alice.

I had already told them that my name was Alan Black, as well as my whole situation with the Black family and that is why I had changed my name, I had to make this excuse, since I did not see any merit in telling them that I was a transmigrant.

Former Name: Evan Mayer
Current Name: Alan Black
Race: Human 

Trader's Apprentice Lv 15
Samurai Lv 50
Assassin Lv 20
Sex Lover Lv 10

Sense of Danger Lv 25
Rapid Cut Lv 20
Stealth Lv 10
Battle Eye

Without Titles
Without Titles
Without Titles

Lily, was silent for a moment, while thinking about something, after reading my status and when I finished she began to explain.

She told us that there were 3 types of jobs in the world, combat, magic and research jobs.

The first are those who specialize in strengthening the physique, such as samurai, assassin, knight, among others. The latter are attributed to elemental magicians, whether of fire, water, earth, wind, and other elements. And finally, those of investigation were attributed to jobs such as alchemists, scribes, blacksmiths, chefs and similars.

In addition, these jobs had a relationship with people's lives, in this world people's life expectancy is 100 years, but this can be extended thanks to the level of their jobs, for example, people with combat jobs and research jobs would gain one year of life for each level of their jobs and wizards gained 2 years of life for each level.

Apparently as they were in contact with magic their life was longer, in other words, as a samurai level 50, at this time I had 150 years of life expectancy, it should also be mentioned that this is not cumulative, for example, I am also assassin level 20, but not for that I receive 20 years of life, since as a samurai I received that time.

Even so, if I do get a magic job, it will add an extra year for each level, it's a bit confusing, but that's the way it works.

In addition, these jobs have a particularity that surprised me, at first I thought that as my level increased, new skills would be learned, but I was wrong, apparently, regardless of the job you will only learn 3 skills.

Generally they follow the same rule, an ability to fight, as in my case the samurai learns the "Quick Cut" and the magicians some magic like "Fireball", a detection ability like my "Sense of danger" and the last skill it is one of observation and analysis as are my "Battle Eyes".

That is, as a samurai I will not learn new skills, in fact, research works are even more deficient in this sense, since some only provide a single ability.

Hearing about this I felt a bit bad, they were too few skills and when Lily brought up the fact that they would only get to level 100, it was the last straw, this was too lacking.

She also explained why skills like "Battle Eyes" did not have levels, since these improved as the person increased their level, at the end of the day it was an observation skill.

However, then she explain that these skills were only an example, that the gods gave us to develop our own skills, so my mood changed, now I understood, these were tutorial skills if we took it as a game, they were only the basic ones, to get better skills must be created.

After clarifying that, she also commented on the titles, but they had nothing special, they were like medals for completing a test, they offered certain advantages, but even Lily did not know much about them.