E.P. 3 Ace-Ops Fight
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The camera opens up to Ruby coming out of the Tube and she coughs.

Nora:"Ow! Ow! Come on," *The camera moves over to Asher pulling on Nora's ear.* "That was a once in a lifetime experience." *Asher let's go with a snap.* "Ow."

Then Blake comes out all dizzy.

Blake:"Good, because I never wanna do that again." *She fixes her hair.*

They walk ahead and come to a bridge.

May:"All right, robo-girl, you're up. Which way."

Some computer beeps and whirs are heard from Penny. Then Penny turns around and looks at the group.

Penny:"We'll cross the bridge, Then go left, straight, right, straight, left, up, up, right, straith, right, right, straight left, left."

Everyone stares at her with wide eyes.

Penny:"And my name is Penny."

Asher:"Anybody write that down?"

Then may activates her semblance and they all turn invisible.


They get in a elevator and after a few floors the door stops and the group gasps and backs away as two soldiers walk in.

Soldier 1:"I don't think even the squad captain knows what's going on up there. They can't get close to that storm without getting shocked right out of the air."

May looks to the group and puts a finger to her lips.

Soldier 2:"It's creepy. All those Grimm just waiting. Worse than if they'd attacked."

Soldier 1 elbows the other.

Soldier 1:"Hey, don't say that. You'll jinx us."

Then Penny motions to the group to follow her and they start to sneak past the soldiers and out the door.

Soldier 2:"I just hope the C.O. can get us some answers soone, or--"

As Nora walks past the elevator buttons she presses them all and chuckles. The elevator door closes and Asher and Nora fist bump. The group come to a door and they stop and Penny opens her pointer finger and a USB come out.


Penny inserts the USB into a slot on the scanning device and it turns green.

Computer:"Welcome back, Dr. Polendina."

The door opens and they walk through.

May:"All right, where to next, Penny?"

She points to her right.

Penny:"Right through Central Command."

The group sees a room full of people.

Weiss:"Of course."

Asher:"Could be worse."

May:"I can't maneuver us through all that.

Penny turns around.

Penny:"Do not worry. Ruby and Asher are capable of traveling at an extreme velocity from one point to another by breaking themselves down to their molecular components, thus negating their mass, and then reassembling them at the destination. Theoretically making it possible for them to transport all of us the same way, as mass no longer matters."


Asher:*Rubs his head.* "Cool, I think?"

Penny looks to them.

Penny:"You both can use your semblances on all of us."

Ruby and Asher just blink loudly at her.

Blake:"Did Penny just figure that out before you two did?"

Ruby:"Blake, she knew you were a Fanus before I did."

Asher:"I nearly burnt down a forest when I first got my semblance."

The camera the closes and opens up to Ironwood walking through a door.

Ironwood:"Apologies for the delay. today has been... busy. Have you made any progress?"

The camera moves over to Author Watts tapping on a keyboard looking at some screens. One screen has The forged footage of Penny. And the other a blueprint of Penny and a robot arm. Ironwood walks over to him.

Ironwood:"I hate for us to have to try and motivating you..." *He puts his hands on Watts's shoulders.*

Watts:"Given what we're after, I've got all the motivation I need. Sadly, it doesn't make taking down Pietro's magical science project and that one eyed brat any less cumbersome."

Ironwood:"Oh, I trust you can come up with something."

Watts:"Oh, the trust is palpable." *The a alert comes up on a screen.* "Speaking of the man, are you aware that dear Dr. Polendina is gallivanting around you military compound? Un;ess, of course, someone else is using his credentials." *Ironwood growls.*

The camera goes back to the group.

Ironwood:*Speaker.* "A security threat has been detected in the compound. Statues alert Level 3 -- Red. Lockdown initiated." *alarms start to blare.* "Authorization granted to handle any threats with lethal force."


Weiss:"You've got to be joking."

Penny:"The pneumatic tubes have all been closed off."

Blake:"We're trapped."

May:"We passed a hangar. I can hijack an airship and get us off this floating rock."

Penny:"Wait. We can still succeed."

Asher:"Yeah, we've come this far, we can't back out now."

Nora:"Hmm." *She snaps her fingers.*

Then the camera shows may sneaking into the Command center and someone with a cup of coffee walks passed and May trips them. The coffee is sent flying through the air and lands on a console and someone pants the two guys get up as one screams in pain from the hot coffee.

Guy:*sighs.* "Read the sign, Bill." *The camera moves to a sign that says no food or drink in central command.* "Read the sign! Why don't you ever just pay attention."

The guy that got coffee on his pants runs out then Ruby uses her semblance to bring everyone up some stairs.

Blake:"Another thing I don't wanna do ever again."

Asher:"It was awesome."

Then the group walks across a bridge and comes to a door with a force field around it and Penny walks up to the scanner.

Penny:"Stand back please." *She walks up to the scanner and puts her finger USB into the slot and the electric force field turns off.*

Then everyone puts their hands on their weapons ready to draw them as the door opens. The lights activate and the room is empty.

Ruby:"Uh, where is everyone?"

Penny:"This is a highly classified area." *Penny walks to the computer on the other side of the room. Ruby and Asher follow her.*

The electric field activates again. Penny sits down in a chair and sighs.

Penny:*Activates her com.* "Hey, dad? I'm ready." *The her eyes turn yellow and she clears her throat.*


The Pietro's voice comes from Penny.

Pietro:*Both Ruby and Asher jump.* "This process is a little complicated, so I'm remoting into Penny from Amity Colosseum." *She cracks her knuckles."

Ruby:"I see."

Asher:"This has to be one of the weirdest thing I have ever seen."

The Pietro activates the computer then start typing. Then the camera moves over to the others.


Blake"I hope the others are okay. I've never seen Yang, Asher and Ruby fight like this."

Weiss:"Don't worry, they're brother and sisters. Sometimes Sisters and brothers just have very different ideas about what's right."

Nora:"Yeah, they'll be fine. Jaune's a great leader, Oscar's grown a ton, and Yang is more than a capable of protecting them all in a fight."


Nora:"Oh, and of course, Ren is, um... I don't know what he is. Every time I think the two of us are making progress, he...." *she sighs.* "We've been together our whole lives, but I feel like I understand him less now than ever, and I don't know if that's his fault or mine."

Blake:"When you've been at someone's side for so long, after a while they become a part of you. But that's just it. They're only a part of you. Don't forget about the rest."

Weiss:"Then there's when you go through so much with someone." *She looks to Asher who's staring at Penny's typing speed with amazement and she grabs her emblem necklace.* "They do become apart of you."

Nora:"I don't actually know who I am," *She chuckles.* "Without Ren." *She chuckles again.* "Pretty sad, huh?"

Weiss:"Well maybe take this opportunity to find out. Do something only Nora can do."

Nora:"Like what? Be strong and hit stuff?"

Weiss:"At least it's better than Flying and crashing all the time." *She chuckles and looks at Asher.*

Then a computer beeping is heard and the camera moves back to the other three.

Pietro:"I just have to...there." *The beeping stops.* "Downloading the cloned imprint now. When Penny along with Asher get to Amity. We'll run the launch sequence. Amity's computer will try to connect to the general's terminal." *She puts her finger USB into the computer.* "But get Penny instead."

Penny:*Gets control of her body back.* "And after the launch, Asher and I will return to help you all with the evacuation."

Asher:"Doesn't sound to hard."

Pietro coughs.

Pietro:*Com.*About that, Penny. I think you should be on it with Maria and I."

Penny:"But they need me here." *She looks to the group.* "Right?"

Ruby:"Well, if you stay far out of Salem's reach, then she can't open the vault. She can't get to the relic. So..."

Asher:"You'll be safe."

Weiss:"Maybe it is for the best."

Blake:"Um, we should probably head to the hanger."

The group goes back to the door and Penny disables the electric field.

Penny:"I guess we all have to do some things. We would rather not."

The door opens and the group gasps.

Harriet:"Hello, kids."

The camera pans to show the Ace-Ops, minus Clover who's dead, standing on the other side of the door.

Harriet:"Time to come home now, Penny. Asher, your late for duty.

Everyone pulls out their weapons.

Weiss:"So your first time losing to us wasn't enough?"

Marrow:"We were holding back."

Vine:"We have all said and done some things we regret, but please hear me out." *He walks forward.* "I know you thought you were doing the right thing when you left with the Maiden power and help you friends instead of us, but Salem is here now. Things have changed."

Penny:"If General Ironwood plans to leave Mantle behind, nothing has changed."

Asher:"Yeah, tell that jerk I won't be apart of his army if he won't help Mantle."

Vine:*Sighs.* "I thought you were supposed to protect the people, not hurt them. And I thought you Asher were supposed to be loyal."

Penny:"I would never hurt anyone."

Asher:"And I'm loyal to my family and friends."

Elm:"Well Winter's in critical condition because of you, Penny."

Harriet:"And you repaid her by stealing the power that should've been hers."

Asher growls.

Asher:"She had to!"

Penny:"Yes, taking the maiden power was the only way to stop-"

Harriet:"If you two keep refusing to do the right thing, people in Atlas and Mantle are going to die."

Marrow:"You can stop all of this, Penny, Asher. Just come back to us and open the vault, hand over the relic, and you'll save Atlas."

Ruby:"But it won't save Atlas. Salem will find her way to the relic no matter where you go. Once Ironwood opens the vault, the relic is good as-"

Harriet:"One more word and I'm throwing you in jail right next to your uncle. Runt."

Ruby goes to move but Penny stops her.


Penny/Asher:"Leave her alone."

Harriet:"And what are you two gonna do about it, tin can? One eye?"

Both Penny and Asher walk out of the room and Harriet presses a button.

Ruby:"Penny, Asher, no!"

The door behind Asher and Penny close and the electric field activates. Both Penny and Asher turn around. Penny activates the winter maidens powers and Asher puts Redemption into sword form. Penny and Asher looks to each other and nod. Penny makes wind blow at the Ace-ops. Then she launches and air blast at them knocking all but vine away from them.

Play me

Vine launches himself behind the two.

Penny:"You will not hurt my friends!"

Asher:"Let's do this, Penny!"

Penny's swords come out of her back and Vine launches an attack at Penny and Asher and they parry then Harriet uses her speed to attack the two but they both block them. The Harriet rushes again and Asher ducks and punches her in the gunt sending her to the floor. He goes to stab her but Asher is shot in the back by Elm. And he is send a few meters back.

The camera moves back into the room and Weiss's knight is attacking the electric field and the knight shoulder bashes it and then disappears.

Weiss:"Four versus two? Cowards."

Ruby:"Penny's the winter maiden and Asher is one of the strongest people I know. I'm sure they can hold their own for a little bit."

The camera moves back to the other side of the door as Harriet gets up and charges Asher and he blocks her attack with his robot arm and Harriet grabs it.

Harriet:"You could have stayed with us and gotten stronger!"

Asher is struggling to get his arm back and he just head butts her and she lets go and is daised.

Asher:"I'm stronger with my family."

Harriet looks up to Asher and smirks and Asher is confused till he looks to his side and sees one of Vine's well... vines and grabs him and throw him hard onto the ground and keep him their. Asher struggles and notices that the wind has died down and looks to see Elm holding Penny.

Then the wind picks up and again and Elm is thrown off of Penny and Vine's, vine is thrown of Asher.


Marrow throws his weapon and It hits Penny of the bridge and hits Asher in the face.

Asher:*Holding his nose that's now bleeding.* "Why the face man." *He rubs his nose and the bleeding stops.*

Penny flies up and is about to blast the Ace-Ops but Marrow uses his semblance on her.

Marrow:"Stay." *Penny freezes and Vine grabs her and throws her onto the floor.*

Asher:"Penny!" *He rushes at the Ace-Ops.*


Asher freezes with his robot arm behind his back about to swing his sword. He growls.

Harriet smiles and goes behind Asher.

Harriet:"Should've just came peacefully."

Asher hears a few beeps from his arm and after a few seconds Harriet walks to the front of Asher with a smug smile.

The camera goes back to the other side of the door.

Nora:"We have to get out there." *She looks at the force field.* "Be Strong." *She puts her weapon into hammer form.* "And hit stuff."

Weiss:"Nora, wait!"

Nora yells and shoves her hammer into one of the coils of the force field and electricity runs down her hammer and into her. As she absorbs the electricity veins of purple grow across her skin and then she hit the forcefield with her hammer.

The camera moves over to the other side of the door.

Asher is tied up and struggling to get free and Elm is tying up Penny.

Marrow:"Hurry up, Elm. I can't-" *The door explodes throwing all the Ace-Ops away from Asher and Penny.*

Asher looks to the door and sees Nora with purple veins across her skin and the purple disappears but the veins leave scars.

Nora:"That was pretty awesome." *He aura breaks and she falls to the ground.*

Penny:"Nora!" *She gets up and runs over.*

Asher does his best to get up with tied hands and runs over. Penny crouches down to Nora and Weiss walks over to Asher and cuts the cuffs off of Asher and Asher crouches down to Nora. Ruby, blake and Weiss stand in front of the three with their weapons pointing at the Ace-Ops.

The camera moves over to Ironwood.

Ironwood:"Dammit, that was out chance! We only got part of it done!" *He activates his com.* "I need all available squads to converge on-"

Watts:"Wait. I have a message for your operatives."

The camera moves back to the other. Asher had Nora's head in his lap looking down worried at her as Penny has a thunder cloud above her as she flies above everyone. The others rush and attack the Ace-Ops.

Asher:"You'll be okay Nora. If your scary strong strength has anything to say about you'll you'll be fine."

Penny flies over and Asher looks up to see the Ace-Ops gone. Nora grunts as Penny tries to Grab Nora's hammer but it electrocutes her.


The group runs into the Hanger. Penny is carrying Nora. They look around and notice there are no planes, but then a whistle is heard.

May:"You coming or what?"

They run to the sound and enter May's invisible dome to see two planes.

May:"Already to-"*She gasps as she sees Nora.*

Blake:"She's in bad shape. We need to get her somewhere safe."

Everyone looks to Asher.

Asher:"I guess this is where we part for now."

Everyone hugs Asher and when Weiss does she gives him a quik kiss and rubs some blood off his nose. Asher turns to penny.

Asher:"I'll see you at Amity."

Penny nods.

The camera then goes back to Ironwood as he's holding one of Penny's swords.

Ironwood:"Good work."

Harriet:"Tch, good work would've been capturing Penny and Asher."

Ironwood turns around and gives Watts the sword.

Watts:"Well, you know what they say. If you can't beat them, then make them join you."

The camera pans to a computer screen that has what looks like a blueprint of Asher's arm and a upload on it that says virus and it hits a hundred percent. Then the screen turns Black.



2898 words.