E.P. 5 Hurt
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(Another short episode. Sorry.)

The camera opens up to inside the Schnee mansion as Weiss is sitting next a big bed that Nora is laying in. A music box is playing as Weiss is changing Nora's bandages.

Nora:"Now what... am I good for?" *Weiss removes a some hair from Nora's eye.*

Then Ruby and Blake walking in carrying some Hot chocolate.

Ruby:"How is she?"

Weiss:*She walks over to Ruby, as Ruby hands her a cup of hot chocolate.* "I've done what I can, but she needs a doctor."

Blake:"Hopefully, May's able to reach the others. I'm..." *She looks to the window.* "I really hope they're okay."

Weiss:"I hope Asher's okay."

Ruby:*Chuckles.* "Have you met my twin. He's always gets hurt but he makes it back fine. I'm sure he's okay up there."

Weiss grabs her Emblem necklace.

Weiss:"I hope your right."

Blake walks over to the window.

Blake:"Salem's monster is making Grimm faster than the Atlas military can kill them. The city won't stand a chance unless we stop it."

Ruby walks over to Blake.

Ruby:"It's massive. Way bigger that a leviathan. What can we even do?"

Weiss sits down in a chair near the fireplace.

Weiss:"Penny and Asher launched Amity and our message went out. Do we just wait for someone to come? If they even come."

Ruby looks to her Hot Chocolate.

Ruby:"How did it all get like this?"

May then barges into the room.

May:"Fiona said your friends haven't been heard from in a while. Unfortunately, the last thing they're worried about is a couple of kids."

Weiss looks down to her cup.

May:"Come on, I've got the ship ready to head back and--"

Weiss sets her cup down and stands up.

Weiss:"What? We can't leave."

May:"It's chaos at the crater. Atlas has its army, but Mantle only has us. People are dying."

Weiss:"People are dying here, too. Don't you have family in Atlas?"

May:"No. Mantle needed me, and to the Marigolds, that meant I wasn't their son anymore. And I made sure that everyone knew that I wasn't their daughter."

May turns around and crosses her arms.

May:"So forget 'em. They've got Henry, yours have Whitley. You get what I'm saying."

Weiss:"I don't know about--"

May turns around and looks at Weiss in anger.

May:*Angry.* "Which side are you on, anyway?"

Blake:"We've heard that before."

May turns around and her eyes widen then she starts to walk to Blake but Ruby intervens.

Ruby:"There are no sides! We want to help everyone. We're all facing Salem together. And together is the only way we're going to get out of it." *May sighs.*

May:"So, how exactly do we get out of it?"

Little later.

The group is now in the main foyer. May is heading to the door and Ruby and the other two are behind her walking down the stairs.

Ruby:"Wait, what about Qrow and Robyn? Well, maybe if we get them out of wherever they're being he'd, they could--"

May:"No, see you just don't get it!" *She stops and turns to Ruby.* "This is not a situation where everyone winds. Now, you all can come with me to help in Mantle, or I can drop you off near the front lines, if you still want to help Atlas."

May:"Your uncle and Robyn can't save us. We have to choose. So choose."

It's silents for a few moments then there is knocking at the front door and they draw their weapons except Weiss. Weiss walks to the front door with a hand on her weapon. She opens it a little then gasps and fully opens the door.


Klein:*Tips his hat.* "Miss Schnee! I heard there was a patient here who needed my help."

Weiss:"I, I am so sorry, Klein. It's my fault that Father..."

Klein takes of his hat and put it on his chest.

Klein:"Please don't worry, my snowflake. It had nothing to do with you.." *He puts on his hat and his eyes turn red.* "..And everything to do with Jacques." *He walks inside and slams the door shut.*

Weiss:"Well, that's sweet of you. But wait, how did you know--"

Klein:*His eyes turn blue.*"Ah, young Whitley. I'm so glad that you rang!"

The camera moves to show Whitley walking down the stairs.

Klein:"May I please see the patient? I understand it's urgent."

Whitley:"Yes, she's in Weiss's room. Just go up the--"

Klein:"I haven't been gone that long. Master Whitley. I believe I can find it." *He walks up the stairs.*

Whitley looks to his sister and rubs his head.

Weiss:"You called Klein?"

Whitley:"That girl needs a doctor." *He looks away.* "I didn't do it for you."

Weiss:"I know. That's why it means so much to me."

Weiss walks up to Whitley and hugs him. Whitley sighs and hug Weiss back. Then something explodes outside.

Weiss:"Did you call anyone else?"

Ruby walks over to the doors and opens it. She sees a crater with smoke coming out of it. Ruby runs over to the crater with Weiss and Blake following her. They get to the crater and crouch down and look down it.

The smoke clears and they see Penny with green and red blood on her clutching onto Asher with some green and red blood on him, he looks like he's dead. Penny reaches up to the others.

Penny:"I'm, I'm sorry." *She passed out.*

The camera pans to a view of the moon then turns black.



906 words.