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James Potter's fan. Don't continue from here on out.


"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches... Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies...though there will be a person willing to stop the Chosen One...Born with exact distinctions...she will try to stop him at all costs...". Dumbledore looked shocked as he was being revealed of the prophecy that could change the wizarding world as Trelawny faints from this.

But there was another listener, who they didn't know: Severus Snape. But he was shooed by Aberforth before he could hear the complete one. 

Snape's POV

I'm currently soaring through the skies and above Godric Hollow. My least favorite place in the world. This is where my enemy lives and here was where I lost my love. A tear trickled in my eyes. That's when I saw a caped girl in this heavy rain. From above she seemed to be pregnant. *Scoffs* What sort of man leaves her woman who is pregnant in this heavy rain? Well, not my problem. I wouldn't want to do anything in this town. But that's when I saw her Auburn hair. I got curious. I went down to see her. That's when I saw a pair of green eyes that's exhausted and long lost their luster. It was Lily. She seemed so shocked to see me. I bent my eyes down to see her stomach. I confirmed it. She was pregnant with Potter's child. Her delivery date seemed soon. I remembered the prophecy I just heard. My stomach sank. If I tell my lord, he would definitely kill her. What the hell should I do? At that moment of confusion, she spoke "Severus?" Her voice still melts my heart. I didn't meet her eyes out of guilt. She started quivering. I looked at her to see her crying. Lily is a very strong-willed girl. But to see her crying. I searched for any marks of abuse. I swear if that bastard did anything to her- that's when I saw a ministry of magic sealed letter in her hands. I took it out of her hands and opened the letter to read it.

Dear Mrs. Lily Potter

Good morning Mrs.Potter. As per the case filed by Mr. James Potter on Household abuses, an unforgivable curse on the filer and marriage for money. As you didn't attend any of our summons, you've been judged guilty. But because of our leniency and considering you are a filthy muggle-born, we've decided to expel you from the magic society and kill your child as a punishment. I hope you obey these rules or we would be forced to take severe actions against you. Please come to the ministry before 22:00 hours. 

With Respect

Bruno Jackson

I stood there baffled "What the shit!". Lily stood there crying. I went near her and hugged her. She was surprised but hugged me back and started crying in my chest. I apparated to my home. "I need to go to the ministry, Severus," she said while shivering. "Do you want your child to live or not?" I asked her with sternness. She flinched again. I guess my voice became too cold. "Yes, but-" she started. I interrupted her. "Do you want revenge?" I asked her looking at her eyes. She was scared hesitating. "I don't want Lily Potter to answer. I want the independent Lily Evans to answer," I said searching in her eyes with coldness. Please just say yes. Lily, this is the only way to save you. Just don't reject it. "Yes," she said staring at me looking sincerely with no hesitation in her eyes. "Use me, Lily. Use me as a tool for your revenge. You certainly aren't in the condition to take it yourself," I said looking at her. She shivered still in wet clothes. She looked at me guiltily. "I know what I said was wrong in our fifth year. I regret it till this moment. I'm still your friend Lily. Even if you don't think like that just think of me as your wand," I said tearing up. She nodded. "There will be warm dresses in there and give me all the dresses you are wearing now and I mean everything," I said as she blushed.

She meekly nodded and came wearing warm dresses after some time while drying her hair. She gave me those dresses. "Did you tell you, Potter, you were a Metamorphmagus?" I asked her while I remembered advising her not to tell to anyone. The only people who knew of this were Andromeda, Sirius, Remus, me, and another one Metamorphmagus (dead) that trained her. Andromeda because after her daughter was identified as a Metamorphmagus, Lily gave some advice to Andromeda about how she should train and take care of her. Sirius and Remus bumped into us when we were training in a secret classroom. 

(I made Sirius and Remus sort into Slytherin as Sirius was obviously one of my favorite characters and I didn't want to relate him to James. Remus was a hatstaller but he chose Slytherin to his friend Sirius. Yep, I didn't want Nymhadora's husband to be James' friend. So only Prongs and Wormtail were in the Marauders)

"I didn't say to anyone. I swear" she said. I sighed with relief. "Ok, you shouldn't regret anything in the future. If you now take this step now, you can never go back. You will be involved with the Dark Lord himself. He may even try to force you to become a death eater" I said to her as I showed the mark on my left hand. She gasped seeing it. But controlled herself. She gave me a determined look and nodded. "If it is to save my child, I can do anything," she said. That's a mother's determination. I can sense Potter's death. He won't be living past tonight. I looked at my childhood crush sitting in front of me touching her belly protectively. I smiled. I hope I'm not bad at it.

To be continued.....