CHAPTER 17 – An Annoying Trap
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(I invite you to read "A romantic comedy with a ghost girl" and "I am an inferior being with the ability to seduce women". Both available in my profile. Please leave lots of comments. The romantic comedy one is my favorite. Saik is my husband xd)

CHAPTER 17 – An Annoying Trap

Well, Dreimo, you're doing great! Nothing relatively bad has happened, except for the idiots at the bus stop, the pedophile stalker I killed when I caught him pretending to bump into little girls to touch their chests, the idiot who tried to grope Yuik's chest, the children who tried to steal from us (I didn't kill them because they're children, but I did give them a good scare), the scammer who didn't want to give us the prize I had rightfully won (I didn't kill him because it would be exaggerated), and... I think that was all. There were also some exhibitionists having sex in the bathrooms and hidden places, but it was enough to put a soundproof field around them so that Yuik wouldn't hear them. Well, only I could hear them thanks to my super hearing, but I didn't want to risk it.

Wow, amusement parks are more dangerous than I imagined. I think the fact that it's children's favorite place should change, or at least have more security.

But hey, the important thing is that Yuik had fun!

We went on half of the rides, but to avoid getting bored because some rides are similar, we decided to take a break and eat.

Yes, today has been an excellent day. I hope it continues like this.

"Thank you very much," I said, smiling!

I don't care if my smile makes you a little uncomfortable, Mr. employee of this fast-food establishment with a minimum wage and frustrated dreams, condemned to work for the rest of your life in something you don't enjoy, just to have some food on your table. No one will take this smile off my face! Do you see that girl sitting at table 4? She's my friend! Yes, a true friend. Jealous, huh? Don't worry, if I could, you can too. Don't lose faith, old man.

Well, it was a pleasure pretending to talk to you and showing off my happiness, but I have to go. Say hi to your wife and kids... Ah, now I feel jealous of you.

I picked up the food I ordered and sat with Yuik to enjoy the meal. Two huge burgers with fries, and the entire collection of toys that come with the kids' combos, but I didn't keep those combos, only the toys, the rest will be given away by the employees. To whom? No idea. They didn't want to sell me the toys separately, so I had to buy the combos. Yuik won't be left without her complete collection!

There are no more toys, but fortunately, I managed to buy the whole collection.

How lovely, she got very excited when she saw them and immediately took one to examine it closely. These toys are colorful horse figures, in a cartoon style. They are very childish, but also cute. And since Yuik loves adorable and cute things, she loved these toys very much. It doesn't show on her face, but it does in her body language.

She's moving her feet under the table, swaying from side to side, trying to control her excitement, and her hands don't stop moving. Oh, and she's blinking a lot too, although I'm not sure if that's due to her excitement or because she doesn't know how to express what she feels.

Well, in summary... She looks very cute playing with her toys... Toys... like a little girl... How tough must Yuik's childhood have been, or rather, her life as a whole? Did she have a nice or difficult childhood? Either way, I won't investigate, mainly because it's something that shouldn't matter to me. I have to respect Yuik's personal life... And I'm afraid of what I'll feel if I find out. I prefer to remain ignorant about it.

"Let's eat first. Hot burgers taste better than cold ones."

Yuik nodded quickly and left her toys on the table. She loved them, so I am more than satisfied with my purchase.

... Am I spoiling her too much? I think so, a little. If I get her used to this, it could harm her in the future. For now, it's fine because she needs happiness in her life, but gradually I'll have to moderate her luxuries... Right?

Honestly, with all my power and money, I could easily afford her luxuries for thousands of years, but what I want is for her to have a normal life, just like me... I think I don't even know what I'm doing. I should research more about this.

And, by the way... The food in this place is very expensive! They made me spend three times more than what I spent on the tickets to buy all this! That's why everyone is staring at me so much because I'm like some kind of rich guy who spends foolishly without fear of the consequences, filling people with envy, at least with men, with women I'm something like "their dream come true" because I'm handsome and wealthy, and that's why they look at Yuik with hatred and envy, for being my companion. I'm using illusion magic to prevent Yuik from realizing that, so she can eat peacefully.

Human emotions, so easy to manipulate.

Ah, I'm so lucky to have a lot of money, it makes my life easier. "Money makes the world go round," such a true phrase. And that thing about "money doesn't bring happiness," it's just something that poor people say to not feel miserable... I guess.

I've never experienced poverty, so I don't know how much money influences happiness. I lived as a vagabond for over 20 years, but during that time, I was quite expressionless and serious, and "he" spoke for me, so I didn't feel human, just someone without direction, which is why I can't know if poverty affects happiness.

But well, I don't care about spending a lot of money, I can easily get it. I just have to go to the King and hit him a little so he gives me money. And if he gets more wives, I'll stick a cucumber up his ass again. I'm still considering making polygamy illegal, because that wouldn't make me any different from being a Demon King, forcing the world to be as I want it to be, that's why I avoid making unnecessary changes.


And I also have the money I stole from the criminals of this world when I took care of them for forcing women to become drug addicts, condemning them to sell their bodies to get more drugs and filling the pockets of those scumbags with money. Scumbags who, at this moment, are being brutally penetrated by disgusting demons, and then beheaded and bathed in lemon juice... Ah, I just got an erection imagining that.

I'm definitely not a hero, and I'll never be one, but at least I won't be like before.

A true hero would distribute the money from the criminals to the poor, but I'm not a good person, and even though I want to be and always help good people in need, deep down I know that I only do it to compensate for my past mistakes, and it's impossible to deceive myself by saying that I do it because I'm a good person, because I know perfectly well that I only do it because of the guilt that torments me.

Ah... The money from the criminals... I got it, it's mine now.

If I see a poor child on the street, I wouldn't feel sorry for him, unless his soul is filled with goodness.

But if his soul is evil or normal, I wouldn't care.

I don't feel pity for anyone, and I know perfectly well that it will never change in me, because even if I try to change, I'm so used to being who I am that it's impossible to change how I am... A son of a bitch.

... Shit, I got too distracted thinking about what a son of a bitch I am.

But that's how my character development is, it's not my fault. The Gods turned me into what I am now. And the same Gods who turned me into what I am, they...

... No...




Why? I want to change, to be different from my past self, but no matter how hard I try, I still resemble that monster, and even I know that it's impossible to change that part of... me...


No, no, no.

I didn't mean to say that... I didn't want to say that... Dreimo, you were supposed to say that you wouldn't think about your past anymore!!

Why am I always thinking so much about my past?

... Time stood still as I think about my past... as always...

"Always... Do I amuse you that much, Supreme Goddess?"

"Hahahahahaha!! That's why you're my second favorite character! After my future husband, of course. Fufu."

She appeared in front of me and sat on my table.

Tsk. What a nuisance.

"I love seeing you stressed. Hahahahahaha!"

"What did you do to me?"

"Nothing, all I did was slow down time when you think about your past and your way of being, or in this case, when you go on for too long, stop time."

"Why? I don't owe you anything anymore."

"This is for personal amusement, but the part where you think too much about your past, that's something only you do, I have nothing to do with it."

"... Me...? Ah..."

"That sigh means you already know what it means. Goodbye."

She disappeared and slowly time returns to normal.

Thinking too much about my past makes me feel more guilty about being happy now that I have Yuik in my life. I try to sabotage my own life, huh?

... Keep going, Dreimo... as always.

"Are you enjoying the burger, Yuik?" - I said with a smile, watching Yuik chew her burger.

She nodded quickly, with her mouth full and lips stained with ketchup.

With the context that she is a vampire girl, her lips having ketchup, well... it's so adorable to see!!

I secretly took a picture of her with my phone. Fufu. I have a new wallpaper... Huh?

Pffff. Hahahahahaha! What an idiot! Hahahahahaha!

"Ma'am, are you okay?!"

"M-my hip hurts."

An old lady fell and is crying! Hahahahahaha! What an idiot, she slipped and fell on her ass! How stupid you are, you useless old sh...!

I bit my tongue hard until I literally cut it and swallowed it. It will regenerate in seconds, but at least it helped me stay in control.

No, no, no, no, no, no... No... You can't laugh at that...! You want to, but you shouldn't. You shouldn't... Ah... Probably most people who saw the fall found it funny, but they don't show it because they know it's wrong to laugh at someone's misfortune. I don't feel guilty for laughing at that, because it's normal for a stranger's fall to make you laugh, but I have to be a good example for Yuik.

She felt bad for the old lady, I can tell by the beats of her heart. She's worried and it hurts her to see her suffer. If I laugh at that old lady, I will look evil, diminishing the trust Yuik has in me.

... Don't laugh... Don't laugh... I can't hold it anymore!

I took out my phone and pretended to be looking at something.

I covered my mouth and chuckled a bit.


Well, now I have an excuse to laugh.

Hahahahaha! The old lady fell on her butt!

Ah, sorry, Yuik, but I couldn't help it. She fell in a funny way.

Ah... Yes, I think I'm over it now.

I put away my phone.

"Sorry, an acquaintance from this world sent me a funny video."

Ah... I'm a jerk... But at least I'm not evil... Well, not 100%.

If I were evil, and considering that I'm a son of a bitch, I would have joined forces with the Demon King a long time ago and lived the rest of my life doing whatever I wanted, without any limits.

But I'm not interested in conquering a world... Not again. And in this life, I have had enough power to do it easily.

I just want a peaceful life and have friends. That's all.

... Ah... And I also want a girlfriend.

But this time, I want a real girlfriend. A girlfriend whom I love with all my heart. A girl who makes me say, "I want to be with her for the rest of my life." A woman... or a man. Fewer beings from other worlds, because it's not normal for a human to marry an extraterrestrial, and also because all beings from other worlds hate me to death for raping their Goddesses and forcing them to sacrifice their firstborns for mere fun, and also... Ahhhhhh! I'm thinking about my past again! Don't slow down, time, I'm done!

... Although I doubt I will ever fall in love.

... Ah... In my first life, I was destined to be the God of Love, and I have never truly fallen in love. Sant is the closest I got, but I only felt friendship towards her, our childhood friendship never evolved into love for me, mainly because the childhood of the Gods spans the first 100 years of life, and Sant and I stopped seeing each other when... Ahhhhhh! Stop remembering your past!

Tsk. I'm a weird bastard.

Ah, time returned to normal and Yuik continues to happily eat her fries, as I made her believe that the old lady was already better, although the reality is that she fractured something and was taken to the hospital.

Humans are so fragile.

"They're delicious, right?"

Yuik nodded quickly and I took a sip of my drink. Yuik imitated me and started drinking hers.

The soda is too sweet for her, that's why I gave her a lemonade.

We still have a lot to enjoy, Dreimo, stop thinking about your past, you've already annoyed the readers enough with that... Readers? Ah, now I'm pretending to be the protagonist of a novel to calm myself down, saying stupid things... Seriously, what's happening to me lately?


Tsk. A kid grabbed one of the toys.

Kid, that toy is Yuik's! Leave it there or...!

Wait... It smells bad. He hasn't bathed in... 3 days. He hasn't eaten in 4. And he hasn't washed his clothes in a week.

A street child. Let's see his soul... Normal, just a little more goodness than evil, but not enough to want to help him... Or at least that would be normal.

Yuik noticed his situation and was about to give him her burger, but it won't be necessary.

"Hey, kid, go to that employee, the one with the big mustache and serious face. Tell him to give you all the burgers you want, and that I sent you. Don't worry, they're already paid for."

"Really, sir?!"

Sir. That sounds nice. It makes me feel old. What a pleasant feeling.

"Just that I think there are no more toys."

Or they told me that to not give me more, thinking I was a reseller.


He... he got sad?! Hey, I'm giving you food, something you do need! Why are you getting sad?! Do you prefer a toy over food?! It doesn't...! Make sense... Does it really not make sense?

This boy is... 4 years old... At his age, I had hundreds of toys... Are toys so important for children? I thought kids nowadays, in this world, only have fun with videos and video games. Are there still children who want to play with toys?


Yuik... Are you... Are you giving him your toys that you wanted so much?

But... you were so happy playing with your horses just a moment ago. Why are you giving away your happiness so easily to someone else...?

Empathy... It's not that you feel you don't deserve to be happy, you just want to make someone else happy... You feel empathy for a little boy who clearly isn't happy, and you want to see him happy, just like I want to see you happy. Will we feel the same sensation?

Empathy... It's still something difficult for me to feel. I feel for people who are like me and very caring people, but I don't feel for others.... I still have a long way to go.

"Take it, buy yourself a lot of food and new toys. These are already used," I said, winking, as I offered money.

"Follow him" is what I said in code, tapping the table with my fingers.

"Thank you!"

He snatched the money and ran off, leaving the toys behind. Suspicious, but I won't worry more about it; let Sombra (Shadow) take care of it.

"Children in his situation need food to move forward, not toys. It's nice for him to have fun with toys, but it's better for him to have a plate of food on the table than toys, don't you agree, Yuik?"

She nodded.

"If you had given him the toys, his parents might have sold them to buy food... or drugs, in the worst case."

She startled, frightened, upon hearing the latter, and I smiled at her to reassure her.

"Money has a spell, the one I used on those girls to cure their addictions. Don't worry, he'll be fine."

She nodded quickly and blinked many times. Is that her way of showing happiness or excitement? I think so because I don't sense sadness in her being.

"It was very kind of you to want to give him your toys. I think you would be... a great hero."

Idiot, you were about to say "mother." Idiot, idiot, Yuik has had dozens of abortions, don't remind her.

Oh, she's writing.

She showed me what she wrote.

It says: "Thank you very much. You are a great hero. The best of all! And I am very grateful to be your friend."

If only you knew how happy you make me, Yuik...

"Thank you for being my friend too, Yuik... My best friend..."

"Ahhhhhhhh!! That title belongs to me!" shouted the useless Goddess in my mind.

Tsk. You ruined the emotional moment.

"Well, let's keep eating; it's getting cold."

Yuik nodded, and we continued eating.

"Parents killed, and the child with a new identity," said Sombra in my mind.

Killed, huh? Possibly my theory about drugs was correct; it's even worse, considering Sombra killed them without asking me.

Poverty and crime, although most refuse to accept it, go hand in hand; after all, hunger forces us to do anything to have something in our stomachs... Ah, whatever, I don't care. At least it allowed me to see Yuik happier than before.

Well, it's getting dark. Mission accomplished; we rode all the rides, twice! Yuik loved them so much, that's why we sacrificed the games at the small booths to use that time on the rides, except for some that interested Yuik.

We've been here all day, but it's time to go back.

We need to return to the other world and rest.

Also, being out for so long is suspicious.

"Let's go, Yuik..."

Oh, look at that. She's looking at a teddy bear too much. A pink plush. Is that her favorite color? I suspect it is because her favorite horse was also pink.

I can buy it. Yes, I know I said I wouldn't spoil her so much, but I've already bought her so many toys and decorations; one more won't hurt.

I approached her and pointed my finger at that booth.

"I'll buy you the teddy bear."

Yuik blinked many times and wrote in her notebook: "Thank you."

Yes, I'll definitely get it for you!



Oh, that guy is stubborn.

I tried to convince the employee to sell me the teddy bear, but I can only get it by playing his stupid game of knocking down all the cans with a ball. I wanted to avoid this game because I know it's a scam, and I didn't want to attract attention, but he's not giving me another option.

The ball is very light, and the cans at the bottom have something inside that makes them heavier and harder to knock down. And I feel an electromagnetic mechanism in the board under the cans of the third pyramid, which I'm sure activates when they play to get the huge teddy bear, the size of a human.

Tsk. I can't waste more time.

"I want a single shot to get the grand prize."

"The first ball is complimentary. Good luck," he said, smiling.

I'll wipe that smile off your face.

I took the ball, positioned myself, even further back to avoid them saying I moved forward, and threw the ball.

Boom. I knocked down all the cans on my first attempt.

Obviously, I used magic on the ball to make it heavier and deactivated the electromagnetic field. Magic is incredible if you know how to use it; it can do anything.

The witnesses applauded me, including Yuik, who imitated the others, while the employee didn't know how to react, so I just approached him, smiling triumphantly.

If only you had sold me that stuffed bear, you would have saved a lot of money.

"Give me my prize."


Oh, how easy, I thought you were going to make excuses.

They handed me a huge stuffed bear. Originally, I wanted the small one, but Yuik got more excited when she saw the big one, so I decided on this one.

"Let's go home."

Now, let's go home and sleep.

I left the stuffed bear on Yuik's bed and sat on my own bed, which is next to Yuik's bed.

"It was a long day, and we have work tomorrow, so we should sleep."

Yuik nodded and lay down on the bed.

... Yuik fell asleep... How adorable, she fell asleep hugging the stuffed bear.

I would like to stay and watch more, but it's time to solve a certain problem.

I got up from the bed and left the room.

Someone entered the house while we were away. I feel magical energy that doesn't belong to us.

I'm not worried about them seeing the stuffed bear. This world, despite not having electricity, is much more advanced compared to other magical worlds.

Here, there are also giant stuffed bears.

... And there are plush toys with my image... How embarrassing.

Well, it doesn't matter.

The trail is recent. Someone was here two hours before we arrived.

Sniff, sniff... Tsk. I recognize this magical power.

Ah, that idiot.

I entered the bathroom and checked the magical device disguised as a bucket of water... Yes, it's still working.

This magical device works as follows. When an unknown person enters the bathroom, illusion magic activates, and the unknown person sees the bathroom as a normal bathroom of this world. My bathroom is very modern, so I don't want them to discover that I have this bathroom.

That idiot also went into the bathroom, but she saw it as a normal bathroom of this world, didn't find anything strange... Perfect, I'm safe... Now I'll go after her.




I think... I'll have a drink after this. It's not the first time I've seen a trans person masturbating while touching their breasts, but it is the first time one of my disciples has done it... I don't know how to feel about it.

"No, Dreimo... Don't lick me there... More, kiss me more."


"Kya! I love it when you spank me!"

"... You're crazy. Wake up, idiot!"

I woke her up by kicking her, knocking her to the floor. I prefer to avoid hitting you, considering you're a masochist, but I couldn't help it. You entered my house, and you deserve to be punished.

"Kya! Who the fuck woke me up from my wet dream...?! Dreimo?!"

I threw her underwear in her face.

"I need a favor. Put on your clothes, stop saying stupid things, and come with me."

"At your service, boss!"

Tsk. Wet dream... Well, I can't blame her. Being handsome in my new life was a "reward" given to me by the Supreme Goddess for defeating the 7 rulers of the new hell. My perfect soul made me handsome, but she made me much more handsome. Why? For a simple reason: it's cliché. That idiot wants to turn me into a cliché. She wants me to be the typical... Ah, I was going to say the typical protagonist who succeeds at everything and never feels in danger, and being handsome, I would be surrounded by beauties, to satisfy the Supreme Goddess's thirst for entertainment, to see if I succumb to the pressure and break my promise of never having a harem, or if I fight to keep my promise and get rid of all those women, and yes, that's how it is... Damn it.

This is one of the "advantages" of being handsome, but for me, they're disadvantages. Tsk.

She finished changing... She's in her underwear... And her erection is noticeable... And her nipples can be seen because her underwear is somewhat transparent.

... Seriously, is it so difficult to lead a normal life?


She jumped on me and hugged me... and I feel like she's rubbing her thing against my crotch.

"Are you here to do naughty things with...? Kya!"

I squeezed her testicles with my hand, but not in a sexual way, but in a painful way... Although I just remembered that she's a masochist, and she liked it. Tsk.

Let's just finish this, I want to go rest and forget about this.

I carry her in my arms.

"Kya! I missed feeling your muscles! Will you make me yours...?! Hmmmmmhh!"

I cover her mouth.

"I told you not to say stupid things. Save the harassment for later."

With a kick, I destroyed a wall, to save time.

"Uwaaaah! My house!"

"Any complaints?"

"N-no. Well, tomorrow I'll buy another one."


Well, we arrived. In this forest... nothing happens. But it looks spooky, perfect for giving her a false mission and not suspecting anything.

"And what are we doing here?"

"In this forest, there are demons. Or, well, there used to be, I already killed them."

"Demons?! So there are still some hidden. I suspected it."


Is she believing it so easily? Demons cannot survive without their Demon Lord, it's impossible for them to still be alive.

But well, I'll take advantage of her stupidity.

"I'm tracking the leader, that's why I'm going to the "Kein" continent, I followed his magical trail to that place."

"Do you want me to go with you?!"

"No, I want you to stay and watch over this country. I don't trust the other heroes, not after what they did to me..."


She caresses my cheek, believing my fake expression of sadness. This is so easy, it's making me feel sorry for her.

"Would you help me? You're the only person I trust."

"Y-yes! I won't disappoint you!"

"Thank you very much... Now I must go. Goodbye."

I flew away from the place.

"Kya! As cool as always... Wait... Who will take me back home? Don't leave me here, Dreimooooooo!!"

Oh, right, I flew for an hour to get here. I can't punish you with physical punishments because that excite you, but I can give you this kind of punishment. Let it be the last time you enter my house!

I appeared in my bathroom and sighed.

"I hope this completely frees me from her suspicions and she stops harassing me."

I didn't send her to another continent because she is my student and I am her master.

I don't want my student to waste her abilities.

I want her to continue being an adventurer.

I don't want to send her on a mission that doesn't exist.

I don't want her to waste her life.

After all, even though she's a masochistic stalker, at least she hasn't betrayed me... Huh?

My... crotch is stained with...

"The next time I see her, it will be worse for her."
