Chapter 136
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The frog looked like it wanted to stomp on them, which made Lucius nervous. He stepped forward and pointed at himself.

“I am Lucius Orlock, this is Elmar Denrivir and these two are Diana and Dereck Raskovik. We just want to get to the elven capital.” Said Lucius. The frog jumped in place and bathed them in swamp water again.

“Is that so? Well, why are you at the very edge of the forest? The capital is at the other side of the forest. This is my swamp and I don’t want any visitors!” Yelled the frog.

“And we feel it would be better not to be your guests.” Said Dereck. “We just want to pass.”

“But have you paid the toll?” Asked the frog. The four looked at each other.

“We have not. What is it?” Asked Elmar.

“You have to serve me once. There is another frog, bigger than I, that claims this swamp is hers. Go and teach her a lesson. I was here first.” Said the frog, and it blew air into its chin. It extended like a balloon.

“Have you ever fought with that frog for ownership of the swamp?” Asked Lucius. There were no scars to be seen on the frog, and he felt like he already knew the answer, but he asked anyway.

“No. She is bigger. How do I fight someone bigger than me?” Asked the frog.

“You just want to use us to get the swamp, but what would happen when another frog comes along? Bigger than even this other one. Then the swamp will become theirs, and you will be left with nothing again.” Said Lucius. The frog seemed to think over his words, and it lowered its head.

“What do you suggest then?” Asked the frog.

“Well, negotiate with the other frog. You can share the swamp. We have walked for a day, and we still don’t see the end of it. Surely, you can share?” Asked Diana.

“I can share, yes. But she can’t. Don’t you think I haven’t tried to share already? This is the edge of the swamp. The beginning to the forest of plenty.” Said the frog with a sigh. “There are no swamps in No Man’s Land, or I would have gone there.”

“Let us go and try talking to the other frog.” Said Diana, and off they went. The frog carried them on its back, and it hopped through the swamp. It neared a giant cave, and it raised on its back legs and threw the adventurers in the water.

“There she is. Dardilla the frog.” Said their frog and a giant orange one came from the cave, wielding a spear threateningly.

“Who goes in Dardilla’s swamp? Farilla, is that you? I told you to scram.” Said Dardilla. The adventurers rose from the water and stepped in front of Farilla.

“Madam Dardilla, Farilla doesn’t need much space. What, do you want to let her share your swamp with you?” Asked Diana. She neared the orange frog and pointed at her bag. “We have coin.”

“Do you have enchanted items?” Asked Dardilla. “I want to become a dungeon core.”

“This territory is Esmer von Kleindorf’s.” Said Farilla, and she used one of her legs to make a circular motion. “She will roast your legs on a stick!”

“We can’t give you an enchanted item.” Said Elmar. He felt it would be better not to be the one who let someone move into Esmer’s territory. She would rip him a new one if he did. “But you have to let Farilla live in the swamp. There are no other swamps in this part of the continent.”

“Yes there are. She could go deeper to the Rotten Leaf swamp.” Said Dardilla.

“Why are we negotiating with a frog?” Asked Lucius, hand on his sword. “When we can beat it up!”

He was drenched, tired and hungry. It didn’t help that the food they had in their bags was now drenched in swamp water and thus inedible. Along with their clothes and other belongings.

“Lucius!” Said Diana, she waved her hands at Dardilla and made a calming motion with them.

“Dardilla, why do you not want for Farilla to share your swamp?” Asked Diana. The frog snorted.

“She called me an ugly ball.” Said Dardilla. The four turned to Farilla.

“And she called me a dim duckling.” Defended herself Farilla.

“Are you two sisters?” Asked Dereck suddenly. The two frogs nodded. Dereck went and placed an arm around Diana’s shoulders.

“This is my sister. When I am angry at her, I call her names too, she responds by calling me Dede.” Both frogs burst out laughing, and Dereck rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.

“Yes, laugh. But we know to value each other. The swamp is not just yours, Dardilla. It is Farilla’s, too. And if you don’t claim it together, then someone else will come and claim it. Soon, too. It is a nice swamp.” Said Dereck, and he nodded towards Diana. She caught up on what he was doing and spoke.

“Very nice and damp. Must be full of insects. In fact, we will take it from you.” Said Diana, and she took out her sword. The rest of them pulled out their weapons too.

“Oh, no, Farilla. They look strong!” Said Dardilla as she backed away from the adventurers. With one quick jump, Farilla was by their side.

“Not stronger than the two of us, sister. Humans, if you want to fight, then you will get a fight!” Said Farilla, and she began to jump in place while Dardilla began to expand her chin.

“Oh, no, Di. They look strong. We will face defeat.” Said Dereck, it came off as a joke, but the frogs were bigger than him, and so he was not certain of his victory.

“Well, Dede, I guess we have to retreat. To the road, everyone!” Said Diana and the four of them ran back to where they last saw the road.

“Do you think that the two frogs will get along from now on?” Asked Dereck as they ran through the muddy water.

“They just needed someone to remind them they are siblings. But this was not a waste of time. The frog covered a long distance with its big jumps. Look, another light. Perhaps even a sign?” Said Diana, as the three kept running and laughing.